Summary Amendments 11-3-2015

Version 11-03-15
Article I. General Provisions
§ 200-2. Authority.
§ 200-6.
Conformity with Chapter Provisions.
§ 200-7.
Article II. Definitions
§ 200-9.
Terms defined.
Page 1
Description of Amendment
Cites State enabling authority for local zoning.
Adds new section specifying development activities that must be in
compliance with the provisions of the code.
New section that declares that if any part of the code is found to be
illegal such finding does not invalidate the remainder of the code.
The following definitions were added to the code.
Term used in§ 200-16 CR Community Redevelopment Overlay Zone.
New permitted use.
Standards for use included in old definition deleted and moved to §
Term used in§ 200-16 CR Community Redevelopment Overlay Zone.
Term introduced in § 200-93.C.
Pertinent definition to interpretation of the provisions of § 200-93.A.
Definition for interpretation of the provisions of § 200-94.
Definition for interpretation of the provisions of § 200-94.
Definition for interpretation of the provisions of § 200-86.
Definition deleted. Regulated in § 200-71. Group domiciliary care
Standards included in old definition deleted. Replaced in § 200-74.
New definition
New definition
New definition.
New definition.
New definition.
Article III. Designation of Districts
§ 200-10.
Enumeration of districts.
§ 200-10.B.
Base Zoning Districts.
§ 200-10.C.
§ 200-10.D.
§ 200-11.
Overlay Zoning Districts
Floating Zones.
Purpose of District
§ 200-11.A.(6)
§ 200-11.B. (3)
Base Zoning Districts.
Overlay Zoning Districts
§ 200-12.A.
Official Zoning Map and Interpretation of district
§ 200-13.
Replacement of Official Zoning Maps.
Article IV. Overlay and Floating Zone Districts.
Part 1
Overlay Zone Districts
Page 2
Description of Amendment
New definition.
New definition.
New definition.
New Definition.
New Definition.
Definition for interpretation of the provisions of § 200-21.
Refers to International Residential Code for definition.
New definition.
New definition.
New definition.
Divides list of districts into base zoning districts, overlay zoning
districts and floating zoning districts. Deleted the RFD Riverfront
Development District.
Adds a new HC Highway Commercial district. Deletes RFD Riverfront
Development District, moves FP Floodplain District to § 200-10.C.
Overlay Zoning Districts. Moves PDD Planned Development District to
§ 200-10.D. Floating Zones.
Adds a new CR Community Redevelopment Overlay district.
Lists floating zones. i.e., PDD planned development district
Reorganizes statements of district purpose by base zoning district (A),
overlay districts (B) and floating zones (C).
Adds purpose statement for HC Highway Commercial district.
Adds purpose statement for CR Community Redevelopment overlay
Describes “official zoning map” and relates it to a code citation.
Outlines procedure for replacing the official zoning map.
Divides Article IV into two parts: Part 1 overlay zones and Part 2
§ 200-14.A.(1)
§ 200-14.A.(2)
H Historic District.
H Historic District.
§ 200-14.B
§ 200-15.C and D.
FP Floodplain District.
§ 200-16.
Part 2
§ 200-17.A. (1).
CR Community Redevelopment Overlay District.
PDD Planned Development Floating Zone.
Location and area requirements.
§ 200-17.A. (2).
Location and area requirements.
§ 200-17.B.
Permitted uses and structures.
§ 200-17.C.(2)
Area limitations for uses.
§ 200-17.C.(2)(e)[2]
Area limitations for uses.
§ 200-17.C.(3)
Commercial uses the PDD
§ 200-17.D.
§ 200-17.D.(1)
Regulating Plan.
Page 3
Description of Amendment
floating zones.
Corrects reference to State enabling legislation for historic districts.
References the official zoning map as the source for the Snow Hill
historic district boundaries.
Adds definitions of Contributing Building, Contributing Site, and
Contributing Structure
Deletes all reference to specific standards and information
requirements and cites Chapter 89 as the source for these
Adds provisions for this new overlay district.
Adds a new subsection to Article IV for the PDD floating zone.
Deletes reference to R-2, R-3, B-1 and B-2 districts limiting where a
PDD may be approved to the R-1 district.
