Dracula Study Guide 15-17 NINA WORNHOFF - LMS-English-8

Chapters 15 -17 – Study Guide
1. Where is the first place Dr. Seward and Van Helsing go in an attempt to prove Van Helsing’s
theories about Lucy are true?
They go to Lucy’s grave. Pg. 266
2. What does Dr. Vincent believe made the marks on the children’s throats?
Dr. Vincent believes that a common animal has made the wounds on the children’s throats.
Pg. 267
3. What do Van Helsing and Dr. Seward find when they open Lucy’s coffin?
They find the coffin to be completely empty without a trace of poor Lucy. Pg. 270
4. What do Van Helsing and Dr. Seward do after exiting Lucy’s tomb?
Van Helsing goes off by himself while Seward waits alone in the cold. Van Helsing manages to
save the child that Lucy had taken and attempt to convince Seward that Lucy is indeed a
vampire. Pg. 271
5. What do Van Helsing and Dr. Seward do with the child they find in the cemetery?
They take the child to a police station and leave it on the ground where and officer will find it
and return it to its family. Pg. 272
6. What do Dr. Seward and Van Helsing discover when they return to Lucy’s tomb the following
They find that Lucy is now back in her casket looking even more beautiful than when she was
buried with no signs of being dead for the past week. Pg. 273
7. Why does Van Helsing hesitate to immediately do what needs to be done to Lucy’s body in
order to bring her soul peace?
Van Helsing is thinking of Arthur and how he would think that Lucy had been buried alive. He
would also believe Van Helsing and Seward to be her killers. Pg. 276
8. How does Van Helsing intend to keep Lucy inside her tomb at night?
He plans to fill her mouth with garlic place a crucifix in her tomb. Pg. 277
9. What news does Van Helsing share with Arthur and Quincey Morris?
Van Helsing tell Arthur and Quincey his theories about Lucy and that he plans to cut off her head
to relieve the evil spirit that currently possesses her. Pg. 280-281
10. What does Arthur unwillingly agree to do?
Arthur is unwilling to let Van Helsing mutilate Lucy’s body in any way for he does not see any
point to this process. Pg. 282-283
11. Dr. Seward, Van Helsing, Quincey Morris, and Arthur find Lucy’s tomb empty. What do
they see in the cemetery the same night?
They see Lucy walking back to her tomb while sucking a small child’s blood. Lucy is not as she
once was, an evil and cruel spirit has consumed her. Pg. 288
12. Describe Arthur’s reaction when Lucy speaks to him in the cemetery.
At first Arthur is transfixed by Lucy and is about to go to her when Van Helsing saves him. Pg.
13. How does Van Helsing protect Arthur from Lucy’s temptation?
Van Helsing pulls out his golden crucifix and holds it between Arthur and Lucy. This seems to
hurt Lucy as she immediately withdraws from Arthur as if shocked. Pg. 289
14. According to Van Helsing, what do the Eastern Europeans call the Un-Dead?
Eastern Europeans call the Un-Dead “nosferatu”. Pg. 293
15. Who strikes the blow that sets Lucy’s soul free?
Arthur plunges the wooden stake through Lucy’s heart to save her soul. Pg. 295
16. What happens to Lucy’s body after the stake is driven through her heart?
All the evil and cruelty that had consumed her features left her and she became the sweet and
pure young woman that she was when living. Pg. 296
17. When the men exit Lucy’s tomb for the last time, what does each strongly swear to do?
All four promise to hunt the creature which put Lucy in the state that she was and to kill it
whatever it is. Pg. 297
18. What does Van Helsing find waiting for him when he returns to the hotel?
Van Helsing finds a telegram from Mina Harker telling him that she will be arriving the next
day. Pg. 298
19. What does Van Helsing give to Dr. Seward before he leaves for Amsterdam?
Van Helsing gives Seward both Mina’s and Jonathon’s diaries to study. Pg. 298
20. Who does Dr. Seward encourage to stay at his home?
Seward encourages Mina Harker to stay at his home. Pg. 299
21. Dr. Seward keeps his own personal diary on phonograph. What does Mina intend to do with
Dr. Seward’s wax cylinders?
Mina would first like to type out his diary and then destroy the cylinders so no one else needs to
hear Dr. Seward’s sorrow. Pg. 304
22. What is ironic about the discovery of the Count’s possible hiding place?
The Count could be hiding directly next to Dr. Seward’s insane asylum. Pg. 307
23. Who does Dr. Seward realize may be strangely linked to Count Dracula?
Seward notices that Renfield always has his outbursts when the Count is near. Pg. 307
24. In Whitby, Jonathan tracks down the location of the Count’s fifty large boxes. Where are
they located?
The fifty large boxes belonging to the Count are in the old chapel of Carfax. Pg. 311
25. What happens that causes Arthur to swear that he would be a life-long brother to Mina
Arthur is able to display all his emotions to Mina and receive her sympathy about Lucy’s death.
Pg. 315