Ser is used with:
Elements pertinent to your identity: physical description, personality and
character, nationality, race, gender, profession, origen
Things which "Take Place" or "Occur": Dates, days, seasons, time, events,
concerts, parties
What things are made of
Review Ser!
Estar is used with
Feelings/moods/emotions, physical conditions or appearances, civil status
(married, single, divorced, dead)
 Location of things and people (but not events)
 Present Progressive tense (the immediate "-ing" form)
 Review Estar!
Ser vs. Estar
Some adjectives have different meanings depending upon which form of "to Be" you use.
Generally, if you use Ser, the adjective is a characteristic of the person or thing you are
describing; whereas if you use Estar, it is a description of a mood or appearance.
For example:
Ser (Identity)
Estar (Condition)
Él es aburrido.
(He is boring -a boring person)
Yo estoy aburrida.
(I am [feel] bored.)
Soy nerviosa.
(I am a nervous, high-strung person)
Estoy nerviosa.
(I am/feel nervous)
Ella es bonita.
(She is pretty -a pretty girl.)
Está bonita.
(She looks pretty. )
Remember that Ser pertains to Identity (with all of its elements) and that Estar pertains
to States of Being: Condition, Location, and the Present Progressive. ©1994-2011 drlemon® (Reg U.S. Pat & TM Off) (Deborah R. Lemon) all rights reserved