Increases the minimum land area size eligible for the PDD
classification from 10 acres to 25 acres.
Deletes the list of permitted uses and structures. References § 200-53
the new table of permitted use for allowable uses. Specifies the
Mayor and Council may allow additional principal and accessory uses
of the same general character as the uses listed in § 200-53.
Makes clear that the minimum 30 percent open space requirement is
measured based “gross site area”.
Adds types of active and passive recreation areas including central
green, neighborhood squares or commons, recreational playing fields,
woodland walking trails, other kinds of footpaths, a community park,
or any combination of the above.
Establishes the eligibility requirements for commercial uses in the
PDD. Includes formula for computing allowable commercial floor
area. Set conditions under which commercial space may be
Replaces section D.
Requires the PDD include a range of complementary environments
consisting of up to four (4) use areas: Single-Family Residential Areas
§ 200-18.
PDD Planned Development District Review and
approval procedure.
§ 200-18.A. and B.
PDD Planned Development District Review and
approval procedure.
§ 200-18. B. (10)
PDD Planned Development District Review and
approval procedure.
§ 200-18. C. (4)
PDD Planned Development District Review and
approval procedure.
Article V. Administration and Enforcement.
§ 200-22.
Site Plan Review.
§ 200-24.
Violations and penalties.
§ 200-28.
Administrative variances.
Article VI. Board of Appeals
§ 200-31.D.
§ 200-33.D.
Article VII. Nonconforming uses and structures.
§ 200-35.A.
Expansion of nonconforming buildings, structures or
Page 4
Description of Amendment
(SRA), Central Residential Areas (CRA), Neighborhood Center Areas
(NCA), and Conservation Areas (CA). At a minimum, a planned
neighborhood must contain both a SRA and a CA. Specifies an
allowable density range for each of these use areas.
Replaces all reference to “Plan Review Committee” with Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC).
Requires a listing of all permitted use and structures consistent with §
Replaces Code Enforcement Officer for Department of Planning.
Revised provisions concerning expiration of site plans in an approved
Adds new section outlining requirements for site plans and review
Section B thru I add enforcement provisions and procedures
prescribed in State law for municipal infractions.
Establishes the authority, limitations and procedures for the Code
Enforcement Officer to grant an administrative variance in and out of
the Critical Area.
Changes the time notice of hearing on applications or appeals from
10 to 14 days' notice and requires notice appear in a newspaper of
general circulation in the community once each week for 2 successive
Modifies the provisions of the old § 200-103C to allows the Board of
Appeals to permit a temporary use for more than 12 months when
the Board finds that the temporary use is solely dedicated to
performing a service that is in the public interest.
Adds an administrative variance of a minor expansion of a
nonconforming use may be permitted by the Code Enforcement
§ 200-35.G.
Expansion of nonconforming buildings, structures or
Article VIII. Permitted Uses.
§ 200-39.
Use of the designations P, PC, SE and SC in the table
of permissible uses.
§ 200-40.A thru C.
Use categories.
§ 200-40.D.
Determination of use categories and subcategories.
§ 200-41.
Residential use category.
§ 200-41.A(10)
Mixed-use building, residential
§ 200-42.
Public, civic and institutional use category.
§ 200-43.
Commercial use category.
§ 200-44.
Wholesale, distribution & storage use category.
Page 5
Description of Amendment
Officer as provided in § 200-28.
Adds section that states all expansions of nonconforming buildings,
structures and uses in the Critical Area are subject to provisions of
Chapter 72, Critical Area Ordinance.
The section replaces the permitted uses listed with each zoning
district on the old zoning code and puts them together in a tabular
Describes the types of permitted use: "P" permissible use; "PC"
permitted with conditions met; "SC" special exception with
conditions; "SE" means a special exception permit must be obtained
from the Board of Appeals.
Describes broad use and sub use categories and specific use types as
guidance for interpreting the permitted uses table.
Establishes the authority and criteria for interpreting the use
Describes the residential use categories including household living
and group living/quarters.
