Shakespeare and Elizabethan Times

Shakespeare Research Sites
Are you a fan of Shakespeare's works? This Web site is an online version of the
Complete works of William Shakespeare. It features 37 plays, 154 sonnets, and
miscellaneous verses that showcase the literary cornerstone of Western
Provides comprehensive information on William Shakespeare's plays and
poems with analysis and essays on plots and characters. Includes detailed
biography of Shakespeare and Elizabethan theatre. Contains the recommended
list of books and videos, and the timelines of Shakespeare. Links to essential
sites related to Shakespeare.
This Web site is a comprehensive resource for William Shakespeare's plays,
sonnets, biography, poems, quotes and information on the legendary Globe
Theatre. Visitors can also learn about the controversial debate on who really
wrote the complete works and check out a timeline of the stages in
Shakespeare's life. There are over 130 of the most famous quotes indexed by
play and all 154 sonnets!
This Web site provides collected links from all over the World Wide Web to help
visitors find information on William Shakespeare. The site features topic
headings such as: the man, the works, play synopses, Shakespeare's will,
authorship debate, Elizabethan England, and language.
Discusses life in Elizabethan England from 1558-1603. Listing with links to
"Elizabethan Commonplaces for Writers, Actors, and Re-enactors." Pages and
pages of interesting information on Elizabethan England.
Academic search engine that provides access to more than 180,000 educatorselected online resources. Username is wsdstudent, password is bulldog.
Good source for pictures and information. Username is WSJHLIB, Password is