parish of the holy name of jesus - Parish of Our Lady of Kirkstall

(15th May 2011)
Holy Name
Athol Kilkenny
St. Mary’s
Mary Teresa Cairns
Holy Name
People of the parish
Alex Himsworth
St Mary’s
Catherine & James McGlinchey
Holy Name
Patricia O’Donnell
MON 16th
9.00am Holy Name
In Thanks (MM)
9.30am St Mary’s
Jeanne Margaret Carter
TUES 17th
9.30am Assumption
Margaret Churley
Noon St Mary’s
Fr Anthony Wilkinson
7.30pm Holy Name
Marie Beddis
WED 18th
9.00am Holy Name
Yorkshire Brethren Society
9.30am St. Mary’s
Pat Stuart
THURS 19th
9.30am Assumption
November Dead List
Noon Holy Name
Hugh Sweeney
7.30pm St Mary’s (in church)
Deceased members of FOSS &
all the Holy Souls in purgatory
FRI 20th
9.00am Holy Name
Dr. Sean White
9.30am St. Mary’s
Thomas Shaw
SAT 21st
10.00am St. Mary’s
The Curran Family
10.00am Holy Name
Eva Smith
12.30pm St Mary’s
1st Holy Communion Mass
12.30pm Holy Name
Nuptial Mass Lyons & Innes
WELCOME to any visitors and new parishioners.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday morning ONLY, at both SM and HN 10.30-11am
(No evenings), Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the
normal times. A priest is available for confessions at St. Anne’s Cathedral every
weekday from 11am-12.15pm; and Saturday from 10.30-11.45am & 4.30-5.30pm.
FEAST DAYS: Wed 18th St John I; Thurs 19th St Dunstan; Fri 20th St
Bernardine of Siena; Sat 21stSs Christopher Magallanes, Priest & Companions.
BAPTISM: We welcome & pray for the Thompson family and Hedigan family
whose children will be baptised at Holy Name today.
MARRIAGE: Congratulations to Darragh Lyons & Ruth Innes, who will be
married at Holy Name on 21st May. Please pray for them as they start their
married life together.
LATELY DEAD: Pat Stuart. May she rest in the peace of Christ
SICK LIST; Please pray for; Geraldine King, Joan Duffy, Rene Jeffries.
OFFERTORY: Thank you for last Sundays collection: (OLK) £ 2171.2
GOSPEL MUSIC NIGHT COLLECTION: £611.95. (Sorry for the delay!)
FIRST COMMUNIONS will be celebrated at all Masses in Holy Name
church THIS weekend. The front 7 pews will be reserved on each side for the
candidates and their immediate families. Other guests may also be joining the
congregation. Congratulations to all the children who will be making their 1st
Holy Communion at Holy Name this weekend and at St Mary’s next Saturday.
“May God’s love guide you and bless your life with happiness”.
second collection at all Masses THIS weekend, 14th/15th May to support the
costs of educating those young men from our Diocese who are training for the
priesthood. “We currently have twelve men who are training for the priesthood
at four seminaries: St Mary's College, Oscott; St Alban's College, Valladolid,
Spain; The Pontifical Beda College, Rome; and the Venerable English College
Spain. This represents a modest increase in recent years. The diocesan vocations
service runs a monthly discernment group for men who are interested in the
priesthood and the Quo Vadis Group for High School Boys who wish to find
out more. It also engages in a number of initiatives to help all young people
reflect on their Christian vocations - eg presentations to 15-year-old students and
11-year-old pupils and to Confirmation and altar servers' groups - and it liaises
with the diocesan youth service concerning events such as the diocesan
pilgrimage to Lourdes and World Youth Day. In addition, there is an ongoing
preaching mission throughout the parishes of the diocese. Please give generously
at Mass next week to help finance our students' studies and the work of fostering
a culture of vocations in our diocese.” Fr Paul Grogan, Vocations Director.
all Representatives please note that the following Church and Parish Meetings are
scheduled for the month of May. If you are unable to attend please arrange a
substitute if possible and notify the Parish Secretary.
Tues May 17th Holy Name Church Pastoral Committee, Holy Name Presbytery
Lounge, 7.30pm
Tues May 24th Our Lady of Kirkstall Parish Council, Holy Name Presbytery
Lounge, 7.30pm
Parishioners are invited to suggest items for consideration by Council and
Committee Members. Please submit them via the church Secretaries
RISING TO THE OCCASION! Fr Pat expresses appreciation to parishioners at the Church of the Assumption who – at
very short notice (minutes!) – were able to arrange a worthy celebration of a ‘lay-led Liturgy’ last Sunday morning when he was
prevented from getting to the church by the Leeds Marathon road blocks. The Liturgy of the Word was provided, and the
Rite of Holy Communion reverently undertaken, all supported by the usual prayerful and lively singing - for the benefit of all
present. Well done everyone!