Describes a residential category that is located in a commercial
Describes a category that includes cemetery, college or university,
community center, fraternal organization, governmental facility,
hospital, library, natural resources preservation, parks and recreation,
religious assembly, safety service, utilities and public service facility
and wireless telecommunications.
Describes a category that includes adult entertainment
establishment, animal service, assembly and entertainment,
broadcast or recording studio, commercial service, day care, eating
and drinking establishments, financial service, funeral and mortuary
service, lodging, office, non-accessory parking, retail sales, self-service
storage, studio, instructional or trade school and vehicle sales and
service uses.
Describes a category that includes equipment and materials storage,
outdoor, contractor's shop, fuel, grain storage, trucking and
§ 200-45.
Industrial use category.
§ 200-46.
Recycling use category.
§ 200-47.
Agricultural use category.
§ 200-47. B(1)
Agricultural use category.
§ 200-48.
Other use category.
§ 200-49.
§ 200-50.
§ 200-51.
§ 200-52.
§ 200-53.
Accessory use category.
Accessory uses regulations.
No more than one principal structure on a lot.
Permissible uses not requiring permits.
Permissible Uses Tables.
§ 200-53.
Permissible Uses Tables.
Article IX. Supplemental Use Regulations.
§ 200-56.
Accessory apartment, commercial.
§ 200-57.
Accessory dwelling units.
§ 200-58.A
Agriculture, crop production.
Page 6
Description of Amendment
transportation terminal, warehouse and wholesale sales and
distribution uses.
Describes a category that includes artisan industrial, limited
industrial, general, intensive industrial, junk or salvage and fuel
storage uses.
Describes a category that includes recyclable material drop-off
facilities and recyclable material processing uses.
Describes a category that includes agriculture, animal production,
agriculture, crop production, agriculture, buildings and structures,
community garden and indoor plant cultivation uses.
Describes a unique form of crop production, medical cannabis –
growing any product containing usable cannabis or medical cannabis
finished product.
Describes a category that includes drive-in or drive-through facility,
temporary uses and heliport.
Describes the accessory use category.
Establishes standards for determination of allowable accessory uses.
Limits number of principal structures on a lot and lists exceptions.
Lists permitted uses not requiring a permit, e.g., essential services.
Lists permissible uses and special exception uses by zoning district.
Includes reference to any applicable supplement use regulations.
Adds mixed-use building, residential as a permitted use in the B-1, B2, HC and PDD districts.
This article assembles use regulations from the current zoning code
and adds new regulations for some uses.
This section includes existing use standard for accessory apartments
in the B-1 district (see § 200-34 H) and adds accessory apartments as
a permitted use in the B-2 district subject to the same conditions.
Adds conditions for approval of an accessory dwelling unit in the R-1
and R-2 districts.
Establishes the minimum land area needed to permit crop production
in the R-1 and R-2 districts.
§ 200-58.B
Agriculture, crop production.
§ 200-59.
§ 200-61.
§ 200-62.
Alternative energy facilities, wind energy conversion
Antennas, towers and telecommunications uses.
Continuing care retirement communities.
§ 200-63.
Bed and breakfast.
§ 200-64.
Boarding and rooming.
§ 200-65.
§ 200-66.
Contractor’s shop.
§ 200-67.
Day care center.
§ 200-68.
Day care home.
§ 200-69.
Fuel storage.
Page 7
Description of Amendment
Adds conditions by which the Board of Appeals may allow growing of
any product containing usable cannabis or medical cannabis finished
Incorporates standards for these uses from existing zoning code (see
current § 200-92.3).
Adds standards applicable to these uses.
Adds provisions by which the Board of Appeals can allow continuing
care retirement communities in the R-2 and R-3 districts and by which
such uses area permitted in the B-2 and HC districts.
Incorporates the conditions by which the Planning Commission can
permit a bed and breakfast in the R-1 and R-2 districts (see current §
Incorporates provisions from existing zoning code for accessory use in
the R-1 and R-2 districts.
Incorporates provisions from existing zoning code by which the Board
of Appeals can permit a cemetery use (see current § 200-88.1).
Incorporates provisions from the existing zoning code by which the
Board of Appeals can permit a contractor’s shop in the B-1 and B-2
districts (see current § 200-35 and § 200-47).
