
Leaders Guide
1) Create a higher level of comfort, confidence, and expectations for success
2) Reinforce the basics - Simple training
3) Recognize people for their results (Evidence that the program works)
4) Create more customers/ appts ( intermediate/ “sort of know” phone app/ new attack list )
5) Maintain accountability factor by checking up on and recreating new assignments
4) Excite reps for the next few days ( secret weapon/ review schedule next 3-5 days )
Prep/Set Up
-Have all Fast Start Prizes out on display and Fast Start Banner
-Create and maintain a positive, upbeat atmosphere.
-Music on, managers excited-this is an event-(day 4 of trg)
-Manuals, Handouts, Wkd Results, QPR’s, and Supplies Ready
-Day 3 Sign In Sheets Out
-PC Schedule (for those that don’t stay for it that day)
(30 minutes before AT-1 is supposed to start)
"Keep the talking to a minimum so people can work on their reports, otherwise we will
never start on time"
-Collect AT 1 reports(Wkd Results), QPR’s, and from trainees
-Show where orders, QPR’s and shopping spree’s typically go
-Review orders and make sure they are written up correctly. Teach reps how to
ROLO if not done in initial training.(Live Example if possible and time available)
-Quick order writing review/ how to calculate CPO, no 5 pay on checks, any other
questions about order writing? (use one of their orders to review with)
-Have Reps Pair Up and Role Play Page 20
While reps role play page 20 take notes on QPR’s
-check out back side of QPR, who has base more than commissions
-mark areas where reps need to see the right people ( in red or highlight )
-pull reps up front 1 on 1 who need to see more qualified cust./need base pay
Have this conversation:
-“I only want you to show married ppl/ couples together/
homeowners/ etc from here on out”
-“Even if it means showing a few less people, I’m really looking for
quality vs. quantity for you…you’ll make more sales and that’s the
-“I’m glad that we are able to give you base pay for this past
weekend, but after advanced training today, I don’t expect you to
ever need the base again, okay?”
-Start setting up field training with reps in the office
-Highlight on Weekend Results Form positive stats to recognize
(this should begin either when AT-1 was scheduled to start or when 2hrs remaining)
Welcome to Advanced Training 1!
You may have had some great appointments so far, or some
disappointments. Either way, today is going to help you improve.
How many of you have an appt. after this? (ask knowing that many do)
Anytime someone leaves advanced training they see an immediate impact on
their results!
Did any of you have an appt this weekend where the customer bought a
piece or pieces and you felt they could’ve gotten a set? Did you have
someone sitting on the fence, and then ended up not getting it? Well, today
we’re going to turn those smaller sales into SET sales and those wishy-washy
customers into SLAM DUNKS!
“In training, I didn’t really teach you how to sell—basically showed you how
great Cutco is and taught you how to show it—and you still made sales.
Now—I’m going to teach you how to make sell Cutco.”
Recognize in Groups
 Sales made, Set sales, Percentage of sales, Recs, Number of
appointments done, Promotions received, & Fast Start Prizes won so
far. “It has only been 2 days.”
 Non-Sellers “John completed 2 demos, Lisa did 3 and got 15
leads, David did 4 and averaged 3 leads, let’s give them a hand”
 Reps with first Sale “Nancy sold a trimmer and got them
started, Alex sold an essentials and averaged 2 leads, Sam sold a
customized set, let’s give them a hand”
 Say something positive about everybody, everything sounds
like that was what was supposed to happen.(very matter of fact,
that’s just how it is – Joe sold a homie, Sue had her first order, Mary
got 15 yes’s, Susie sold an Ultimate.
 Announce PR’s set for interviews ( teach how to talk about
job/ build up int/ get people to set up if they didn’t set up/ etc )
Recognition of Team/Group
• “Most everyone made their first sale, the group sold $_____,
good start”
• “You guys are just going to get better and better from here!”
20-20-60 Concept
Now to start off Advanced Training, I want to talk about the
20-20-60 Concept,
20%: Always Buy “Like past Cutco owners and easy sales”
• No matter what you do 20% of people will always buy. And you may
have run into some of those people this past weekend. You could’ve
made 100 mistakes and they still would have bought as long as you
what? (follow the program, smile, and cut rope) The reality is people like
spending money, people appreciate quality, and CUTCO will always sell
itself! (Use example from training class)
20%: Never Buy
• Now, on the opposite end 20% of people will NEVER buy. NO MATTER
WHAT! You could have followed the program to a “T”, seen the most
qualified MAC’s (Lay Ups), they could’ve needed new knives, and easily
afforded it, and they still would NOT buy. With all the experience I have
and all the people I’ve helped succeed, I couldn’t have sold that
customer! “Nothing you or I can do.
