Bloom’s Taxonomy: Six Thinking Levels
Knowing 1
Understanding 2
I enjoy reading,
writing & speaking
I enjoy working with
numbers & science
List Responsibilities
of Road Users
list current road
Outline consequences
of unsafe road
Interpret graphs
Applying 3
Analysing 4
Examine the factors
in road and traffic
Examine road
statistics to determine
Creating 5
Evaluating 6
information on road
“Truth or Lie”
Analyze personal
views and values
“Values Continuum”
Create a WEBPAGE
about safe road use
for teens
Create 3 new laws:
include fines etc
Evaluate the 5 most
important rules that
Mum/dad should teach
a new driver.
Argue against/for a
new govt initiative or
law: use statistics
I enjoy painting,
drawing & visualising
Find what the standard
drinks looks like
Draw 1st wheels and
answer questions
Apply stimulus to an
“Police Work”
Crash Scenece
Analyze current
TV road campaigns
Lino it
Design a futuristic car
and answer questions
Google sketch
Determine potential
hazardous areas: use
I enjoy doing handson activities, sports &
Respond to practical
“Bull Rush”
Outline factors that
contribute to road
Examine and rank
risky behaviours
Car Park Challenge
Crash Scence
Investigator Edheads
Hazardous Holiday
I enjoy making &
listening to music
Listen to a song and
answer questions:
Outline a new verse for
road use/ safety
Prepare a song, poem,
rap on safe driving
Analyze a song
about road use
I enjoy working with
In groups, list factors
that contribute to road
In groups, share ideas to
develop skills on peer
In groups, illustrate
safe behaviour in a
motor vehicle
In groups, students
rank casual factors
Create a promotional
movie discouraging
speed and rink
driving amongst new
Evaluate the music
used in promotional
Debate the
introduction of a new
I enjoy working by
List unsafe behaviours
that you may have seen
in movies
Match statements to
Apply knowledge of
skills & attitudes to
Students examine
own driving ability
Evaluate a current road
I enjoy caring for
plants & animals
Copy out effects of
motor vehicles on
Explain the
consequences & results
of motor use on
Classify road
Analyze question on
Create of magazine
article proving useful
safety tips during the
holiday period on the
Create an
Friendly car
Google Sketch
Justify and write a
letter recommending
an action be ceased.
Assessment Details
1. Activities Underlined are core activities: everyone must do these: Teacher facilitated learning. Note: these do not count towards your
2. Subject requirement: you must compile/ make -up a minimum of 30 points: these activities (30 points) will be marked as your
assessment item for this term.
3. To make up these 30 points you must answer at least one activity from each points one from knowing, understaning, applying
4. You cannot choose more than two activities from the same point value. Eg 2 only from knowing, 2 understanding etc….
5. These activities will be conducted in class time but, you may need to do research work in your own time to complete all tasks. due:
6. Downloading or copying large portions of information from the internet is not accepted: this is called plagiarism. Information should be
downloaded and then re-written in your own words. Sites should also be referenced.
Core Activities
(Teacher directed)
1. Students brainstorm the responsibilities of road users
 Motor vehicle drivers
 Cyclists
 Passengers
2. Students participate in a class game(s) of “Bull Rush” and then return to the classroom. Students answer and discuss questions/ answers:
 When was it safe to cross?
 Did you have strategies for crossing safely? If so, when did you need to use these strategies?
 Who got caught in the game? Why?
 Who stayed in the longest? Why?
 How could you liken this game to real life?
 How should you cross the road?
 How should you cross the road in big groups?
3. Students complete computer activity “CSI” from road safety resources.
4. Using road ads from the present and past, evaluate the strategies used within them to impact the viewer. What strategies were used, what emotions are
evoked, why the change? Etc.
5. Students classify accidents into Environmental, human and vehicle: Teacher facilitated: student’s brainstorm means/ ways of accidents and then group them.
6. Students are to watch the promotional ad on TV (the one with the guy in the new Ute). Students are to explain the ad and especially focus on the use of
music: thinks to think about include:
- What does the ad make you think they are selling?
- Who does the add seem to be focused at: age and sex, in the end, who is it focused on?
- What kind of music do they use?
- How does it shape and mold the ad, give it feeling?
- How does the music promote the focus?
- How does the ad change if you use other types of music: classical?
One Point Activities:
Students must nominate the value of activity next to answer
1. Students research and compile a minimum 15 road statistics. Statistical information can be found on things like: speeding, fatigue, drink driving, men V women
and accidents, comparisons between accidents and different decades, lives saved through technological advances etc
2. Students listen to the song “With my own two hands”. In regards to Road use, responsible use and safety answer the questions: with your own two
 What things can you do to change the world?