PARISH FINANCE AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE: Minutes of the recent Meeting (Wednesday May 11th) will be
accessible on the Parish Web site, and a number of copies made available in each church, as soon as possible.
SM FUND RAISER COFFEE MORNING: THIS Sunday 15th May after both Masses. Please come and support us – or
donations can be given to Carole Cooper or Mary McCormick. Thank you.
PARISH EMAIL ADDRESSES: A reminder to please change us in your ‘contacts’ & use the Our Lady of Kirkstall email
addresses given at the top of this bulletin.
THANK YOU: “to everyone who donated for Jessica and Amelia Guilfoyle's marathon run raising money for the National
Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery who saved their brother Sam's life. Amelia did it in 4 hours 25 minutes and Jessica
did it in 5 hours 32 minutes. We're very proud of both of them. They raised over £6000 for the hospital. Sam is doing very
well at Pinderfields Hospital and has some slight movement in his arms and legs which is very different from the prognosis we
received in September. Back then the doctors told us he would be paralysed from the neck down. Thank you to everyone for
your prayers for Sam. He is a little miracle and every day shows us the power of prayer." Veronica Guilfoyle.
CATHOLIC POST ADVERTISING: The Catholic Post is now generating its’ own advertising which needs to pay for the
publication/production of the paper. If you would like to advertise a company or an event contact John Grady or Louise ward
at Hinsley Hall on 2618022.
MINISTERS & READERS ROTA (SM): Please could you inform Amanda McDonnell of your availability from June 12th
until Sept 11th ASAP. Thank you.
READERS’ ROTA (HN): Would Readers let Ann Philpott know, by Monday, 6th June, please, of any dates when they will
not be available between 2nd July and 30th October 2011, and of any changes in contact details. Telephone 0113 2611569 or email Thank you.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK: 15th to 21st May. Our Lady of Kirkstall is taking part in the house to house collection in Adel,
Horsforth and West Park. This week's collection will help fund long-term development work, respond to emergencies and
challenge unjust systems keeping people poor. Horsforth still needs collectors. Please check the notice in the narthex and see
if you can help. Please be generous!
EXPLORING THE NEW TEXT OF THE ROMAN MISSAL: Come along to deepen your knowledge of the Mass and
to learn about what is new in the texts of the Mass we will be using from September. Four sessions will be held at St. Paul’s
Catholic Primary School, Buckstone Crescent (off King Lane). Wed 25th May, Wed 8th June & Wed 22nd June, 7.00pm8.30pm. For further details please see the poster in the porch.
WORDS FOR THE SOUL BOOK GROUP: Next meeting is on Thursday May 19th 7.30-9pm in HN presbytery. This
is a reconvened meeting (due to previous meeting being cancelled) to discuss Anthony De Mello's "Awareness" in conjunction
with the CDF "Notification" about this book. On May 19th we also intend to set a series of dates and books to read through
the coming year. Please could all Book Group participants (old and new) give your contact details to Su Goodyear (to form a
Book Group database) and also confirm ASAP if you will be coming to the meeting on May 19th.
SCOUT PLANT SALE - COLLECTION: The pre ordered plants will be ready for collection on Saturday 21st May from
8am – 10.30am at the Grove Methodist Centre, Horsforth.
LEEDS CITY OF SANCTUARY-ONE LOVE ONE LEEDS EVENT: 30th May 1-8pm. Drop in or come for it all! At
the Mariners Resource Centre in Beeston LS11. There will be stalls, activities and food. See poster in the narthex/porch.
SPIRITUALITY IN OUR PARISH: Booking forms are now available on the parish website and in each OLK church for
our next Retreat Day at Myddelton Grange on Saturday June 18th. The contemplative focus of this day (titled "Ecce
Homo - Behold the Man") will be on "The Humanity of Jesus". Closing date for bookings June 6th.
“THE CALL TO DIALOUGE”: Exploring the Bishops’ statement on interreligious dialogue: “MEETING GOD IN
FRIEND AND STRANGER”. Saturday June 25th 9.30am for start to 1.30pm lunch at Wheeler Hall, St Anne’s St
Leeds. See Posters in the narthex/porch for details.
MASSES NEXT WEEKEND: 6.30pm (HN): Int of Sam Guilfoyle 8.15am (SM): November Dead List 9.00am (HN): James
Jordan 9.45am (A): Thornton Hezelgrave 11.00am (SM): Missionary Society of the St. Columban 11.15am (HN): People of the
God is much more anxious to communicate with us than we are to listen (Morton Kelsey)