group 5

Humanities I
Mrs. Cave-Mattie
Egypt Literature Unit
Osiris Myth Group Projects
Group #5: Curtis, Kevin K., Callie, Colleen, Nick, Nate, Matt, Julia
(first two names are the group leaders)
Egyptian literature is full of stories, poems, and proverbs. But, plays don’t seem to have
been common. In fact, the only plays we know about are a type called passion plays or mystery
plays. These usually had a religious theme. They act out a scene or a story to do with religion.
One well-known mystery play was performed every year in Abydos. According to the
legend, the god Osiris was buried at Abydos. The mystery play there told the story of his life and
how he became the ruler of the Afterlife. The play was probably performed by priests wearing
masks to play the parts of the main characters. They acted out events in the story of Osiris. The
Osiris myth is one version of that story.
Osiris and Seth were both sons of Geb and Nut, the god of the earth and the goddess of the
sky. Seth was given the desert and the sky over it to rule. He married his sister Nephthys. Osiris
was given the Nile and the fruit-bearing earth. He married his sister, Isis.
Osiris was a good ruler. He brought civilization and agriculture to Egypt. His subjects loved
him. Seth, ruler of the empty desert, was jealous of his brother and decided to murder him. Osiris
was tall, taller than other men. Seth decided to use this fact in his plan.
He had a chest made that was exactly Osiris’ size. It was a beautiful thing, carved and
painted. When Seth brought it to a feast at Osiris’ house, everyone stared at the chest. Everyone
wanted it. When Seth said he would give the chest to the one who fit in it, all the guests were eager
to try. They were all too short for the box. Finally, Osiris stepped into the chest and lay down. The
box was exactly his size.
Before Osiris could stand up, Seth and his helpers slammed the lid of the chest. They
fastened it tightly and threw it into the Nile. Osiris was carried away by the current and drowned.
Isis, Osiris’ wife, set out to find her husband’s body. After a long search, she found it and
brought it back to Egypt. Miraculously, she became pregnant by her “dead” husband. To keep
Osiris’ body safe, she hid it in the marshes of the delta, where the Nile flows into the sea.
The evil Seth was still jealous of his dead brother. Seth found where Isis had hidden the
body, and waited until she left it unguarded. Then Seth pulled the body from the coffin and tore it
into pieces. He threw the pieces in all directions, so that no two pieces lay in the same place.
Isis again set out to find her husband’s body. At last she found all the pieces. She used linen
strips to bind the limbs together. Then Anubis, the guardian of the dead, helped her to preserve the
body with magic spells (this is where the process of mummification has its roots!)
When Isis’ son was born, she named him Horus. She hid the boy so well that his uncle Seth
never even knew he had been born. When Horus was grown, he went to look for Seth to get revenge
for what he had done to his father. The battle between Seth and Horus was fierce. Horus lost one
eye in the fight, but he overcame Seth.
Even so, Seth wouldn’t admit that Horus should be his father’s heir and rule over Egypt. The
quarrel between them was brought to the gods for judgment. The gods recognized Horus as his
father’s successor. Horus became the ruler of Egypt. Seth, now known as the personification of evil,
was sent away.
Then Thoth, the god of wisdom, took the eye that Horus had lost. He placed it over the heart
of the “dead” Osiris. Through this, the heart was given the gift of sight. It saw that another life
existed beyond life on earth. Osiris rose up again. He became the king of the Afterlife, where he
ruled as a god.
Assignment Details
Imagine that you are the casting directors for the upcoming movie, The Osiris Myth (you can
create a new movie title if you want). Which famous actors and actresses would you choose to play
each role? First, figure out who you would have play each role and jot that down.
Next, assign a role to each group member except ONE. If you don’t have enough characters
from the myth, you’ll need to create them! Make sure they have a reason to be involved in the
movie! You can also have one student play the casting director.
The person NOT assigned a character will be the talk show host (or you can set it up like
“Inside the Actor’s Studio”, and the person can play the host). Choose the show this is going to
be…..Ellen, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Inside Actor’s Studio, etc. Make sure each person has a part to play (if
you have extra group members, perhaps you can have an extra host, like Regis and Kelly!).
You will be presenting the talk show to the class. You will be interviewing the actors from
the movie, just like many talk show hosts do each day on their show. You will need to come up with
10-15 questions that you will ask the cast about the movie itself. Your questions should be aimed at
the content of the myth….it should be evident through your answers and questions that you clearly
understand the events of the story. Some suggestions are listed below:
 What is this movie about?
 Is it COMPLETELY based upon the myth of Osiris, or did you add in elements to increase
interest and suspense?
 Discuss rule of King Osiris up to Seth’s deceptive welcome.
 Explain Seth’s character….why does he go after Osiris?
 What does Seth do to deserve the epithet “the evil one”?
 How does Isis save her husband? What was it like to play that character?
 Was it tough to portray the Egyptian lifestyle? How did you make sure your movie was in
 (if you have a casting director being played) Why did you choose this cast? What was it
about each that told you they’d be good for the part?
Basically, you want to ask questions that will show you understand the context of the myth, while at
the same time, you want each person to have a chance to speak. Get some dialogue going; feel free
to add some humor.
You have to have a short skit performed like many talk show hosts do….they would
normally show a clip from the movie, but you will act a scene out instead! Choose one scene, and
have the necessary “actors” reenact what happens. Feel free to bring props, costumes, etc.
Whichever student is chosen to play the host must make sure to introduce the day’s show like
all talk show hosts do. Introduce each actor, and give each person a chance to speak. The host can
have the questions written down on index cards, but the “cast” members have to have their answers
On December 18th, you will present your talk show to the class. You will go on stage, setting
chairs up like a talk show. You will also need to have a space reserved for your skit. Then, the host
will start the show, and you will progress from there. If you want, you can even have some audience
interaction. Be creative…..think about what talk show hosts do to make the shows fun—Ellen
dances, Regis and Kelly have contests, etc. Make this your own….make it memorable.
All that you will have to hand in is a list of each student, which actor or actress they are
portraying, and which character from the myth is attached to each. You will need to type up a
general outline of the show, including the questions. This will need to be handed in THE DAY
BEFORE YOU PRESENT so I can make sure it is appropriate.
Scoring Rubric
Acting Skills
The Show Itself
The Content
Speaking Skills
You need to actually “act” for this presentation. Know
the celebrity you have been assigned, and know the
role the character plays in the myth. Make sure we see
that in your portrayal.
The show should seem like a talk show. You need to
have a clear beginning, middle, and end. The host is in
control of most of this. Practice so there are few slipups.
Your questions, answers, and skit should all
demonstrate that each member of the group
understands the myth itself and the characters involved
in the myth. Know the material and make it clear in
your portrayal. Make sure your skit is in line with the
events of the myth, and use props, etc., accordingly.
Speak loud enough and clear enough so that we can
hear you.
All total, you will be given around 5 days in class to work on your projects. Some of the
work will need to be done at home (like getting costumes, props, etc). Your group has 2 group
leaders; their job is to divide the work evenly so that each person is doing something on his/her own
time. You will be required to hand in a copy of your script THE DAY BEFORE YOU PRESENT.
Other than the script, there is nothing you need to submit. I will be circulating during your
“workshop” days to give you suggestions and help you with the overall process. There is certainly
NO ROOM for procrastination here.
You will present on: December 18th