The World of Shakespeare

Name:____________________________ Date:________________________ Period:______________
The World of Shakespeare
Your Task
Imagine that you are Shakespeare being interviewed for Ye Old
Nonnewaug Paper and answer the following questions. Use an
Early Modern English style language to answer the questions. (See
the exemplar below). You will be graded for your work using the
project rubric.
Extra Credit (5 pts): Write two of your own questions/answers for
the Reporter & Shakespeare.
Reporter: What is the name of your theatre company and why was the name changed in 1603?
Shakespeare: ‘Tis a fancy tale. ‘Twas of a different name for many ages, Lord Chamberlain’s men,
‘twas what we called it. But nigh the year King James came to power, the name ‘twas changed to The
King’s Men.
Macbeth Links
(also available by going to the LMC website)
Name:____________________________ Date:________________________ Period:______________
1. At what point in your career did you write Macbeth? (Include historical date/s)
2. Who inspired you to write Macbeth?
3. Why were you inspired by this person? Was there personal benefit for you?
4. How did this person’s background motivate your choices in setting?
5. The person who inspired you to write Macbeth also wrote a book. What was the subject of this
book and how did it prompt you to create certain characters in your play?
6. Banquo is a secondary character in Macbeth. Can you describe the changes that you made to his
historical counterpart for your play?
7. In Macbeth you also reference historical events from the King’s reign. Can you elaborate on one of
these events?
8. When you were writing Macbeth you used a historical book. What can you tell me about this book?
9. When you were writing this book, it was considered credible. However, in today’s standards, why
might it not be credible?
10. Can you convey two similarities between your version of Macbeth and the historical account? How
about two differences?