Area Partnership Forum 20 September

Minute of the Grampian Area Partnership Forum (GAPF)
held on Thursday 20 September 2012 at 2.00pm
in Conference Room, Summerfield House
Richard Carey, Chief Executive (Chairperson)
Sharon Duncan, Employee Director
Joan Anderson, Partnership Support Officer
Christina Cameron, Business Manager Aberdeen City CHP (deputy for Frances Dunne)
Jim Clark, GMB
Joe Collier, Clinical Nurse Manager (deputy for Vincent Shields and Alison Hardy)
Bill Cowling, Project Manager Mental Health
Ian Francis, CSP
Alistair Grant, RCN
Alan Gray, Director of Finance
Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications
Jenny Greener, Non-Executive Director
Annie Ingram, Director of Workforce
Liz Laing, BAOT (deputy for Sandra-Dee Masson)
Steven Lindsay, UNITE
Deirdre McIntyre, SOCAP (VC)
Martin Mackay, UNISON
Mike Ogg, Deputy General Manager Aberdeenshire
Anne Ross, Head of Performance & Quality Improvement
Clare Ruxton, Deputy Director of Workforce
Pauline Strachan, Chief Operating Officer
Keith Thomson, Head of Health and Safety
In Attendance:
Graeme Smith, Head of Modernisation – Item 5c
Susan Carr, Associate Director of Allied Health Professionals – Item 6c
Apologies were received from Gary Mortimer, General Manager Facilities
and Estates (Keith Thomson deputy), Philip Shipman, HR Manager Moray
(no deputy), Kirsten Sawers, RCM (no deputy available), Frances Dunne,
Service Manager, Aberdeen City CHP (Christina Cameron deputy), Leanne
Gardner (no deputy), Sandra-Dee Masson, BAOT (Liz Laing deputised),
Vincent Shields, General Manager Acute Services (Joe Collier deputised),
Alison Hardy, Clinical Nurse Manager (Joe Collier deputised), Mike Adams,
UCATT (no deputy available), Eileen Grant, AHP (no deputy available),
Duncan Stephen, ACB (no deputy), Mike Scott, Staff Governance
Committee (no deputy)
Minute of Last Meeting held on 23 August 2012
The minute of the last meeting held on 23 August 2012 was approved
subject to amending the Chairperson to Sharon Duncan and adding Bill
Cowling to the attendance list.
Matters Arising
GAPF Communications Sub-Group Presentation
Laura Gray and Emma Watt, Joint Chairs of the GAPF Communications
Sub-Group presented the work of the group.
The group were linked to the Social Networking Group which had been
doing a lot of work with really big implications for staff. They have produced
guidelines on business and personal use of Social Networking.
They are involved in the national staff survey both for the previously done
survey and action plans for future staff surveys.
Linked to this the group felt that there should be some mechanism for
ensuring there were not too many local staff surveys to improve the
feedback to surveys. Everyone was asked to assist in this and inform the
group about local surveys so that the group could have an overview.
The group had a standing item for Safe Affordable Workforce and discussed
the communications issues each meeting.
The table talkers are the plastic holders with paper inserts which sit on
dining room tables. The process for booking use of the table talkers had
been reviewed and bookings were to be made through Corporate
The new intranet was being implemented slower than had been hoped.
There was a training issue for webmasters on the new system and the group
had been in touch with eHealth on this. It was acknowledged that eHealth
had capacity issues to take the work forward, but in the meantime local
webmasters were unable to update pages without training. It was noted
that it was difficult to find the Staff Management Policies and Procedures on
the new intranet and it was agreed that the Communications Sub-Group
could take this forward with the intranet group.
The group regularly discussed Team Brief, Up Front, Noticeboards, Face to
Face sessions etc. The group try to provide a reality challenge and it was
useful to receive feedback regarding where there are issues for example
with Team Brief and where things worked well eg Up Front.
As requested last year at the presentation the group were still looking for
new members to join. Having a representative from each Sector would
allow much better feedback to and from the group. A request would be
circulated by email and everyone was asked to look out for this.
The accessibility of staff policies on the intranet was raised. The group
would try and assist with this along with eHealth.
