Algebra Scavenger Hunt

Algebra 1 Scavenger Hunt
Each group of TWO (or you may prefer to work alone) must find
as many items as possible from the list below, with each item
having the specified point value. Only one item per number will
be credited and you may not use the same item for more than one
number. The total number of points will determine your group’s
grade, with a minimum of 70 points needed to receive a 70%.
Grades above a 70 will be determined by total number of points
brought in by all groups and will be graded proportionally. The
higher the number of points turned in, the higher your grade will
All items must be handed in attached to 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper.
A separate page for each item is required. Number each item in
the upper right-hand corner of the page and have items in
numerical order. The pages are then to be neatly placed in either
a 3 ring binder or a paper folder than has prongs for the holes of
the paper. Lined composition paper is not acceptable; computer
paper or construction paper would be preferred. No loose items
will be accepted. Use the items list page as your first page and
highlight the items that will be enclosed in your group’s notebook.
Each item must be circled, highlighted or identified in some way
on each page. You will also need a cover page with an appealing
graphic design.
Date Due: FRIDAY, MAY 25th.
Late projects will be penalized 10% per day.
Group names: ___________________________ and __________________________
1. Find a picture that has an undefined slope in it. (2)
2. Find a picture that has a zero sloped line in it. (2)
3. Find a picture that has a positive slope in it. (2)
4. Find a picture that has a negative slope in it. (2)
5. Find something with a repeating pattern and write a brief explanation about how
the pattern repeats. (5)
6. Find a cartoon about math (not just one that has a number in it). (3)
7. Find a graph from a newspaper related to business (the newspaper print itself
must be submitted). (5)
8. Find an article about the housing industry that references one of the measures of
central tendency. (5)
9. Find an article about employment rates as percents. (4)
10. Find a picture of a weather map that shows negative numbers. (3)
11. Find an article about a sport that uses math and describe how it is used. (6)
12. Find a weather report for one city that references both positive and negative
numbers in the same report. (5)
13. Find a bar graph or histogram and write a brief explanation of what the graph is
representing with the data given. (8)
14. Submit a picture of something outside our school, but in the community that
shows parallel lines and explain exactly where it was located. (5)
15. Submit a picture of something outside our school, but in the community that
shows perpendicular lines and explain exactly where it was located. (5)
16. Submit a restaurant receipt and calculate the 15% tip. Show the hand
multiplication of calculating the 15% tip and circle the total amount with tip
included. (6)
17. Ask a person to write a paragraph saying how he/she uses math in his/her job.
Include the name and occupation of this person. This may not be a teacher, or
employee of STHS. (10)
18. Find a recipe (a dessert) that uses the fractions of ¼, ⅓, and ½ . (4)
19. Re-type the entire recipe (including directions) above and triple it. (3)
20. Find a picture that represents a fraction and tell what the fraction is. (5)
21. Find a picture of any type of representation of an inequality and explain what it
represents. (6)
22. Find a picture of a circle graph. (3)
23. Find a disclaimer on the back of a contest that explains the probability or the odds
of winning the contest. (5)
24. Create a list of algebra vocabulary beginning with the same letter of your
choosing. Define the term and provide an example. (1 point per word, maximum
5 points)
25. Submit a picture of an architectural structure somewhere in Harrisburg and
identify as many shapes and you can find within the picture you took. (8)
26. Find an article about animals that involves ratios. (5)
27. Find a newspaper advertisement for jewelry that shows a sale of at least 50% off.
Then show the hand calculation to find the total price (including tax) that you pay
at the register for that one item. (4)
28. State 3 facts in sentence form about the mathematician that is credited with the
Pythagorean Theorem. (3)
29. List 3 of our vocabulary words from this year that start with the letter “C” and
give their definitions. (3)
30. Find an inequality in an automobile owner’s manual. Photocopy that page. (5)
31. Find a quote by President Obama that makes a reference to either a direct or
indirect relationship in terms of our economy. (5)
32. Find an example of scientific notation in an article in relation to Astronomy. (3)
33. Find an article which includes a formula. State what the formula calculates. (3)