

CHEM 109C – Zhang

Carbohydrates I: Classification and Stereochemistry - KEY


Memorize structures for: fructose, ribose, glucose, galactose, mannose


Given the following Fischer projection for galactose, answer the following questions a.

Describe/classify this sugar

It has an aldehyde functional group at C-1 and a total of 6 Cs, so it is an aldohexose. b.

How many stereocenters does it contain?

There are 4 asymmetric Cs (Cs connected to 4 different groups), so there are 4 stereocenters. c.

What is the total number of stereoisomers? Can you draw some of them?

With n stereocenters, there are 2 n stereoisomers unless the compound is a mesocompound (contains an internal plane of symmetry) in which case there are 2 n -1 stereoisomers.

There should be 2 4 or 16 stereoisomers. d.

Are the chiral C’s R or S? Assign R or S to each of them. etc.

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CHEM 109C – Zhang

Carbohydrates I: Classification and Stereochemistry - KEY

CLAS, F10 e.

Is this the D or L form?

The OH group on C-5 is on the right hand side, so this is the D form.


Given the carbohydrates below, answer the following questions

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CHEM 109C – Zhang

Carbohydrates I: Classification and Stereochemistry - KEY



B. C. D. E.

D –glucose D-fructose D-talose L-galactose L-altrose a.

Which is a ketose sugar? B b.

Which is L-galactose? D (enantiomer of D-galactose)

The C-5 epimer of D-galactose is L-altrose (E) c.

Which is a C-4 epimer of D-galactose? A d.

Is D a C-2 epimer of D-galactose? T or F F, it is an enantiomer

The C-2 epimer of D-galactose is D-talose (C)

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