Whenever I had a no sale, I just remembered what my manager taught
me, IT WAS PROBABLY THOSE 1 or 2 in 10!
Should they affect your confidence?
(No, because what type of appt is coming around the corner???)
• Does it make sense to tell war stories about these people? (no)
A really important point to note, is that out of all the customers you
can possibly see…these “NEVER’s” are only 20%. So only 2 in 10 are
presentations that you cannot control…
60%: Depends on YOU ( Skills/ Confidence/ Enthusiasm )
• That means that there are 60% of the customers left. And that sale to
the 60% depends on who? (right, depends on you). It has to do
with the rep’s skill set, confidence in the great Cutco product and, of
course, enthusiasm! That means on 60% of all the demos you did (no
matter how they went this weekend ) there are tips and tools we can use
to control the outcome!
So, the first big tip that I will give you is that from here on out, in order to
see bigger results, our best and most successful reps know that they have
the ability to control the outcome of 60%+ of all their demos!
From here on out, its never that “the customer didn’t buy!” Its that the rep
( you ) didn’t what? ( sell ) Its never “the customer didn’t give me any
recommendations!” Its that the rep ( you ) didn’t…(get recommendations ).
When you take responsibility, that’s more than half the solution!
So, today I’m going to give you those tools to positively affect this 60%!!!!
I’m going to review the presentation today: It will make so much more
sense now that you’ve done a few presentations this past weekend! It
will help you put everything together! SOUND GOOD?
I’m going to teach you how to get more and more
Recommendation… about doubling what you got so far this weekend?
I’m going to teach you how to get more people to call…in fact, I’m
going to teach you how to get more customers on your list/ and how to
call a different type of customer! HOW ABOUT THAT?
-And OF COURSE, I’m going to give you tips on how to close the sale
bigger and more OFTEN! One of the things I am going to teach you is
the secret weapon. I am so excited to share this with you. People leave
advanced training and they sell so much more than they did in their first
weekend because of this.In fact, you are probably going to be mad at me
that I didn’t teach it to you in training. But you weren’t ready for it
then…you are now. YOU’RE GONNA FLIP OUT!!!
We have reps that sell 7,8,9 out of 10 appts. of appointments. Not just for a
week or two, but for over an extended period of time. Months, a year, or for
the top reps for their entire career.
They do this consistently, so it isn’t luck.
They are good because of what they learn at Adv Trg, Team Meeting’s,
SLDM’s(Sales Leadership Development Mtgs), Division Meetings, etc. You all
have an opportunity to become great immediately because of the functions
we have coming up … We have a Team Meeting on (Day) where you will get
the chance to meet and learn from the top people on our team, we have
Advanced Training 2 on (day)__________, Division Meeting on
(day)_________ where you will learn from the best leaders in our Division
including ANGIE MACDOUGALL (promote next SLDM/ Div Mtg).
If you take good notes and use EXACTLY what we teach you, you will see
greater and greater success very quickly.
No matter what has happened so far, today will make a HUGE difference!
-ex.“______ only sold _____ by Adv TRN 1, but right after _____”
(Andrew Munro, sharpener, couple knives, 3 Homemakers after AT1in the next 2
So you guys ready for Advanced Training? Let’s dive in…let’s review the
demo and then talk about the 60% we can impact…
Manager Leads the Review with Questions below
(hold up blue book)
Do we just walk in and start doing the presentation? (No build rapport)
After that what do we enter our customer in as a thank you?
(Shopping spree)
Then you share which contests with them? (Fast Start, R4C/Scholarship)
How long has the company been in business since? (1949) How much
do we sell every year? (200+ million), How many customers?
(15+ million)
Then we show what 2 products at the beginning? (S.Shears and
Peeler), Names/Uses on both?, Was everyone able to cut the
penny? How can they get the peeler for free? (Recos)
How long will the average knife stay sharp? (2 years)
What is no good about a wood handle (fade, splinter, absorb bacteria,
What is no good about a plastic handle (break, crack, melt, slippery,
glued together)
What does partial tang mean? (Blade doesn’t go through the handle)
What is no good about brass rivets? (Expand, contract and loosen)
What is no good about carbon steel? (Rust, pit, corrode) Why is it
good? (Stays sharp longer)
What is no good about stainless steel? (Won’t stay sharp, difficult to
sharpen) Why is it good? (Won’t rust or corrode)
What is no good about serrated edges? (Rip and tear)
What is no good about straight edges? (Need to be constantly
Solution? (Cutco!)
