Holocaust Vocabulary - Social Circle City Schools

Night Vocabulary
Cabbala (Kabbalah): contains the long-hidden keys to the secrets of the
universe as well as the keys to the mysteries of the human heart and soul
Talmud: the collection of Jewish law and tradition
Zohar: a medieval mystical work, consisting chiefly of interpretations of and
commentaries on the Pentateuch: the definitive work of Jewish cabala.
Synagogue: a Jewish house of worship
Gestapo: the German state secret police during the Nazi regime
Lorries: a long, low, horse-drawn wagon without sides
Rabbi: the chief religious official of a synagogue, trained usually in a theological
seminary and duly ordained, who delivers the sermon at a religious service and
performs ritualistic, pastoral, educational, and other functions in and related to his
or her capacity as a spiritual leader of Judaism and the Jewish community.
Fascist Party: (fascism) a governmental system led by a dictator having
complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all
industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often
Deportation: the lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or other person from a
Guerillas: A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary
unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the
enemy, as by surprise raids
Aryan: In Nazism and neo-Nazism, a non-Jewish Caucasian, especially one of
Nordic type, supposed to be part of a master race.
Boche: a German, esp. a German soldier in World War I.
Kaddish: A prayer recited in the daily synagogue services and by mourners after
the death of a close relative.
Kapo: a Nazi concentration camp prisoner who was given privileges in return for
supervising prisoner work gangs: often a common criminal and frequently brutal
to fellow inmates
Pipel: a sad eyed angel.
Rosh Hashanah: a Jewish high holy day that marks the beginning of the Jewish
New Year, celebrated on the first and second days of Tishri by Orthodox and
Conservative Jews and only on the first day by Reform Jews.
Yom Kippur: the day of atonement. A day of fasting meant for prayer and
repentance. It is a week after Rosh Hashanah
Meister: master in German.
Holocaust: The genocide of European Jews and others by the Nazis during
World War II:
Dictator: a person exercising absolute power, esp. a ruler who has absolute,
unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.
Phylacteries: Judaism. either of two small, black, leather cubes containing a
piece of parchment inscribed with verses 4–9 of Deut. 6, 13–21 of Deut. 11, and
1–16 of Ex. 13: one is attached with straps to the left arm and the other to the
forehead during weekday morning prayers by Orthodox and Conservative Jewish
a parish officer having various subordinate duties, as keeping orderduring service
s, waiting on the rector, etc.