Advanced Teacher Cadet

Advanced Teacher Cadet
Mrs. Reid, S132
Prerequisite: 3.0 GPA, C or above in Teacher Cadet, teacher approval
Course Objectives: To expand student knowledge of the many facets of the teaching
profession, and to provide practical experiences in instruction
Evaluation: Students in this program will be evaluated by the supervising teacher and the
Teacher Cadet instructor through observation, conferences, and evaluation of specific activities.
Cadets are expected to be punctual, regular in attendance, responsible, and able to work
independently. They are also expected to produce a high quality of work in all areas of
Advanced Teacher Cadet.
Required Classroom Activity: Assisting teachers in various education-related activities
Areas of Assistance: The Advanced Teacher Cadets’ assistance can be divided into four basic
1. Assisting the Teacher
2. Curriculum Development and Research
3. Computer and Clerical Skills (should be limited to 20% of student time)
4. Teaching
Some suggested activities students can complete include the following (this list is far from
Assisting the Teacher and Other Students
1. Tutorials – Cadets can help individual students who are having difficulty with the
content. One-on-one tutoring is a productive option. Additionally, Cadets can help
with group tutoring. If three or four students are having trouble with a particular skill
or concept, the Cadet can take them aside for further explanation, modeling, and
reinforcement activities.
2. Assisting substitutes – Many times substitutes are not experts in a particular content
area. Cadets can assist substitutes as needed in implementing lesson plans.
3. Group work in class – In many content areas, students are asked to work in groups on
such activities as problem-solving, learning packets, discussions, debates, foreign
language conversations, skits, lab experiments, art projects, writing assignments, and
practicing parts in band and chorus. The Cadet can help the supervising teaching in
conducting group activities.
4. Individual student projects – The Cadet should be available to help students who are
working on special projects (science projects, artwork for shows, computer programs,
music solos, recitation contests, written assignments, or preparation for any type of
standardized testing in the subject area).
5. Make-up work – assist teacher by supervising students
Curriculum Development and Research
This area of duties will allow the Cadets to deepen their knowledge of the content area. These
are general suggestions.
1. Materials/Activities Collection and Development – The Cadet can collect materials or
assist the teacher in developing materials and activities which
a. Supplement the textbook
b. Reinforce particular content objective
c. Offer enrichment as an expansion of activities
d. Serve as sponge activities
e. Give specific instructions on using equipment, playing games, etc.
f. Supplement films used by the teacher
2. Materials/Activities Evaluation – The evaluation of available materials that are used
in instruction will improve productivity and can save valuable time for the teacher.
The Cadet might
a. Set up and test lab equipment
b. Review available A/V
c. Set up or study existing files on instructional materials, such as exercises and
handouts, to help the teacher select the most appropriate materials available
3. New Materials Evaluations – The Cadets might
a. Review audio/visual materials on approval
b. Review computer software on approval
c. review textbook series or supplements such as readers that are to be adopted
4. Development of Visuals – The Cadet can develop visuals that enhance instruction or
promote activities in that subject area. Possibilities might be to create instructional
posters, room décor, and bulletin boards;
a. make games that require visuals such as game boards (concentration,
flashcards, objectives-oriented bingo, checkers, etc.)
b. create PowerPoint presentations on specific content topics (such as careers
related to the content)
5. Research – Independent research is a very important component of this program. The
Cadet can expand academic knowledge through these activities:
a. research topics of interest to students and teachers that will further the Cadet’s
knowledge and keep the teacher current on latest works, news, techniques, and
developments in that content area.
b. develop independent projects on advanced content topics selected by the
teacher and students
c. research topics related to education and the content area/grade level.
Computer and Clerical Skills
The Cadet should not spend more than 20% of class time doing clerical work since the primary
focus of this program is academic. The computer category can be an academic component since
it is a required skill in a teaching career.
1. Computers – The Cadet might support the cooperating teacher by:
a. word processing letters, purchase orders, memos
b. maintaining a database for inventory, student information, cataloging
departmental instructional materials, etc.
