Diagnosis and Treatment of Psychopathology

Expectations from Psychopathology and Treatment
1. State the three characteristics psychologists use to determine “abnormality.”
2. Describe the medical model of psychopathology and, in general, how
psychological disorders are diagnosed.
3. Contrast the disease model, diathesis-stress, and bio-psycho-social explanations
for psychopathology.
4. Contrast incidence and lifetime prevalence.
5. Contrast the two major mood disorders, including lifetime prevalence rates.
6. Contrast positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia.
7. Contrast delusions and hallucinations.
8. Are equivalent disorders found around the world?
9. Are symptoms patterns culturally invariant?
10. Are prevalence rates similar across cultures?
11. Define trephining as an early treatment for psychopathology.
12. Describe three different types of biological therapies for mental disorders.
13. State the general principles behind psychoanalysis, client-centered therapy, and
cognitive therapy. Indicate the major figure associated with each (e.g., Freud –
29: Who’s crazy here, anyway?
33: Choosing your psychotherapist
34: Relaxing your fears away.