Study Guide: Exam 1 - NIU College of Education

Study Guide: Exam 1
Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5
TLSE 240
Reminder: The exam will also cover information from class activities and class notes.
Note: Read each chapter in its entirety. Focus on the questions noted on this study guide.
You may wish to respond to these questions on your own paper.
Chapter 1: The Context of Special Education
1. Why has special education been criticized for some time?
2. What students have been disproportionately placed into special education?
3. Why do definitions of disability differ?
4. How were people with disabilities treated during the Middle Ages and/or
5. In general, how have people with disabilities been treated historically?
6. When did special education really begin?
7. What were the contributions of the following individuals:
a. Stard
b. Victor
c. Edouard Seguin
d. Maria Montessori
e. Thomas Gallaudet
f. Samuel Gridley Howe
8. Describe the first residential schools.
9. What were the outcomes (rulings) of these cases:
a. Brown v Board of Education
b. PARC v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
c. Mills v Board of Education of the District of Columbia
10. What findings compelled Congress to pass a national law?
11. What does Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act require?
12. The first special education law was passed in the year_________ and was
13. What 2 conditions were added to the law under IDEA?
14. List 4 issues that were part of the 1997 reauthorization of IDEA.
15. What law did Bush sign into law in 1990?
16. What does ADA require?
17. What does No Child Left Behind require by 2012?
18. What does “universal design” refer to?
19. How does the U.S. Department of Education define “special education?”
20. Be able to provide examples of:
b. LRE
21. Review the 13 disabilities under IDEA.
22. Review the 8 fundamental provisions under IDEA. (See bulleted items on page
23. Be able to recognize people-first language.
24. What are some reasons why special education is controversial?
Chapter 2: Individualized Special Education Programs
1. What are the main ideas associated with these features of the law?
b. IEP
c. LRE
d. Appropriate evaluation
2. What is a major goal of the IEP meeting?
3. Recall from class and the text the main procedural safeguards (parental rights).
4. What is meant by “continuum of services?”
5. IDEA stresses the importance of students with disabilities having access to what?
6. What do accommodations do? (p. 51).
7. Briefly review the IEP steps:
a. pre-referral
b. referral
c. evaluation
d. eligibility
e. development of IEP
f. implementation of IEP
g. annual review
8. Briefly differentiate among these plans:
a. IFSPs
b. IEPs
c. IEP for transition services
Chapter 3: Multicultural and Bilingual Special Education
1. What students are at the greater risk in our schools?
2. What is the difference between
a. multicultural education
b. bilingual education
3. What is the most rapidly growing segment of the U.S. student population?
4. What does IDEA say about nondiscriminatory testing?
5. What students are the fastest growing ethnically identified group of students?
(p. 79)
6. Just as African American, Hispanic, Hawaiian, and Native American students are
_________in many special education categories, they are ___________in
education of the gifted.
7. What are the 2 main conditions of critical concern regarding social and economic
8. Why do homeless have low academic performance?
9. What are 4 key factors associated with the overrepresentation of diverse students
in special education and to their misidentification as having disabilities?
10. What is the general guideline for determining whether a bilingual child has a
speech or language impairment of if the child has a disability?
11. What are some differences between a language difference and a language
12. What is code switching?
13. What are some ways educators can increase the participation of diverse families?
Chapter 5: Speech or Language Impairments
1. Be able to provide an example of the following:
a. articulation error
b. fluency error
c. voice problem
2. What is meant by the following terms?
a. phonology
b. morphology
c. syntax
d. semantics
e. pragmatics
3. Be able to provide an example of these articulation errors:
a. omission
b. substitution
c. distortion
d. addition
4. Briefly describe a language delay.
5. What disability makes up the largest simple category of exceptional learners?
6. What is the second largest special education category?
7. Be able to identify these terms:
a. cleft palate
b. aphasia
c. otitis media
d. collaborative collaboration
e. alternative and augmentative communication
f. speech synthesizers