 What things can you do to make it a brighter place?
 Who can you reach out to?
 How can you make it a safer place?
 In the end, what does he mean by saying that it has to be your own hands?
3. In groups of 3-4, students list the factors that contribute to road accidents. Information can be presented in any manner: , brainstorm, power points
etc. Each student in group must hand in a copy.
4. Students list unsafe motor vehicle behaviours that they have seen on movies/ TV. For each movie you need to answer:
1. Name of Movie?
2. What was the unsafe activity?
3. What was the outcome?
4. If this was a real life situation, what would have happened?
E.G. I once saw Willy Coyote strap himself onto a motor bike that had two big rockets on the back of it. He went over the cliff and plunged about 1km, then the
rockets exploded on him: yet he was up to his old tricks the next scene!?!?
5. Students list the effects of motor vehicles on the environment. Students need to consider all types of pollution.
Two Point Activities:
Students must nominate the value of activity next to answer
1. Students outline possible outcomes and/or consequences of unsafe road behaviours. Information can be presented in point form, brainstorm, table etc
2. Students interpret the following graph and conclude what was introduced to decrease the accidents and injuries in road use: you may need to use internet to
find answers.
3. Students are to draw their first set of wheels: they may have been a dinky, a BMX or even a car. Students are to then answer the following Questions:
 What were your first wheels?
 What did they allow you to do?
 Where did they come from?
 How much did they cost?
 What supervision and instructions were you given? Why?
 What were the benefits, outcomes and purposes of having a set of wheels?
 How does your first set of wheels train you for when you get to drive a car?
4. Students use the song “with my own two hands” and write a new verse to the song to deal with road use.
Example: what can he do with his own two hands??????
5. In pairs, students develop an information pamphlet to instruct young teens how to cope with peer pressure in regards to safe driving. Eg not speeding, not
getting in a car with someone you don’t trust etc.
6. Students use the definitions/ words to fill in gaps:
Words: drivers, 40km/p/hr, passengers, cool, False, pedestrians, motor cyclists, pedal cyclists, $6 billion, the loss of earnings of the injured, seat belts, Zero,
survive, emergency medical care, fool, repair costs, Air bags, insurance payouts, rehabilitation, ABS Brakes, Drink,
Road and traffic related injuries can be divided into 5 main road user groups: __________, ______________, _______________, ________________,
Road and traffic related injuries cost the people of Australia over_____________ every year.
There are significant financial and emotional costs associated with crashes. These include:
True or False: When you drink and drive you can only hurt yourself:____________
The speed limit in school zones is: _____________
Three initiatives or safety products that manufacturers have placed in cars are:______________, _______________, _______________
The ad on the TV at the moment about drink driving wants you to: “re-think your last____________”
The level of alcohol that someone can have on their Provisional license is_________
Finish this saying: “Drive, revive & __________”
When you ride a bike, you should wear a helmet because it is_____________, if you don’t, you must be a ____________
7. Students explain the consequences and results of motor use on the environment.
Three Point Activities:
Students must nominate the value of activity next to answer
1. Students are to find current road statistics to do with road use. Using these statistics students need to explain why there are rules/ laws set up to reduce these
statistics. Discuss at least 5 statistics.
Example: (not a real statistic) 84% of accidents are a result of women drivers. Because of this the government introduced a “No-women” driving policy with a
1000 fine.
Note: your statistic and law/rule needs to be realistic!!!
2. Police Work: Students pretend that they are Police investigators, investigating a road side accident. Students will be given clue cards: such as walking to
school, blue Holden, pizza box, pedestrian crossing. It is up to the student to piece together the information and write a police report on what they think
3. Students rank the top ten risky motor vehicle behaviours: 10-1. For each one you should explain why it is so risky or dangerous.
4. Students write a song/ poem or rap to promote safe driving or demote risky driving behaviours. Students can use current songs/ poems etc and just change
words or write an original piece. If students are game, they can sing or read it to the class, to PE staff room or get teacher to sing for them.
5. In groups 3-4, students are to illustrate what they believe are safe behaviours in motor vehicles and what are unsafe behaviours. Students need to illustrate at
least 10 for each. Each student needs to have a copy of work.
6. Students need to apply their knowledge of safe driving to scenarios. Students need to point out potentially risky behaviours and apply recommendations to
stop risky behaviours.
WRITE SCENARIO’S???????????????????
Four Point Activities:
Students must nominate the value of activity next to answer
1. Students are to run a game of “two truths and a lie”. This game involves the student placing correct and incorrect information together: two true things and
one lie. It is then up to the class to choose which of the three they believe to be the incorrect information or the lie. Students can use statistics, road rules etc.
