The Werewolf of Dogdyke

The Werewolf of Dogdyke
This is what Roger has to say about the story - "The story was recorded in 1926,
and even today it sends a shiver down my spine! Reading this short tale, I
wondered if other Lincolnshire places were said to have been home to such
"It was in an archaeological dig that the bones of the creature were found and a
chapter of events set in motion. Without giving anything away, I would advise my
archaeologist colleagues to avoid bringing unidentified bones into the house and
leaving them on the kitchen table!"
The Werewolf of Dogdyke (1815–1864)
Legends of the Fenland People As told by Christopher Marlowe M.A., author of
"The Fen Country", 1926
"Another extraordinary story of transformation was told by a young man who
lived in Langrick Fen, not far from Dogdyke. He was an ardent archaeologist and
one day while digging in the peat discovered some ancient remains. Among them
was what looked like a human skeleton with a wolf's head. Carrying the object
into his cottage he placed it on a table and examined it carefully. But he could
make nothing of it and concluded that it must have been some monstrosity, such
as showmen bring out at fairs to excite the interest of the crowd.
That night, however, he found himself unable to sleep, and fancying he heard a
noise in the back premises, got up to investigate. Suddenly he heard a sharp rattat on the window pane and looking round perceived a dark object looking at him.
This speedily resolved itself into the form of a human being with a wolf's head.
Every feature was distinctly marked and there was no possibility of reflection,
since no light was visible anywhere. As the young man stood transfixed with
horror, the creature gave a snarl of savage exultation and raised its arm to dash
in the glass, whereupon he recovered the power of movement and fled into the
kitchen. A crash sounded behind him and he wasted no time in locking and
barring the door and erecting a barricade of furniture against it. There he waited
all night in a cold sweat, while the stealthy pad-pad of feet sounded without. At
last the first streaks of dawn told him that his long vigil was over and as the light
grew stronger he ventured to unbar and open the door.
Nothing was visible of the ghostly visitor, but the table, whereon he had placed
the skeleton was overturned and the window of the room was shivered into
fragments. Hastily collecting the remains of the uncanny being, which lay
scattered all over the floor, he buried them again in the same place, where he
had found them and covered them over with several layers of peat. Nor was he
again disturbed, though for many years afterwards, he would describe with vivid
gesture his peculiar adventure with the supernatural."