What kind of design do we us on our handle? (Universal wedge lock,
Thomas Lamb)
What material do we use in our handle? (Thermo resin)
Tang? (Full) Rivets? (Nickel silver)
What kind of steel do we use? (High carbon surgical stainless steel)
Why? (Holds an edge like carbon, but won’t rust)
What demonstration do we do now? (Rope) Were there any questions
on the rope cutting Demonstration?
(Have sharp rep do the rope cutting for manager.)
What is our edge called? (Double D) Why does it work so well?
(Recessed edge, protected between the points) How long will it stay
sharp? (Up to 10 years)
How long is the guarantee? (Forever)
What are the 4 points? (Performance, Sharpness, Misuse/Abuse,
money back guarantee – have group expand and explain on each
Do a names and uses on each knife in the Homemaker set. What kind
of food did you cut?
Were there any questions with the leather cutting demonstration?
(Have sharp rep do leather demo.)
How do we store the knives? (Woodblocks and trays)
What do they get for free for buying a homemaker today? (Super
shears or Kitchen tools)
If they don’t want to buy all at once is that ok? (Yes, investment
If they want a smaller set is that ok? (Yes- drop down)
What do we show even if they don’t want any sets/individual pieces?
What do we always ask for at the end even if they don’t want any
Cutco? (Recommendations)
How many of you did the close exactly like this? (Manager does pages 10 and
11 for the group, word for word)
What did we say were the $ areas of the demo, most important to
memorize? (pages 11/12(close), 18 (reco’s) and page 24 (phone approach).
Most important to know without the book are 11/12 and 18- eye contact.
Now we are going to Role Play pages 11/12 as many times as
possible. Use your blue book and manual if you need it, work to get it down
without the manual.
Manager actively listening and giving feedback
(review in their manual)
Show Prospects not Suspects- show the right people, show the right
people!!! Which are who? MAC’S (Slam Dunks)
Single Men
Young Adults & Retirees
So again married vs single, homeowner vs renter, couple or wife only vs
husband only
You might get lucky from time to time, but our company sells mostly to
who? MAC’s or (Lay Ups)
2. Follow the manual, follow the manual, follow the manual!!!
Did anybody hear a customer say “that’s too much money for knives…not too
much money for the budget….but that they would never spend that much
money for knives…that CUTCO just wasn’t worth spending the money on?”
If you heard that, then that means that the customer did NOT see the actual
VALUE of CUTCO. If a customer doesn’t see the value, it is a good sign you
need to follow the manual much more closely and especially memorize the
close, which is page? (11 +12)- word for word. The other important areas
again are pages 18 & 24. When you are new, it can feel awkward because
you are just reading, but the sooner you know it, the more confident you will
become in what you are saying and then it will sound a lot more natural to
the customer. By the way, this demo is incredible. All you have to do is get
comfortable with it and you will rock.
Last year our office sold _________. And everyone used the same manual!
3.AFTO (Always Ask For The Order)
A rep not following the manual automatically assumes the customer is going
to jump and say “I’ll take it!”
After getting the customer very excited about CUTCO for the last 30-45 min.
it only makes sense to ask the customer if they would like to place the order
and get it.
It is your job to see if they would like to own it. You must ask them in order
to find out what they are thinking. A customer is never offended by you
asking them if they want to buy. Whatever they say, you can work with them
from there.
B. Confidence and Enthusiasm
If you EXPECT people to buy (or not), they can tell. If it comes across for
even just one little second that you don’t think they are going to buy, guess
what? (they don’t buy)
So when you go into an appointment you have to expect them
to buy EVERYTHING, not just one of everything, but 2 and 3 of
everything. An ultimate, one of every accessory, 2 peelers, 5
fisherman solutions…EVERYTHING.
Does this mean they will buy everything? No, but it will make
them feel comfortable getting what they like and you never
know what they will like so you have to be confident in
For example, if the customer likes the garden tools, but they
can’t tell if you expect them to buy it or they see you don’t
expect them to, then they think, well maybe they aren’t that
good, we’ll wait.