Students must came up with at least 10 questions of 2 truths and 1 lie. Students to answer individually or in groups. Students must give at least one lesson notice
before running game (20min).
2. This activity can be run in pairs or on own. Students are to organize an activity that compares the values of each student. Student(s)/ organizers make signs:
Agree, Disagree and Unsure and place them in separate parts of the room. They then ask questions that test the students values. Students must stand next to
signs: organizers must ask them randomly why they are at that sign? Organizers must come up with at least 10 questions.
Example Question: Young people should not be allowed to drive until they are 21. You will need to tell the guru at least one lesson before you plan on running the
game. (20min)
3. There are many current advertising campaigns on road issues, including TV ads. Students are to analyze 2 of these advertising campaigns and answer the
following questions;
What is the ad for and give a brief run down of what happens in the ad
Who is the ad targeting? How do you know?
What sort of images do they use to get their point across?
What is the mood like in the ad (include music)?
Do you think that it is an effective ad? Explain
4. Students are to analyze the film clip to “Love Generation”. Using the deeper meanings of the song and the film clip, explain the relevance of the kid and his
5. In pairs, students rank 10-1, the greatest factors that cause road accidents and fatalities. Next to each one, students need to provide a way of overcoming it.
Students play Car Park Challenge and answer the following questions -
- Write down the advice/road statistics information provided at the end of each level.
6. Students examine own driving skills. Students are to interview their parents/ instructors etc (whoever is teaching them to drive). Students need to ask their
What areas are they good in: 5 strengths
What areas do they need to improve in: 5 weaknesses
Students then need to state ways of improving these weaknesses. Students need to get instructors signature at the completion of this activity.
7. Students need to discuss both the positive and negative issues associated with destroying large areas of the environment in order to build roads.
Five Point Activities:
Students must nominate the value of activity next to answer
1. Create a GLOGSTER about safe road use for teens
2. Students are to create 3 new laws that will help reduce accidents, injuries etc. Students are to include correct legislature terminology (need to look up laws)
and fines etc
3. You have just been employment to build the car that is going to revolutionize all other cars. This car is already being branded:
They are saying that this car is the safest car to ever exist, with more safety features than ever seen before (both for the driver and outside factors). So you have
a fair bit of pressure on you. You need to design it, indicate all design feature and evaluate how it will revolutionize road safety.
4. Create a promotional movie discouraging speed and rink driving amongst new drivers.
6. In pairs, you are to create an insurance company that sells car insurance only to people under 21. You will need to have:
A name and logo
A slogan
A mission statement (reason why you exist and what you provide)
A one page letter to your customers advertising your business.
7. Students write a magazine article outlining safe driving tips during the holidays. They need to include drink driving, speeding, cameras etc Hint:
8. Students must create a totally environmentally friendly car. Students must:
Have a name for it
Describe it’s features
Have a fuel source
Draw it
Six Point Activities:
Students must nominate the value of activity next to answer
1. Students Evaluate the 5 most important rules or advice that your mum/dad/ driving instructor could ever give you about driving.
2. The Australian Government has just brought in legislation to reduce the speed limit of provisional license holders to 60km/p/HR on the open road. Argue either
for or against this new piece of legislation, using statistics etc
Minimum 300 words
3. Students evaluate potential risk areas in own town. Students are to find potentially dangerous/ risk taken areas and evaluate them. Your evaluation needs to
have: minimum 2-3 areas
Photo of problem area
Explanation of why it is a problem area: possible outcomes, behaviours
Possible ways of avoiding issues
4. The NSW state government is tinkering with the idea of a under 21 curfew: no body under this age is allowed to be driving after 10:30p.m or face a loss of
license. In groups of 2-3 or on own (if dare), you are to prepare a debate,You will be arguing against this law being introduced. Each speaker must speak for
between 2-3min. This will happen in front of the class as per a full debate. You will need to tell the teacher at least one lesson before you plan on running the
debate. (20min)
5. Students are to evaluate a current Road Campaign. Students are to evaluate the following:
- What is it targeting?
- Who is it targeting?
- What scenes/ message do they use to push their point?
- Is it effective? Why/ why not?
- Any other relevant information?
- Students are to write in report format. Minimum 300 words.
7. Complete the Hazardous Holiday activity/game. What driving skills are required to ensure you arrive at your destination safely?. Evaluate the reasons for higher
deaths on roads during peak holiday periods.
7. The Loony Larry’s Logging company has just been given the contract to build a path directly through the Blue Mountains nature area (three sisters etc) so that
they can build a new wiz-bang 8 lane express way straight to Canberra from Sydney’s outskirts. Students must write a letter to the Daily Telegraph
recommending that this contract not go ahead. Students must explain, using valid reasons, why the project is disgraceful.