(Chpt 26) Illegal Drugs

Cigarette smoke is the leading cause of avoidable death in the United States, accounting for more
deaths than AIDS, car crashes, suicides, homicides, fires, and illegal drugs combined.
Top 10 Reasons why teens start smoking
1 To be more sophisticated or to be “cool”
2 Because of peer pressure
3 Due to influence of advertising
4 Because they believe they can quit anytime
5 For its short-term stimulant effect
6 To have something to handle or to hold
7 For relaxation and stress relief
8 As a social crutch
9 To deal with other cravings
10 Because they see family members to it
What’s in Cigarettes?
(Rat Poison)
Tar-thick, sticky, dark fluid produced
Carcinogens- cancer causing substances
• Carbon Monoxide-colorless, odorless, poisonous gas in cigarette that passes through the lungs and the
• Ammonia
(Found In Household chemicals)
(Used to kill insects)
(Found in car batteries)
The addictive drug in cigarettes
Poisonous stimulant
Stimulant- drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart and other organs.
Smokeless Tobacco •
Tobacco that is chewed in the mouth and then spit out.
Commonly called dipping or spitting
Causes lip, mouth, gum and throat cancer.
Damages teeth and the digestive tract
Contains 3 to 5 times the amount of nicotine than 1 cigarette
Smoking Causes:
Chronic Bronchitis- condition in which the bronchi are irritated
Emphysema- destruction of tiny air sacs in the lungs through which oxygen is absorbed into the body
Lung Cancer- leading cause of cancer deaths among males
The heart to work harder, constricting blood vessels to the limbs.
Smokeless Tobacco Causes:
• Leukoplakia- thickened, white, leathery-appearing spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop
into cancer of the mouth
Damages urinary and digestive systems
Damages teeth faster than people who don’t use it
Decreases the sense of taste
Set a specific date for when you will quit and stick to this date
Set short term goals to reinforce one’s decisions
Decide what you will do to become tobacco-free (cold turkey, patches, gum)
Get in a new smoke-free environment
Set up a support system where you can turn for help
“If I knew then what I know now”
Do something about it now
Take the necessary steps to find out what something does to your body, before you try it
Don’t wait until something happens to you before you quit
You only have one body and one life, change the behavior to live a long a happy life
Chapter 25 Alcohol
Alcohol is a powerful depressant drug
Ethanol is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol robs the body of its ability to absorb key nutrients and, with long term overuse may lead to
Reasons why teens Drink
Escape pressures or problem
Feel better or get over from sad or lonely
Deal with stress and relax
Boost self-esteem in social situations
Curiosity or excitement
Because their peers are doing it
Because people tell them they can’t drink
Short term Effects on drinking alcohol
Depends on several factors
– Person’s gender, size and how much food is in the stomach
 Liver
Causes oxidation, which is when alcohol is changed into water, carbon dioxide and energy
Liver can oxidize 10 to 15 ml of alcohol an hour, there is no way to speed up this process
Until the liver oxidizes all the alcohol, the alcohol keeps circulating throughout the body.
MYTH: cold shower and coffee.
 Blood Vessels and Heart
Causes blood vessels to widen, which cause you to feel warmer than your body is.
Your body actually gets colder because there is more blood flow near the top of the skin
Causes increase in heart rate and blood pressure
Causes scar tissue to build up on the muscles of the heart
Chance of heart attack and stroke is increased
 Kidneys and Stomach
Alcohol affects the pituitary gland, causing the kidneys to produce more urine
This is why there is a feeling of dehydration the day after drinking heavy
Alcohol can be absorbed right into the blood in the stomach, it doesn’t have to be digested
The more food in the stomach, the slower the absorption process
The more alcohol, the more acidic juices in the stomach, the more irritation in the stomach, leads to
internal bleeding
Long Term Effects of drinking alcohol
Vitamin deficiencies
Stomach and skin problems
Loss of appetite
Permanent damage to liver and central nervous system
Causes brain damage
Chronic liver problems
– Fatty liver- condition in which fats build up in the liver and cannot be broken down
– Cirrhosis- liver tissue is destroyed and then replaced with scar tissue
– Hepatitis- inflammation or infection in the liver that can cause weakness, fever and even sometimes
Builds up a tolerance and a dependence
– Tolerance- condition in which the body becomes used to the effects of alcohol
Your body goes through withdrawal
(Chpt 26) Illegal Drugs
Substance abuse- unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for non-medical purposes.