BUT if you totally expect them to get it then they will see how
confident in the garden tools you are and they will feel
comfortable buying them.
You are the knife expert, your opinion has value, so you have to
be CONFIDENT and expect a SALE
Have Enthusiasm for everything. Whatever you are excited
about, they will be excited about. If you are like “eh, here it is”,
then they will match you.
For Example if you went over to best buy and asked the guy if
he could tell you about two radios and the first one he was like:
o This one is great
o It has this feature and that feature and this part is
o I already sold 3 of these today
Then when you asked him about the other one he said, “Eh, it’s
ok” WHICH ONE WOULD YOU BUY??? The one he was excited
about, because he is the expert. So remember you are the
Can’t be tired by the names and uses section, must have fun
and get into the product, show them how good it is! And this
will make your appointments a lot more fun as well.
C. Presenting Investment Options Clearly & Handling Concerns
“When you ask if they would like to get it and they say, “I can’t afford it,
what are the very first words that come out of your mouth?” (I hope you
didn’t think you had…credit card, then… 2-3 way, then…5 way, then…drop
down,) no that was a trick question then it’s the secret weapon and I’m going
to teach you that today. But otherwise you are right, you would drop down
to the galley set.
Most reps do a great job explaining the options with the
homemaker, where they start missing it is when they cover the galley
and starter sets. Some reps don’t even show them because they
think, well I already covered it once the customer should know they
could still do it.
NO, the customer doesn’t know that you could use the
investment options on the other sets and they certainly don’t know
how much it breaks down to.
It is important to cover investment options after each set
because when they hear the dollar amount for payments, it makes
it easier for them to say YES on the set they can afford to get today.
When you present a new set you are offering new information
for them to make a decision on. Even if they only get a trimmer at
least they know all their options.
Many times they will decide to get a set though, not always
homemaker but many times they will buy a starter. They do because
you make them feel comfortable with what they CAN afford today.
“Most of our customers get started with a starter set…”
You make them feel comfortable by staying enthusiastic about
the next set and reviewing the investment plans as the answer for
them to be able to get it today.
So in your manual you can see how we respond to the customer when
it’s too much money for them, just like we talked about in day 3 training.
After ASKING FOR THE ORDER the customer will either say:
Respond With:
“No problem, (Name), thank you for helping me out and letting me practice on you.
Can I ask you a few questions to see how I did on my presentation?”
Pre Drop Down Questions:
“How did you like CUTCO?” (wait for answer)
“What do you like about it?” (agree and confirm answers)
“If this set were free, would you use it?” (smile and agree)
“Ok so Is the money the main thing keeping you from getting it?”
Present Options:
“I hope I didn’t give you the impression that you had to pay for it all today.
What a lot of people like to do is use one of our NO-INTEREST investment options, let
me show you how they work.”
(Write out numbers on paper)
Manager shows by putting it on the white board
***5-WAY ***
*Our 2-WAY investment plan is only ____ today and ____ in one month.
*Our 3-WAY investment plan is only _____ today and the same amount will be billed every
30 days after that. So your next payment won’t be until _________.
*You could even break it up on a 5-WAY plan on your credit card, which is only about ______
a month. This is our most popular choice.“
(have rep add Pre-Drop Down questions onto page 11 of rep manual before investment options)
We also have a list of different ways to handle concerns on the next page.
Now we are going to do ADVANCED Bonus Points, first lets make sure
everyone knows how to do CPO.
-Review how to figure out CPO on the board
Effective use of bonus points is a big key to making a lot of sales.
* Using bonus points properly will accomplish 3 goals:
1. Customer will get a great deal on Cutco (some for free!)
2. Turn potential no sales into a sale
3. Increase your average sale, thus your income
Use this chart when determining how much free Cutco a customer can get.
Cash Sale Price (Line 1) Bonus Points Allowed
$100 - $200
$200 - $300
$300 - $400
$400 +
**** These are general guidelines ****
Example: Homemaker + 8 (1229) = 300 Points available (25 pts x 12)
You don’t have to use all your bonus points each time. The key is effective
use of them. You can give customers exactly what they want, provided you
follow the guidelines. Do a quick quiz out loud with the group
Order must be over $100 on Line 1 (before tax)
Bonus Points are only allowed on the first visit (1st call)
**Remember a sale today is better than a promise for later, even 1 knife is better.
Review Great Items to Offer for Free (in their manual)
Everybody get out your Price List, I’m going to have you find some
points and Prices in this section
Have reps fill in prices and bonus points of pieces in the manual, you can
give them the totals to save time as you work through the examples below.
