BIO101 Pre-Quiz 3

BIO101 Anatomy & Physiology Pre-Quiz #3 Chapters 5-6
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Pseudostratified tissue has a distinct appearance because:
2. What are the four major types of tissues?
3. The tissue through which gases are exchanged between the blood and the air in the lungs is:
4. Tendons and ligaments are composed primarily of
5. Chondrocytes are cells found in:
6. Adipose tissue is also known as:
7. Nerve fibers scattered throughout the dermis are associated with
8. This tissue is composed of scattered cells that form a matrix.
9. The shaft of a hair is composed of
10. The regulation of body temperature is of vital importance because
11. The underside of the apical surface is anchored to the connective tissue by a thin, nonliving layer called the:
12. Which type of tissue is designed to stretch?
Questions 13- 21. Fill in the Blank.
The primary characteristic of muscle tissues is their ability to ______________________________________.
The ________________________
___________________ of the subcutaneous layer acts as a heat insulator.
Mast Cells secrete ___________________________ and _________________________________.
Up to _________% of all human cancers are _________________________________ , growths that originate in the
___________________________ . Most _________________________begin on surfaces that contact the external
environment, such as skin, linings of the _________________________ or intestine. This observation suggests that the
most common cancers may not deeply penetrate ____________________. Carcinomas may also arise internally, such as
in a duct of a breast or in the __________________________ _________________.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a ___________________ and _________________ meshwork of various proteins
and glycoproteins, and ________________________. The ECM may also include _________________________ of
growth factors, _______________ , enzymes, and ____________________. It is ________________ to maintaining
the __________________________________ characteristics of _________________________ and organs.
Match the term to its definition or location:
22. a. _____ Collagenous tissue fibers
d. Stretch easily.
b. _____ Elastic tissue fibers
e. Lend delicate support.
c. _____ Reticular tissue fibers
f. Hold structures together with great tensile strength.
22. a. _____ Epithelial
e. Lacks blood vessels, readily divides, cells are tightly packed
b. _____ Connective
f. Transmit impulses for coordination, regulation, integration
and sensory reception.
c. _____ Muscle
g. Bind, support, protect, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood
d. _____ Nervous
h. Able to contract in response to specific stimuli
23. a. _____ Merocrine glands
e. Secretion is cellular product plus portions of the free ends of
glandular cells pinched off during secretion
b. _____ Apocrine glands
f. Secretion is disintegrated entire cells filled with secretory
c. _____ Holocrine glands
g. Secretion is fluid product released through cell membrane
by exocytosis
Questions 24/25:
a. _____ Simple squamous epithelium
k. Salivary glands, sweat glands, endocrine glands
b. _____ Simple cuboidal epithelium
l. Part of the male urethra and parts of the pharynx
c. _____ Simple columnar epithelium
m. Air sacs of the lungs, walls of capillaries, linings of blood
and lymph vessels
d. _____ Pseudostratified columnar epitheilium
n. Linings of uterus, stomach, and intestines
e. _____ Stratified squamous epithelium
o. Inner lining of urinary bladder and linings of ureters and
part of the urethra
f. _____ Stratified cuboidal epithelium
p. Linings of respiratory passages
g ._____ Stratified columnar epithelium
q. Surface of ovaries, linings of kidney tubules, and linings of
ducts of certain glands.
h. _____ Transitional epithelium
r. Outer layer of skin, linings of oral cavity, throat, vagina, and
anal canal.
j. _____ Glandular epithelium
s. Linings of larger ducts of mammary glands, sweat glands,
salivary glands, and pancreas.