Richard Carey remitted to the group the job of reviewing effectiveness of
some of our methods of communication eg face to face. Face to face
sessions are very helpful for staff who turn up but there is not enough wide
participation of staff. Team Brief was useful in the areas it worked and
shouldn’t be stopped but needs improvement in other areas. The group were
asked to feedback to the GAPF on this and everyone at the GAPF were
asked to think about how things could be improved and feedback ideas on
this to either Richard Carey or Laura Gray.
Delivering Safe, Effective & Timely Care in the Right Place
a. Health and Safety in NHS Grampian
Keith Thomson reported on health and safety training. AT Learning allows
all managers to see what training is available. All staff who attend health
and safety training are to be asked about suitable start times to find the best
times to fit around staff needs and boost attendance. Training will also be
offered at venues outside Aberdeen to also encourage attendance.
The health and safety audit had begun to be rolled out. The full detailed
schedule would be ready at the end of September and this would be
available on the intranet for everyone to access.
There was an issue about staff not keeping their details up to date on the
nhs mail and the telephone directory which made it more difficult to find
where staff were working.
Work was ongoing in Estates on Statutory Compliance Audit Response Tool
(SCART). There were 39 key areas to ensure were up to standard and the
minimum standard had to be met by 2016. The tool had been improved to
allow good reports to be produced. The detail would form part of Gary
Mortimers report at future meetings. NHS Grampians score was increasing
compared to other Boards.
There was a concern that there was not enough resource to undertake all
the work required for SCART. Work was ongoing to identify each individual
risk and the funding required for this and the risks would be prioritised and
funding found for the higher risks first.
Work was ongoing around Health Care Support Workers induction into the
Organisation. This involved work on a 5 week action plan and then it would
be rolled out.
The Sectors were all working on their health and safety structure and
support. Health and Safety committees were being invigorated where
necessary and improvements were being seen every month.
Keith was working with Moray Health and Safety Committee and
encouraging more involvement from Moray Management on the Committee.
He was then going to move on to work with Aberdeenshire Health and
Safety Committee. All relevant departments had been asked to join the
Sector Health and Safety Committees.
The Datix User Group was to be reinvigorated.
European Health and Safety Week was progressing well. Thanks was given
to Sectors for taking this forward.
b. Review of 12 Hour Shifts
Keith Thomson asked for guidance on how to take forward this review. The
Acute Sector had done some work on this and the outcomes would be used.
The Health and Safety aspects of the review were the most important but
there were other elements eg how effective 12 hour shifts were in delivering
services to patients, staff preference of shifts, etc. The issue was raised
initially by Staff Side regarding breaks for staff. If health and safety risks
arise from the review they need to be dealt with.
It was agreed that Keith Thomson, Annie Ingram, Sharon Duncan and the
Full-Time Partnership Representatives would meet to agree the scope of the
review. Others could join in with the review if they had a particular interest in
this area. It was agreed to keep on the agenda for regular updates.
A literature review was possibly something that needed to be done.
Although it was agreed that community hospitals should be included in the
review, it was felt that the major issues may be arising in the Aberdeen
hospitals and there may not be capacity to do everything at once.
Modernisation Team/Emergency Care Centre
Graeme Smith updated the group on the modernisation agenda.
The plan was to take forward redesign in a consistent way across the
organisation and ensure they were taken through GAPF and other advisory
structures and decision making groups, to ensure a consistent approach to
Annie Ingram stated that the Workforce 2020 event to be held on 27
September would begin the process. Work can be done in sectors and also
by service. Integration would bring in different ways of working. All need to
work together collaboratively.
The ECC was on target. Keys were to be handed over in three weeks time.
Then would follow a 10 week period of commissioning, initial and final
cleaning, staff orientation and testing equipment. Accident and Emergency
Staff would transfer first on 5 December then the building would be filled
from the bottom up over the following 7 days. There was massive planning
and involvement required for this to go smoothly.
A paper had been circulated with the previous minute with all the items on it
and would be circulated again (attached). It was suggested that this
information could go out on a global email. The communication group set up
for ECC would be looking at this in a co-ordinated way.
There was a new numbering system for wards which tied into the new colour
zoning for ARI.
The backlog maintenance was beginning to be looked at for ARI and a
contractor had been appointed. It was the same contractor as for the ECC.
This plan will begin to take place with work at the East End 2 block which
would be used for Medicine for the Elderly.