Building Up an Order
First I am going to show you how to use them to build up an order then
I will teach you how to use them to turn no sales into sales. Sound
good? Great.
So lets say Mrs. Jones is buying a Trimmer and a Slicer
for 185. That means your CPO is 169. (169-0=169) (63+106 cpo of 2
So this is good right, you have made a sale, but what you can say is…
“Mrs. Jones because of my first call special if you were to add in that
______ (i tell them to pay attention to the pieces they liked from the demo)
that you really liked I could add in that ______ for free.”
(in the example(1 build up)I use a spatula spreader and a paring knife free).
Mgr: Do Math on the Board
Do you see how that is good for both you and them? They get a better deal
on Cutco by using the bonus points, 2 pieces for $185 or 4 pieces for $256,
average of $64/piece instead of $92/piece?
Your CPO is now 192 (232-40) and they got a great deal on CUTCO because
by spending an extra $71 they got a 65$ knife for free. Now that could work
with anything. What I want you to remember is the line
"Mrs. Jones because of my first call special if you were to add in that
______ that you really liked, I could add in that ______ for free."
Does that make sense?
Example 2 (More they buy the More they get for Free)
Show how if they add in the Petite Chef knife they now have 75 points
available and can get the paring knife and the ice cream scoop for free.
Now they 6 pieces for the price of 4.
393 with petite chef, 291 new cpo with 2 pieces feww
Great, know let me show you how to create urgency so they get it today.
Example 3 (Creating Urgency)
Lets say Mrs. Jones loves the 8-piece table knife set but she want you
to call her back next month or next week or what ever. So your CPO
would be 304 with a bunch of question marks beside it
Write on board: 304-0=304?????
So what you can say is “No problem Mrs. Jones I can definitely
call you in a month however because of my first call special if you
get this with me today I can include a petite carver which a $106
So you subtract the 60 points and your CPO is 244 with NO question marks
beside it.
Write on board: 304-60=244
Which is better the 304 with a bunch a ???? or the for sure 244? Exactly,
because, what do those question marks really mean? Exactly, is probably
going to be 0. So always take the “for sure” CPO.
Now lets say that the 304 just does not fit into their budget even on
a 5 pay. You know they like the 8 table knives so what you could
do is say “Mrs. Jones if you get 6 tables knives with me today I can
throw in two more because of my first call special.”
Now its better for them and you if they get it at 304 and you gave them free
stuff but this way they get there 8 table knives and you get a “for sure” sale
and CPO today. (example 3a in table)
Does that make sense?
178 cpo
Do you see how if you use your points effectively you will increase
you CPO? Good, remember to use them effectively. Which means you don't
need to max them out every time. You want to be as consistent as possible.
Keep in mind it’s not about how much they get for free, the important part is
getting something for free because of the first call special.
5. Secret Weapon
a. Share Stories of People who used it and made big Sales after AT1
b. Build Up Secret Weapon
 “Here’s the idea behind the secret weapon….”
 “Sometimes you’re on a demo and the customer says man I really want these—
they’re better than what I have in my drawer, but I have knives already—they’re
not as nice as yours—but they do work—and they’re paid for—in fact I haven’t
even had them that long so it would seem wasteful to buy another set.”
 “Man—they like Cutco…they want Cutco…but they can’t justify replacing what
they have.”
 “It’s kind of like when you go to the car dealer and you want to buy a car, but
you already have a car that works—what do they let you do with your car?
Yeah—trade it in. What if our customers were able to do the same thing with
their knives? What if there was a way for a customer to trade in their used
knives and we gave them a discount on a set of Cutco? How cool would that
be?” (Buzz created in the room)
 “Let’s talk about this…let’s say we allowed the customer to do that—how much
do you think their junky old knives are worth? $50? What if we gave them $50
off? Would that help you out? What if we could do even better than that and we
gave them $100 off? Would that be cool?”
