1930's list

1931 - Empire State Building opens
1931 - Japanese invasion of Manchuria
1932 - Stimson Doctrine
1932 - Norris-La Guardia Act
1932 - Bonus Army marches on DC
1932 - Amelia Earhart flies across Atlantic Ocean
1932 - Reconstruction Finance Corporation
1933 - 20th Amendment
1933 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt becomes President
1933 - Agricultural Adjustment Act
1933 - Civil Works Administration
1933 - Civilian Conservation Corps
1933 - Farm Credit Administration
1933 - Home Owners Loan Corporation
1933 - Tennessee Valley Authority
1933 - Public Works Administration
1933 - National Industrial Recovery Act
1933 - Giuseppe Zangara kills Anton Cermak
1933 - Frances Perkins appointed United States Secretary of Labor
1933 - New Deal
1934 - Glass-Steagall Act
1934 - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission established
1934 - Dust Bowl begins
1934 - Federal Housing Administration
1934 - Johnson Act
1934 - Philippine Commonwealth established
1934 - Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
1934 - Tydings-McDuffie Act
1934 - John Dillinger killed
1934 - Indian Reorganization Act
1934 - Share the Wealth society founded by Huey Long
1935 - Works Progress Administration
1935 - Neutrality Act
1935 - Motor Carrier Act
1935 - Social Security Act
1935 - Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States
1935 - National Labor Relations Act
1935 - Huey Long assassinated
1935 - Congress of Industrial Organizations formed
1935 - Alcoholics Anonymous founded
1935 - Revenue Act of 1935
1936 - Robinson-Patman Act
1936 - Life magazine publishes first issue
1936 - United States v. Butler
1936 - Second London Naval Treaty
1937 - Neutrality Acts
1937 - Hindenburg disaster
1937 - Panay incident
1937 - Golden Gate Bridge completed
1938 - Wheeler-Lea Act
1938 - Fair Labor Standards Act
1939 - Hatch Act
1938 - Orson Welles' The War of the Worlds broadcast
1939 - Nazi Germany invades Poland; World War II begins
1939 - Cash and carry