There was a schedule of visits to the building with tours planned for MPs
and MSPs, council, fire services over the week of 25 November. An open
day for staff and public was also planned.
There was a concern raised about the lack of canteen facilities and the
distance domestic staff would have to travel to facilities. It was thought that
this may not be any further than they already have to travel. The issue was
raised of inequity for domestic staff where some were allowed to have their
breaks in the ward within which they worked and others who did not work in
a ward had to travel to canteen facilities using up a good bit of their break
time. This issue was to be discussed at a local partnership group.
d. NHS Grampian Dress Code
Sharon Duncan explained that she had hoped to have the Dress Code
Policy for GAPF to approve, but it was currently with the Medical and Dental
Local Negotiating Committee (LNC) for agreement first. It was hoped that
the final draft Dress Code Policy would be circulated to GAPF for approval at
the next meeting. Once this was agreed there may be need for local policies
or protocols in some areas depending on the need of that area.
Improving Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability
a. NHS Financial Report Half Year Update
Alan Gray reported at 5 months into the financial year NHS Grampian was
31.6m overspent which was in line with expected position.
Sectors were working on development plans to achieve targets and Alan
was confident that the targets would be met but that this would include
challenges on the way.
Richard Carey explained that the financial position for years 2015/16 would
be dramatically different and therefore there was a need to not just work on
breaking even within the year but plan ahead for the future when finances
would be even more challenging.
The budget setting process was being amended to take account of the
future situation and efficiencies would have to be found.
There was a continuing commitment from the Finance Department of the
Scottish Government around the ENRAC agreement. At the moment NHS
Grampian was still having to survive on less funding that it should be
because of the shortfall and therefore have to be more efficient than other
Boards who receive full funding allowance.
The NRAC funding situation was being pursued at Scottish level by NHS
It was acknowledged that it was increasingly difficult to continue to make
efficiencies and still offer the same services and at some point the Scottish
Government would have to make difficult decisions around the services that
can continue to offer locally and at the same time keeping within budget.
The budget uplift for 2013/14 would be 3.3% which was higher than this
current year. The efficiency saving expected would be 3%. It was expected
that there would be an end to the pay freeze and there could be an increase
of up to 1% for low paid staff in 2013/14
The gap in funding for NRAC parity left a gap of £34m this year and between
£25m and £30m next year.
b. Financial and General Reports from Sectors
There had been discussion on giving financial reports from Sectors to GAPF
between the Pauline Strachan and Sharon Duncan and it was agreed with
the group that in future the report would be a Partnership Report which
would include finance among other subjects.
Mike Ogg gave a short update from Aberdeenshire. They were working on
their workforce plan and joint commissioning strategy. They were
acknowledging a position where in years 4 and 5 of integration the funding
would be from a shared pool of money.
Christina Cameron updated on Aberdeen City. Woodend was progressing
with the move to ARI. Frances Dunne was working with Staff Side and staff
and giving them monthly updates. A drop in session on Datix reporting had
been held and staff felt this had been helpful and the feedback received from
staff also helpful. A workshop had been held for 70 staff on the move to the
Aberdeen Health Village. Work was commencing on IT systems and
records storage issues.
Bill Cowling reported on Mental Health and Learning Disabilities. Agreement
had been reached in developing the Health and Safety Structure at the
Partnership Forum and Emma Watt was pulling together all the Health and
Safety Representatives as a sub-group to ensure all issues around Health
and Safety came to the Partnership Forum.
Allied Health Professional (AHP) Review
Susan Carr reported that the next level of the AHP Review had been
approved at the SAW Overview Steering Group.
At the meeting of the SAW Steering Group on Wednesday 19th September
all 6 Sector Phase 2 AHP discipline-specific professional arrangements were
The Phase 2 AHP discipline-specific professional arrangements were
summarised as follows:
Dietetics; Occupational Therapy; Physiotherapy and Speech &
Language Therapy will have a uni-professional lead post in the following
 Acute Adult
 Combined Child Health
 Aberdeen CHP
 Aberdeenshire CHP
 Moray CHSCP
 Mental Health & Learning Disability
Podiatry will have a uni-professional lead post in the following sectors:
 Aberdeen CHP – with continuation of current arrangement supporting
Acute Adult and podiatry service to children.
