Usage Declaration

European Language Diversity for All
ELDIAdata - Database
Usage Declaration
1. General Principles
ELDIA is an interdisciplinary research consortium, financed by the 7th Framework
Programme of the European Commission, with participants from seven European
universities. ELDIA gathers information about the use of languages among fourteen speaker
communities, by way of questionnaires and interviews. In this research, ELDIA is committed
to the principles of good scientific practice, data protection and protection of the private
sphere of the informants, as required by national laws and by the conditions set by the
European Commission.
Head of the research project is Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anneli Sarhimaa. The collected data are stored
at the Department of English and Linguistics, Northern European Languages and Cultures, at
the University of Mainz. The data will only be accessible for researchers who commit
themselves to the principles of good scientific practice and data protection. In no case will it
be made available for commercial, political or other non-scientific purposes.
To access the data, the Requester has to file a Usage Request (see below) to the Board of
Administration of ELDIAdata which consists of representatives of the institutions that
participated in the ELDIA project. The Board of Administration will decide upon the request
and give access to the requested part(s) of the data base. Any decision remains fully at the
discretion of the Board of Administration.
Researchers who participated in the ELDIA project have a privileged access to the data during
two years after the end of the project, i.e. until 30 September 2015. Data to be used for
specific projects identified and applied for by the ELDIA researchers within this time is
reserved for them exclusively during this period. However, the Board of Administration of
ELDIAdata encourages the wide use of the comprehensive data by all researchers also during
this time.
Applications for the use of ELDIAdata should be made with this form and be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Anneli Sarhimaa
FB 05 Department of English and Linguistics - Northern European and Baltic
Languages and Cultures (SNEB)
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18
55099 Mainz
Access to the data shall be approved only for well specified research purposes. Any changes
to the research plan and its purposes must be notified to the Board of Administration. All
data should be used with due respect to the rules of data protection applying to all research
within the EU and under German law. Violations of the present declaration shall be dealt
with under German law and by the University of Mainz.
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Helsingin yliopisto, Finland | Tartu Ülikool, Estonia
Ålands fredsinstitut, Finland | Oulun yliopisto, Finland
Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenia | Universität Wien, Austria
2. Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct determines the ethical guidelines and stands as the basis of an
agreement for all users of the ELDIAdata database and its data. The user has to accept
this Code of Conduct as the basic guideline for his/her activities. Any violations of these
guidelines will be taken seriously by the Board of Administration of ELDIAdata who
shall define the consequences and may entail the full loss of permission to use the data
as well as court proceedings.
Everyone will respect the Intellectual and Cultural Property Rights of the individual
respondents, fieldworkers and researchers in the ELDIA project.
No one is allowed to use the recorded and analyzed data for commercial, political or
other non-scientific purposes.
All parties must respect the national and international data protection laws (Directive
95/46/EC of the European Parliament and the of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the
protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of data; Federal Data Protection Act of Germany (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz
– BDSG); State Data Protection Act (Landesdatenschutzgesetz – LDSG) Rheinland-Pfalz).
The users of ELDIAdata will respect the intention of the recordings and explicitly
acknowledge the work of the ELDIA project as a whole and of the specific ELDIA project
members. In general, this is to be documented by making references in all produced
The transfer of ELDIA data to third persons or organizations is forbidden.
The copyright for all materials within the ELDIAdata database rests with the members
of the ELDIA project.
The data must be destroyed after the indicated Period of Usage.
All researchers working with ELDIA data are obliged to ensure the anonymity of all
respondents and interviewees. This includes e.g. the anonymization of interviews.
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Helsingin yliopisto, Finland | Tartu Ülikool, Estonia
Ålands fredsinstitut, Finland | Oulun yliopisto, Finland
Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenia | Universität Wien, Austria
3. Usage Request
Please specify which data from the ELDIA database you want to use, indicate the purpose
and the approximate time you need for your research.
Read the Code of Conduct before requesting the data and check, whether you accept the
terms mentioned.
Name of Requester
(Enter your full name, your affiliation (or address) and your email address)
Full Name:
Email Address & Telephone:
Data and Resources Requested:
(Indicate which data you want to use and be as specific as possible. Example: Karelian
Minority Questionnaires; Focus Group Interview with Swedish policy makers)
Reason for Usage and Publication Plans (incl. preliminary title of research project):
(Indicate the usage of the data. Give a short and specific description of what you intend to
do. It has to be in line with the Code of Conduct, see above. If you want to change your
reasons for usage, you will have to submit a new request).
Research plan or other documents appended (please specify):
Period of Usage:
(Indicate roughly the period of your use of the data. If you need an extended access time,
submit a new request).
Begin date:
End date:
Name of Academic Supervisor (wherever applicable):
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Helsingin yliopisto, Finland | Tartu Ülikool, Estonia
Ålands fredsinstitut, Finland | Oulun yliopisto, Finland
Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenia | Universität Wien, Austria
All data are property of ELDIA. The data is as it was gathered by ELDIA researchers and there
is no guarantee for the correctness of the data. The creators and providers of the data are
not responsible for any conclusions that will be drawn from the data.
Final Statement:
I declare that I have read the present declaration and the Code of Conduct and that I shall
use the requested data in accordance with the present declaration. I am aware that any
violation shall be dealt with by the University of Mainz and shall be notified to the ELDIA
I hereby pledge not to disclose to anyone the data which are prescribed as confidential by
law and which I have been authorised to use.
I pledge not to reveal to a third party information that has become available to me and
which I am obliged to keep secret by virtue of the present agreement and the data
legislation as specified in its §4.
I am aware that the obligation to secrecy also includes a prohibition on wrongful use of a
confidential document or information in order to obtain benefit for myself or another or to
injure another.
I am aware that the obligation to secrecy will remain in force even after the expiry of the
granted permission to use data and that breaching it is punishable in law.
Date, Signature
Print the form, sign it and send it to:
Prof. Dr. Anneli Sarhimaa
FB 05 Department of English and Linguistics - Northern European and Baltic Languages and Cultures
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18
55099 Mainz
Download our publications
and find out more about the project under
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Helsingin yliopisto, Finland | Tartu Ülikool, Estonia
Ålands fredsinstitut, Finland | Oulun yliopisto, Finland
Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenia | Universität Wien, Austria