Unit 3 Physical Science Vocabulary cards

States of Matter
Observable states of matter
are solids, liquids, and gas.
A form of matter that has a
volume and a shape that
both stay the same.
A form of matter that
has a volume that
stays the same but a
shape that can change.
A form of matter that
has no definite
shape or volume
The process by which
water vapor changes
into liquid water.
The process by which
liquid water changes
into water vapor.
Water that falls
from the sky.
Rain, snow, sleet, and hail
are kinds of precipitation.
Water Cycle
The movement of water
from Earth to the
air and back again.
(Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation)
Mass is the space
an object takes.
(This would be the same on
the Earth or the Moon.)
Weight is how much mass
an object has on EARTH.
(This would NOT be the same on
the Earth or the Moon because of gravity.)
Matter is anything that has
mass and takes up space.
The degree of hotness or
coldness on a body
or environment.
C = Celsius
F = Fahrenheit (USA)
An instrument for
measuring temperature.
C = Celsius
F = Fahrenheit (USA)
The amount of space
inside a
three-dimensional object.
Physical Attributes
of Matter
Ways to compare physical
attributes of matter are by:
color, volume, mass, texture,
temperature, transparent,
flexibility, size, and shape.
Determining the size of
something using weights and
measures is measurement.
(weight, mass, length or height, temperature,
volume and capacity).
Texture is the appearance
and feel of a surface
(bumpy, smooth, shiny, rough, grainy, slimy,
bumpy, sticky, velvety, spongy, hard, greasy,
hairy, soft, fluffy, dry, wet, bouncy)
Examine two or more
objects or ideas in order
to note similarities
Physical Property
Anything that you can
observe about an object
by using one or more
of your senses.
Physical Change
A change in which the form or
shape of a substance changes
but the substance still has the
same chemical makeup.
Chemical Change
A change in one or more
substances, caused by a
reaction, that forms new
and different substances.
The balance point on a
lever that supports the arm
but does not move.
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