2. Handouts – The Cadet can perform the following duties:
a. typing or preparing handouts
b. making copies (when allowed by school policy)
c. collating and stapling
d. filing handouts and other materials and storing them correctly
3. Recordkeeping – The Cadet might maintain classroom files, distribute supplementary
materials, and maintain distribution records
4. Keeping a Calendar – Most content areas maintain a calendar of special events and a
schedule for usage of instructional material and equipment that are shared by several
teachers. The Cadet might perform this duty by
a. using a basket, file folder, or space on a bulletin board for teachers from the
department to leave messages concerning the calendar or schedule
b. posting the calendar weekly or monthly for teachers to sign up for
instructional materials and audio-visual equipment as they plan for lessons
c. ensuring that announcements are submitted on time for the daily bulletin
d. handling special announcements about science fairs, international festivals,
club meetings, etc.
See Mrs. Reid for content-specific activity suggestions.
Other Requirements:
1. Teaching a lesson: You will work with your supervising teacher to teach at least one lesson
each quarter (two each semester).
2. Research Project: Advanced Teacher Cadets will be required to submit on the Monday of the
eighth week of the first quarter of the class a formal researched project related to an
educational topic. The project must meet the following requirements:
MLA format
1000 word minimum
Five sources, no more than two from the Internet
No sources more than three years old
Citations within paper and Works Cited Page
Some suggested topics include:
School vouchers
High-stakes testing
Science standards (particularly in Kansas)
Diversity in schools
Minorities and education
School fair funding (this is the lawsuit our school and others brought against the
State of Kansas)
“No Child Left Behind” Legislation
Any topic related to education is appropriate. Please tell Mrs. Reid your topic by the
third week of the quarter. Also, please see Mrs. Reid if you have any questions!
3. Journal: Each week you will be required to submit a journal entry on your blog. Mrs. Reid
will give you the information to log into and use your blog. Reflection means to describe
the event and explain what it meant, why it was important, and/or what you learned from
it. In the blog, you must reflect on the following:
Best thing that happened this week
Worst thing that happened this week
Three things you learned this week
Any questions/concerns you want to share with Mrs. Reid and your classmates
Anything else you want Mrs. Reid and your classmates to know
(see next page)
You must respond to at least two other students’ blog entries also.
The blogs are due by OP the Monday following the last day of the school week. The
responses are due by Wednesday.
Your blogs must exhibit correct spelling, punctuation, usage, etc.
4. Portfolio: This will be much like the portfolio you created for Teacher Cadet. You will create
a portfolio of your entire teaching experience to include the following:
a. A title page where the title summarizes your feelings about your experience and lists
the teacher, age group, subject, and dates you spent in the classroom.
b. A paragraph or picture of how the classroom environment either added or detracted
from the learning.
c. A paragraph that profiles one or two specific students (perhaps they “touched” you or
perhaps they irritated you)
d. A list that profiles your teacher’s teaching style, classroom management, attitudes,
e. A paragraph which evaluates whether your school is “inviting” and welcoming to
visitors. Think attitudes of staff, discipline, etc.
f. An anecdote about your best experience in Advanced Teacher Cadet.
g. A paragraph on how the experience changed you.
h. A few paragraphs on your philosophy of teaching.
i. Your lesson plans and their evaluations.
j. Your journal should be placed at the end of the portfolio in a separate section.
k. You may add any other documents, notes, or thoughts connected to your teaching that
you want to include.
Please work on these items as you progress through the semester. Don’t wait until the end to try
to do all of these.
The portfolio will be due the Friday before the last week of the semester. That date is
4. Advanced TC meetings: We will meet each week during OP on Wednesdays so I can check
in with you face to face. These meetings are required.
Please read through this information carefully and make sure you understand it. If you have
questions, please ask! Here is my contact info:
School phone: 620-227-1611 ex 2332
Cell phone: 620-202-1984
Please feel free to contact me any time you need to.