 “Let me show you what we can do…if a customer trades in their junky bacteria
infested old knives what we can do on a homemaker plus 8 is give them a $256
discount? How does that sound?” ( Okay, whose angry at me??? )
 “Are you guys ready to learn the secret weapon??!!!”
c. Turn to Page 7- Secret Weapon
d. Teach them the concept of offering the table knives for free
 Discount is fixed
 What to do with trade in knives (donate or office)
e. Teach them how to write up the order & CPO
f. "Better CPO for you to give something free but trade-in is better than
dropping down to smaller set. If you sold a set that you could do trade-in on
and you want to switch it, stick around after the meeting but realize it will
affect your CPO and fast start contest"
g. Role play with a sharp rep starting from page 10 through buying T.I.S on
investment plans. Explain asking 5 x before the sales happens
(Investment plans vs just showing sets on a one pay)
h. Have Reps Role-play starting with page 10 asking for the order, then go
through investment options, writing them down, and finish with a T.I.S on
a homemaker. Twice each.(Mingle/engage your group while they role play)
6. Dropping Down Effectively
Review dropping down process/ Steps starting with HMKR
Show where to present the T.I.S, how to transition to the next set down
-review with picture in the AT manual (page 9 in Leaders guide manual)
-teach/review going straight to 5-way option after H+8 TIS.
Now let’s teach you how to get more recommendations!
1. The first weekend is usually the toughest time for reps to get
recommendations for 2 reasons:
1.How many of you can say your approach EXACTLY word for word
right now in front of everyone? ( Memorization )
2.The people you were showing this weekend were not personally
recommended, so this is all new to them. When you show a
recommendation, they are like, “Oh yeah, like Betty called me, ok”
When you start showing recommendations, they will get how it all
Reminder that there are two goals on every appt—sale and leads
Most Objections you get can be prevented by memorizing the approach due
to having confidence (eye contact) and stressing you get paid just to show it.
Let’s talk about why you need to Memorize the Approach—When you know
the approach you will be more confident when you ask.
• Review page 18 with group (when to ask, how to use the sheet
when they ask, getting them to call)
• Have it memorized by Advanced Training 2 on ___________
• Let me use an analogy to make this point clear, its called the
feather, brick or truck.
• Every time we talk until you know this page I will be asking you
if you have it memorized yet. On PDI during PCs, all the time. It
will get annoying after awhile. It’s kind of like someone tickling
you on the nose with a feather. Its cute at first but gets
annoying real fast. I will keep this up until you have this
• The feather is better then the brick though. The brick hurts. Its
kind of like wake up call that you really need to get this part
down other wise you won't be here too much longer. You don’t
want to get hit with the brick, it’s not that fun.
• But thats better then the truck. Cause what happens when you
get hit by the truck? right you die. That's what happens
eventually to reps who don’t take the time to memorize page
Keys to Getting more names
1. Mention Recommendations at the beginning of the demo
2. Share your goals with the customer
3. Focus on getting at least 5-10 names written down.
 Review how to use FRANK D plus area of the city
4. Remind the Customer
 Tell the customer “they don’t have to buy, I get paid just to
show it”
5. Always Qualify your Recommendations
 Review how to do that and why it’s important
6. Getting YES’ (Free Vegetable Peeler for 2 Yes’ at the demo)
always ask before you clean up and coach them with and on the call
 (-25 points on order or $8 from the office).
7. Ask for Leads and set up a follow up time (permission to call the ones
they didn’t reach) and remind them to check the do not call list
Review Quickly Basic Objections on bottom of Manual page
Remind them “most objections never come up when the approach is
memorized and they say it with confidence. “
Pair Up and Role-play parts 1 & 2 on page 18 as many times as
We aren’t calling any Recommendations yet though, we are just
collecting them
Right now what we are doing is building a snowball and every lead
you get you are packing a little more snow on your snowball.
Then when I teach you how to call leads, what we are going to do
is throw that snowball down a big snowy hill.
What happens when you throw a snowball down a big snowy hill?
(It gets bigger!)
Even if you have a small snow ball of only a few leads it will
eventually get big (mgr looks at the person/ people who are new
to the area or who didn’t do well with leads this weekend)
–use Brittany Serafini or local rep on your team as an
example (She was born in a small town. Started with 3
people she knew in Edmonton and within 6 weeks she
had a client base of over 100 people here. She just
followed the program.)
But we would rather throw a big snowball. Think if you have 30
MACs down on your list and you showed all of them, then on
average you would have 60 more leads to call. That’s the type of
snowball we want to throw down, because it rolls over once, then
it’s 120 leads from there.