– Illegal Drugs-street drugs
– Synthetic Drugs- chemical substances produced artificially in a laboratory
– Illicit Drugs- any substance that is illegal or otherwise not permitted
– Gateway Drugs-drugs that often lead to other serious and dangerous drug use
Trends in Teen Drug Use
• Using drugs now more than ever before
• Between 1993 and 1998 12-17 year old drug usage doubled.
• 11% of Americans 12 and older use drugs
• More teens are trying heroin than ever before
• In 1998, 9% of teens used marijuana
• Most teens consider marijuana as a safe drug
Dangers of Substance Abuse
• All drugs have side effects- reactions to medicine other than the one intended
• Anyone who abuses the medication is at risk for an overdose-a strong or even fatal reaction to taking a
large amount of the drug
• When injections are involved, HIV can be spread through needles.
• People that experiment with drugs also loose control easy which may lead to more sexual encounters,
STD’s or SDI’s or even pregnancy.
Dangers of Substance Abuse
• Build up a tolerance to the drug
• Physiological Dependence
– Body develops a chemical need for the drug
• Withdrawal
• Psychological dependence
– A person believes a drug is needed in order to feel good or function normally
• Addiction
4 Types of psychoactive drugs
• Stimulants
• Depressants
• Narcotics
• Hallucinogens
– The only drug that has no medical use
Stimulantsdrugs that speed up the central nervous system
• Amphetamines
– Stay awake and alert, loose weight, increase sports performance, creates a high and then a big crash
• Methamphetamines
– Aka. Speed, Meth, Crystal, Crank, Tweak, Go-fast, Ice, Glass, Uppers, Black beauties
– Can get hooked after first use
• Cocaine/Crack (aka. Coke, Dust, Toot, Snow, Blow, Sneeze, Powder, Lines, Rock (Crack))
– Tissue damage in the nose, holes in the naval septum, malnutrition, extremely addictive and deadly
DepressantsDrugs that slow down the central nervous system
– Induce sleepiness, rarely used for medical use, combined with alcohol they can be fatal
– Reduce muscular activity, coordination, and attention span
– Reduces anxiety and to help with insomnia
Narcoticsdrugs derived from the opium plant that have a sedative effect
– Reduces severe pain, appetite suppressant
– A little weaker than morphine, cough medicine
– Depresses central nervous system and slows breathing and pulse rate
– Drug is almost 10 stronger than in the late 80’s
Hallucinogensdrugs that alter moods, thoughts and sense perception, including vision, hearing, smell and touch
Aka (acid, cid, blotter, illusion, lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, magic
mushrooms, mushrooms, shrooms, PCP or Angel Dust.)
PCP (phencyclidine)
– Aka angel dust, considered one of the most dangerous drugs out there, slows body movements,
disorientates you body
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
– Aka acid, usually comes in capsules or tablets
– Lead to panic, anxiety, accidental suicide
– Like LSD this may lead to “Bad trips”, viscious stomach cramps and vomiting
Other Dangerous Drugs
Cannabis Derivatives
– Aka Pot, dope, grass, weed, Mary Jane, chronic, reefer, ganja, kaya, doobie, keef.
– Come from the hemp plant, hallucinogen, stimulant and depressant, alters your senses, coordination
and reaction time
– Glue, spray paint, white out, gasoline
– Depress the central nervous system
– Effects are similar to alcohol