Watership Down Due May 9 Chapters 43

Watership Down
Chapters 43-46
Due May 9
Total points = 26
1. Discuss the effectiveness of the last line of Chapter 45. This short bit
of dialogue implies more than it states. This is called economy of
language. What is implied but not stated? (5 points)
2. Are the General and his troops fighting just for their women? (3 points)
3. (Irony - a figure of speech in which the actual intent is expressed in
words which carry the opposite meaning.) Explain the irony of
Woundwort's remark about Fiver, "Well, leave him anyway. We've got to
get on, and a rabbit this size isn't going to make any difference, dead or
alive." (page 439) (5 points)
4. What was the General's advantage in the fight at Watership Down?
(page 442) (3 points)
5. Bigwig has matured. Look carefully at the fight between him and the
General. How has he changed since he left the first warren? What has
caused the change? Can you see that you have matured during the past
few years? How? (10 points)