What is the outcome-based Australian Education Programme

What is the outcome-based Australian Education Programme?
The Australian Way
Australia is renowned for its culture of equality and opportunity. ?Australia 's multicultural society
is noted for a commitment to fairness, opportunity, creativity and physical fitness and health. At
AISB we embrace the Australian ethos and practice the ethics and values that make Australia
Australian curricula are respected and used throughout the world. Reasons for the success of
Australian curricula are many. The strategic intent of developing transferable skills is powerful.
When curricula are implemented with a focus on values and attitudes a potent force emerges. Our
curricula are designed to develop the whole child. Social, physical, emotional and academic spheres
are targeted in concert at AISB.
Our curriculum is developmental. This means that we target activities and programs at the individual
levels of your children. This can be achieved by presenting a variety of activities or through open
ended tasks. Open ended tasks allow students to pursue a topic at their level of capability.