 The goal is for you to get as many leads as possible and get
experience so that when we do teach you to call leads, you’ll have
a ton of customers who are going to see the presentation from a
more skilled rep! Then you’ll be off to the races! So, let’s review
the basic phone approach
All of this stuff is great, but what is the best way to get more
sales, really the only way to get more sales? You need to do
More demos
10 demos – 6-7 sales = 1500- 2000 cpo
5 demos – 3 sales = 750 – 1000 cpo
B. Staying on your initial list of people you know. Don’t call leads yet!
Starting with Cutco is like driving a stick shift car.
o 1st Gear is the people you know really well…parents,
family, close friends. Most of you have a bunch of those
people you didn’t get to see this weekend.
o These next couple days you will be shifting to 2nd gear,
which is the people you know…friends parent’s,
neighbors, parents friends, etc.
o Then 3rd gear is the MOST IMPORTANT gear. This is the
people you KIND OF know…like the neighbor that lives
2 houses down that you never talk to, but you wave at
all the time or the people that work with your parents,
who you don’t hardly ever see, but they hear about
you everyday. Your best friends mom from 6th grade
who you guys don’t hang out anymore, but you used
to be over there all the time.
BECAUSE 3rd gear people really transition you well
o 4th gear, which is just Recommendations (yes’) & Leads
But what happens if you are driving a stick shift car and you go
straight from 1st gear to 4th gear? (You stall) We don’t want you to
So you want to show all your first gear people, then second gear,
then 3rd gear then recommendations. That way you will have a nice
smooth transition instead of stalling.
HINT – When you are calling the people you kind of know, just
remind them of how you know them.
(I’m Billy from down the street, or you work with my mom Sue)
C. Basic Phone Review (go to page 13 in Leaders Guide AT Manual)
D. (List Types of People to call)
(Page 14 in AT manual to review)
Initial Names List (use phone approach in Initial Trg Manual)
People you Sort of Know
Chicken List
Leads/ Recommendations
Remember, right now you’re calling your initial names list and we’re not
calling leads till we’ve snowballed a ton of them. Now, I’m going to show you
a third type of customer to call that will help to increase your current list of
customers by a ton!!!!
These are the people you sort of know:
 “How many of you have a list of people that you really would love to call
and you know they would be excellent sales, but you just haven’t
spoken to them in a while so it feels just a little bit out of place to just
call for an appt?”
 “This would include people like ( list of thought joggers for sort of know
people: old neighbors, old team members, old friends from HS, people
from…etc )
 “Now with the approach I’m going to teach you, you will have the ability
to call all of these people…so you should have so many more people to
 “By the way, this list is also called the chicken list ( explain )”
 “You may feel nervous at first calling them—but what is most likely
going to happen when you call (excited to hear from you and wanting
to know how the family was doing)…after making a couple of calls—
you’ll realize there is nothing to be nervous about!”
 “And what is the advantage of seeing these people?
a) More practice—how much more confident will you be
after another 20-30 appointments?
b) More sales
c) More leads! Chance to really build your lead base
d) Perfect intermediate step
e) Expand your comfort zone and more confidence
 “What’s the worst that can happen? They say no!”
 “But, what’s the best that could happen!” Yeah…sales and leads!
 ( give personal / team examples of great appts with chicken list )
E. Teach Acquaintance Approach (People you Sort of Know/ Chicken List)
- Show them the School Directory/Church/Neighborhood approach
Role-Play Acquaintance Approach 2x minimum each (at back of manual)
G. ( Review Proper phone times )
 Headstart (Wed), Moneymaker (Thurs.) Kickstart (Sun)
 Suggest Morning phone time ( M-F / 7:00-8:30am ) / why (talk about
MAC customers are up not there friends)
 5-6pm everyday no matter what during FS to make sure that you have
appts…this is a great time to get a hold of people!
H. Schedule
o Fill in Key Functions
Demos/ Phone time right after AT1
$ for appts
AT 2/ Team meeting ( build up )
Thursday Moneymaker PJ
3 day scheduling rule ( book next 3 days )
List # of appts possible between now and AT2
PDI ( review why and how-pass out H.O)
Order drop off/ ROLO still tonight
Promote Potential Key Staff
• Promote all reps with first promo & w/good attitude of the
training class to PKS (Or in new office top 30% of first 2 trg class)
Explain when the meeting is (1 week today-next Monday-summer)
(Invite them at the next weekly team meeting)
“So proud of you— look how far you have come since the first day of training….
