8 Grade NEISD Science Curriculum

N o r t h Ea s t I n d e pe nd e n t S c h ool D i s t ri ct
Science Department
Grade 8
rev May, 2005
Grade 8
Scope, Sequence, & Resources
Scientific literacy lies not only in knowing facts and information, but also in understanding the connections that make
such information manageable and useful. These connections, referred to as "Unifying Concepts", help students connect
the science concepts from grade to grade. ALL of the science TEKS (K-12) can be categorized into 4 Unifying
Concepts. The 4 Unifying Concepts are: The Nature of Science, Systems, Properties, Patterns, and Models, and
Constancy and Change. The nature of Science is made of skills and processes that must be addressed, maintained, and
monitored throughout the year.
Unit of Study
TEKS/TAKS Objectives
1. Chemistry and Heat
Unifying Concepts:
9 week
-The Nature of Science TEKS
2. System Interactions
Unifying Concepts:
2 weeks
-The Nature of Science TEKS
3. Heredity and the Environment
Unifying Concepts:
4 weeks
-The Nature of Science TEKS
4. Maintaining the Environment
Unifying Concepts:
3 weeks
-The Nature of Science TEKS
Clarifying statements
Chemistry and Heat
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
Clarifying statements
System Interactions
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
Clarifying statements
Heredity and the Environment
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
Clarifying statements
Maintaining the Environment
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
End of Semester 1
This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without
express written permission from NEISD.
N o r t h Ea s t I n d e pe nd e n t S c h ool D i s t ri ct
Science Department
Unit of Study
TEKS/TAKS Objectives
5. Energy of Waves
Unifying Concepts:
Grade 8
2 weeks
-The Nature of Science TEKS
6. Changing Earth
Unifying Concepts:
3 week
-The Nature of Science TEKS
7. Earth Systems
Unifying Concepts:
4 weeks
-The Nature of Science TEKS
8. Astronomy
3 weeks
Unifying Concepts:
-The Nature of Science TEKS
9. Force and Motion
3 weeks
Unifying Concepts:
-The Nature of Science TEKS
rev May, 2005
Clarifying statements
Energy of Waves
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
Clarifying statements
Changing Earth
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
Clarifying statements
Earth Systems
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
Clarifying statements
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
Clarifying statements
Force and Motion
The Nature of Science
Instructional resources
Technology Resources
Assessment Spotlight
End of Semester 2
This publication is the property of North East Independent School District. Duplication in whole or in part, outside of NEISD, is prohibited without
express written permission from NEISD.