 Aberdeenshire CHP - with continuation of current arrangement
supporting the Mental Health & Learning Disability Sector.
 Moray CHSCP
Interviews and appointments
October / November 2012
Acute AHP Sector Lead vacancy
Previous briefing to all AHPs in original ring fence giving them the
opportunity to apply. Closing date: 26th September, Interviews in October.
It was agreed to circulate the latest AHP Leadership Structure Briefing
following SAW meeting (attached).
Thanks to all the Partnership Reps who had been involved in the process.
d. CEL 34 – Reimbursement of Travel
Annie Ingram reported that the NHS Staff Council had agreed a simpler
process for reimbursement of travel which would be reviewed once a year
and uplifted in line with monetary costs.
Those using bicycles and motorbikes would be reimbursed expenses for
business use.
Excess travel would be available to staff who had a change of base.
There would be an increase in the allowance for staff who had to carry big
equipment in their car.
The review of the public transport rate now called the reserve rate would be
about half of the full rate and apply to those using their own car or those who
refused a leased car. There was also a green agenda. The final figures
were not yet finalised. The process would keep up to date with increasing
costs of travel.
e. Voluntary Severance Scheme (VS)
Clare Ruxton reported that 15 applications had been received for VS by the
closing date of 15 August and of those 6 were approved. The cost was
£330k to the organisation. Annual savings would be £230k and in year
savings would be £119k. The total payback years would be 1.39.
The number of applications which made it through to the final stage of the
process was dramatically reduced to previous schemes. Consideration
would now be given to the process for the future of VS.
Developing the Workforce and Empowering Staff
170 nominations had been received and thanks was given to all those who
nominated staff. Board members selected a shortlist of 3 nominations per
award category. All three would be invited to the Awards Ceremony on
1 November. Each nominee would be invited to take along one person with
them. If it was a team award up to three of the team could come along.
The invites to the Award Ceremony would be sent out soon. Letters would
be sent to all those who were nominated thanking them for their input.
Thanks was given to the GRAFTA group for all their work in organising this
Salary Sacrifice – Computer Scheme
The salary sacrifice scheme for staff to purchase computers would go ahead
and launched within the next 10 days. Those ordering computers would be
guaranteed to receive their purchases prior to Christmas. Communications
would be circulated and the window of opportunity to order would be open
for 3-4 weeks only. Everyone was encouraged to ensure all staff knew
about the scheme.
Public Holiday Dates 2013-15
Clare Ruxton explained that the paper previously circulated listing the dates
for public holidays from 2013 to 2015 was in line with previously agreed
process. The GAPF approved the public holiday dates. These would be
advertised to staff and placed in the corporate diary.
Redeployment Report
There were 27 staff on the Redeployment Register. The register was
regularly looked at to match staff to vacancies. It was felt that this was a low
number of staff in comparison to the size of the Organisation.
Improving the Public Health and Reducing Inequalities
No items.
Annual Review
a. Annual Review Update
The official letter had not yet been received from the Scottish Government
on how the Annual Review went, but unofficial feedback was positive. It was
not a ministerial review this year and this may have been why there were
less public in attendance.
The review presented a number of story boards and it lasted 2 hours which
was felt to be as long as it should be to allow questions without being too
long for people to sit.
There was also a visit to Woodend which had gone well.
Next year would be a ministerial review with a new Cabinet Secretary. The
Executive Team had discussed how to attract more public in the future.
Thanks was given to Anne Ross and others for organising the event and
Partnership Reps were thanked for attending. The annual review would be
available on the intranet to watch as a video.
b. Partnership Presentation to Annual Review
Annie Ingram and Sharon Duncan had presented a positive view of
Partnership, integration agenda and the 2020 vision.
Any Other Competent Business
Communication to Organisation from GAPF
It was agreed to communicate:
Health and Safety progress – Keith Thomson
AHP Review – Susan Coull
Budget Position
Public Holidays
GAPF Away Days
ECC – Graeme Smith
Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held 2pm to 4pm Wednesday 10 October 2012 in
Meeting Room, Chalmers Hospital, Banff.
GAPF members would be expected to attend a minimum of two Away Day
Events in the Sectors.
Joan Anderson
Summerfield House
Tel 558432