Think about how much you have learned and what you have done already….
Just wanted to offer a couple of thoughts on where you are right now…
Very normal at this point in the job to feel a bit overwhelmed….anybody feeling
that way?
Last several days you had to spend a lot of time in the office (3 days of training
and AT today)
Never again will you spend that type of time in the office—that is behind you
In a typical week you come in for a team meeting and a phone jam—that is it
( Our top ppl tend to come in more )
So the most demanding part time-wise is behind you
Also normal in your first week on the job to be a little frustrated because you
aren’t getting in as much work as you’d like—want to be doing more
appointments and making more money
Anyone feeling that way? That’s normal too.
In the early stages, you are limited because you are only calling people on your
initial list (that’s why you want to call as many of those people as possible)
But very soon you are going to have all kinds of people to do appointments with
Example…if you go out and do 20-30 appts with people on your list and get 5-10
leads each….that is 100-300 leads
If you go out and do 40-60 appts with people on your list and get 5-10 leads
each…that is 200-600 leads
Now you have all kinds of people to contact and you can schedule your week the
way you want to
You just have to be patient in your first week as you are building your business
Oh by the way—the paychecks start getting bigger too as you start to climb to
20%-25% and higher
Some of you are already at the next week or two most of you will be in
the 20%-25% range….
Even if you are only doing 10-15 appts in a week….7-10 sales…$1500-$2000 =
$300-$500 per week and climbing”
“So good things are in store for you….the future looks bright….the toughest part
is behind you”
Maximize your Fast Start Contest
USE WILL NORTHERN HANDOUT (page 14 in AT manual)
 This is Will Northern’s Fast Start, he sold over 11k
 His first 3 days he did 8 appts with 5 sales for 745 cpo,
a lot/some of you beat him, he also got 23 yes’s
 His second 3 days he did 8 appts, but he sold on ALL 8 of them
for 2911 cpo with 16 yes’s.
 What do you think happened between day 3 and 4 for Will?
(Advanced training I)
 Yes he reviewed the basics to fix mistakes, learned bonus points
and secret weapon.
 So 745 first three days, 2911 his second three days, his last 4
days he sold over 7500!
 What do you think happened between day 6 and day 7?
(Advanced Training 2)
 Lets see why he sold so much more:
o 1st three days – 8 appts
o 2nd three days – 8 appts
o Last 4 days – 18 appts
 Why did he sell so much more? (He did more appts)
 Guess what we teach you to do at Advanced Training 2?
(Get more appts)
 So if you look at his fast start Will did 34 appts he only had 4 no
sales, 3 of the 4 no sales were during his FIRST 3 DAYS,
when he didn’t know what he was doing.
 So if you just follow what we teach you at these advanced
trainings you should see a good increase in your results.
• Quickly review prizes
• You have only done a couple demos so far, you have
tons of time left.
• If started slow, use info from today to turn it around.
• Everyone can win something.
• If you got off to a faster start, get serious and hit
some of the top numbers!
REMINDERS / ASSIGNMENTS ( in training manual-pg __)
1. Don’t miss PDI
 Call-in between _____ & _____and twice/day in your fast start
 It’s like not showing up for work
 People who call in the most, do the best.
2. Assignment for appts:
o “Remember earlier, we showed that you have the ability to do
______appts from now until we see you again @ AT2! The assignment
is to complete 6 appointments by then!”
o “If you missed this past weekend’s incentive then you’re assignment
will be to complete ( assignment +1 ) by AT2!
o Call me or your team leader when you start your phone jam tonight
o “Any questions on that, come see me after!”
3. “Your next meetings are on _______(day), AT2 @___-____ and WTM ___-____
 At AT 2 we will focus on the phone skills and recommendation keys, more on
what we talked about today.
 So don’t call the people you don’t know at all until I teach you how.
 Remember you can use all the new phone approaches for people you kind of
know for lot’s of people you have been referred to so far and that you still
have on your initial list
 AT-2 is going to give you what you need to have a bigger second weekend.
4. Sign up for a PC before you leave
5. Remember, you’ve only had _____days in your FS…there are still ____
days left so max it out!!!!
**Spend individual time with anyone who needs extra impact.
**You can also hold back any potential 10k Fast Starters for extra
attention, Book your 10k Fast Start PC for Tuesday morning if it’s not
right after AT1.