Report Writing: Writing the Report

Report Writing: Writing the Report
To gain a brief overview of the prefatory/supplementary parts of a
To understand the principal considerations in the drafting of the
To become aware of key areas to pay attention to in editing and
proofreading the report to ensure a polished and professional final
Once you have a well-structured, accurately phrased outline, you can begin the final
stage of the report-writing process, actually writing the report. In addition to the
introduction, findings, conclusions, and recommendations sections of the report
(refer to the Notes on Report Writing: Organising and Outlining Report), you need to
include prefatory and supplementary parts in your report. When drafting your
report, ensure that your report is clear, concise, coherent, courteous, correct, and
Prefatory/Supplementary Parts and the Report Proper
In drafting the report, you need to distinguish clearly the various sections of the
report, remembering the functions for each section. There are three basic divisions
of a formal report, prefatory parts, supplementary parts, and the report proper
(sometimes referred to as the body of the report).
Prefatory parts may include the title page, letter of authorization, letter of
transmittal, table of contents, list of illustrations and synopsis or executive
summary. With respect to the prefatory parts section for your problem-solving
reports, you will need only to include a title page.
Supplementary parts could include ‘References’ (sometimes called ‘Sources’ or
‘Bibliography’), Endnotes and an appendix. The References is a list of secondary
sources consulted when preparing the report, such as websites, newspaper or journal
articles, books, etc. Notes (Endnotes) are included when in-text citations use the
superscript system and the reader views the source information at the end of the
report (more information on in-text citations in “Drafting the Report” (see section
below). An appendix contains materials related to the report but not included in the
text because they are too lengthy, complex, or lack direct relevance.
The report proper of your problem-solving reports should include introduction,
findings, conclusions, and recommendations sections.
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National University of Singapore
May include background, purpose, scope, limitations, sources and methods, and
report organisation.
The objective presentation of your data through text, charts and tables.
Your evaluation of the data presented in the Findings section.
Your ideas for improvement based on your conclusions.
Drafting the report
Drafting refers to the process of writing and re-writing to get a complete first draft of
your report. There are three main activities associated with the actual report writing
process, drafting, editing, and proofreading. When writing your reports, remember
that good business writing should be clear, concise, coherent, correct, and courteous
(refer to the Language of Business handout). Also, your report should be complete.
First, before starting the drafting process, check the instructions given by your tutors
for any required format for the report.
Because your report contains a number of different sections, it is especially
important to pay attention to the concept of coherence.
Ensure coherence at all levels of the report
Coherence is the quality when all the parts fit together well and logically to form a
united whole. Although analytical reports are divided into main sections, including
an introduction, findings, conclusion and recommendations, it is important that there
are logical transitions linking the various parts of the report into one integrated
whole. This need for coherence applies not only between the main sections, but also
to the subsections within the main sections. There are various ways to ensure
connections between sections and coherence throughout the report.
Provide introductory comments for main sections
Introductory comments for each main section of the report give the reader a preview
of the content and organisation of the section. This preview allows the reader to
understand not only the main idea presented in the section but also how the subideas (sub-sections) are related to each other and the main idea.
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National University of Singapore
2.1. 2
Use general statements/topic sentences to begin paragraphs
A general statement or topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
Following the introductory general sentence, the paragraph and the topic is
developed through the presentation of data or examples, explanations, etc. This
organisation of the paragraph, from the general to the specific, provides a logical and
connected development of ideas for the reader.
Use linking words
Linking words show the connection between what has been said and what comes
next. They help to provide a logical, smooth flow of ideas and information to the
reader. Linking words (i.e. in addition, however, similarly, thus, and for example)
may be used within a sentence, within a paragraph, and between paragraphs.
Incorporate charts and tables in the text
Once you have produced your visual aids, you need to ensure they are integrated
appropriately with the text of the report. Some report writers refer to all visual aids
as exhibits and number them consecutively throughout the report, while others
number tables and figures (charts) separately. Integrating the visual aids with the
text can be done through the following means:
Introduce the visual aids in the text
Help the readers understand the significance of any visual aids by referring to the
visual aids. This reference helps readers understand why the chart or table is
important. When describing the data shown in your visual aids, be sure to
emphasize the main point you are trying to make, such as the critical information or
trend. Do not make the mistake of simply repeating all the data.
Place visual aids near their in-text references
Preferably, place each visual aid directly next to the text that refers to and explains
the visual aid. Ideally, each visual aid and its relevant text should be on the same
page, so that readers can consult both the visual aid and the explanation at the
same time.
In-text citations
In drafting your reports, it is necessary to acknowledge, through citations, the data
or information that you incorporate into your report from secondary sources. Two
common ways of handling citations are the author-date system and the superscript
Author-date system
When using the author-date system to make a reference citation in text, insert the
author’s last name and the year of the publication within parentheses. You can add
a page number when necessary:
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… reflected the most comprehensive approach (Lee, 2000, p. 67).
Alternatively, the name of the author can be integrated into the text:
According to Lee (2000), the solution was definitely …
When there is no author for the publication, use a short form of the title of the work:
… because of the slowdown in exports (New Plans for Trade Stimulation, 2001, p.
The author-date system requires a reference list in the supplementary parts section
of the report that contains pertinent information about the publication such as the
name of the author, title of the article or book, date of publication, etc.
Superscript system
A more traditional method of in-text citation is the superscript system. In this
system, Arabic numerals are place just above the line of type at the end of the
section of information taken from secondary sources. The superscript lets the reader
know to look for source information either in a footnote (at the bottom of the page)
or in an endnote (in the supplementary parts section of the report).
… represented a 12% decrease in exports compared to the previous year.
Editing and proofreading the report
Editing and proofreading the report is the last stage of the report-writing process.
When editing your report, consider how you can improve the clarity and conciseness
of your writing. You may need to rewrite or even delete entire sections if you find
them unclear, illogical, wordy or redundant. Other areas that you will need to review
are the coherence, appropriateness of the writing style and completeness of the
Eventually, in your editing process you will reach a point when you proofread the
report, primarily looking for grammatical, spelling or typographical errors.
Use spell or grammar checkers first, but be aware that a spell checker is not
foolproof. The following passage has been through a spell checker:
My Spelling Chequer
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your please two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled my sew.
--- Sores unknown ---
Centre for English Language Communication
National University of Singapore
Some suggestions for proofreading are to proofread the report several times, not
just once. Also, get a friend or fellow student to proofread your report. Others are
likely to catch mistakes that you continually fail to miss. If you have the time, set
the document aside and proofread it the next day.
With respect to the presentation of your report, ensure that it is neat, attractive, and
professional. For effective design, be consistent in the use of design elements such
as margins and type styles and balanced in the use of white space, text, and
graphs. White space, blank space free of text and artwork, provides contrast and
gives readers a resting point.
Finally, and very importantly, check again that you have followed the instructions
given by your tutors on any required format for your reports.
Bovee, Courtland L., Thill, John V., Schatzman, Barbara E. (2008): Business
Communication Today. 9th Edition. Prentice-Hall International Inc.
Locker, Kitty O. (2003): Business and Administrative Communication. 6th
Edition. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Further readings
Recommended texts
1. Bovee, Courtland L. & Thill, John V. (2005): Business Communication Today. 9th
Edition. Prentice-Hall International Inc. -- Pages 425 - 495.
2. Locker, Kitty O. (2006): Business and Administrative Communication. 7th
Edition. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. -- Pages 408 - 434.
Centre for English Language Communication
National University of Singapore