Incorporates provisions from the existing zoning code under which
the Board of Appeals can permit a day center in R-2 and R-3 districts
and adds the use as a special exception in the R-1 district (see current
§ 200-18 and see § 200-24).
Adds a family day care home use as an accessory use in the R-1, R-2
and R-3 district subject to conditions.
Modify regulations for fuel storage from existing zoning code (see
current § 200-62.A and § 200-92.1). Permit fuel storage of less than
500 gallons as an accessory use in all districts. Permit fuel storage of
less than 2,000 gallons in the M-1 and M-2 districts. Permit fuel
storage in excess of 2,000 gallons as a special exception use in the M1 and M-2 districts. Permit underground fuel storage for fueling
stations subject to site plan approval.
§ 200-70.
Funeral and mortuary establishments.
§ 200-71.
Group domiciliary care facility.
§ 200-72.
HC Highway Commercial District design standards.
§ 200-73.
§ 200-74.
Home occupation.
§ 200-75.
Limited industrial.
§ 200-76.
Mini storage facilities.
§ 200-77.
§ 200-78.
Multi-family dwellings.
Mixed-use building, residential.
§ 200-79.
§ 200-80.
Portable storage containers, roll-off trash
Private recreational uses.
§ 200-81.
§ 200-82.
§ 200-83.
§ 200-84. A
Satellite earth station, satellite dish.
Storage in bulk.
Tattoo establishments.
Temporary use, emergency.
Page 8
Description of Amendment
Incorporates regulations by which the Board of Appeals can permit
funeral and mortuary services R-2, R-3 (see current § 200-18 and §
200-24). Adds regulations for funeral and mortuary services in the B-2
Retitled “group home”. Incorporates standards for group homes from
existing zoning code (see current § 200-6).
Adds design standards for the new HC Highway Commercial district.
References Worcester County Design Guidelines and Standards for
Commercial Uses.
Adds standards by which the Board of Appeals may permit this use.
Adds standards for home occupations in R-1, R-2 and R-3 districts.
Modifies standards in existing zoning code (see current § 200-6).
Retitles light industrial to limited industrial. Incorporates standards by
which the Board of Appeals can permit the use in the B-2 district.
Incorporates standards for mini storage facilities in the M-1 and M-2
districts. Adds HC District as an allowable location.
Adds standards for multifamily dwellings.
Establishes standards for residential units mixed in with commercial
Adds regulations for these uses.
Incorporates existing regulations for these uses (see current § 20089).
Adds standards regulating these uses.
Incorporates standards for bulk storage in the M-1 district.
Adds standards regulating these uses.
Incorporate provisions from existing zoning code whereby the Board
of Appeals may authorize the temporary use of a building or premises
in any district for a purpose or use that does not conform to the
regulations prescribed by this chapter for the district in which it is
located, provided that such use is of a temporary nature and does not
involve the erection of substantial buildings (see current § 200-103).
§ 200-84. B
Temporary use, construction.
§ 200-84. C
Temporary use, sales.
§ 200-85.
§ 200-86.
Yard or garage sale.
Article X. Bulk Regulations
§ 200-90.A.
§ 200-90.B.
§ 200-90.C.
Height regulations.
Height regulations.
Height regulations.
§ 200-91.A
§ 200-91.B
§ 200-91.C
§ 200-92.A and B.
§ 200-93.A
Lot requirements.
Required yards not to be reduced.
Lots used in combination.
Minimum lot frontage.
Yard setback modifications..
§ 200-93.B.
§ 200-93.C.
Yard setback modifications.
Yard setback modifications.
Page 9
Description of Amendment
Add provisions that permit temporary buildings and structures,
including trailers for uses incidental to construction work on the
premises provided the units are removed upon the completion or
discontinuance of construction. And no person sleeps or resides in
such buildings while so used.
Adds provisions that allow the Planning Commission to permit one
trailer, or the use of one building as a temporary field or sales office
in connection with building development.
Adds provisions regulating townhouse development.
Adds provisions regulating these uses.
These regulations are located in each zoning district article in the
current zoning code. All applicable standards regulating height, area
and bulk are included in text and a table in this article. The table
incorporates most of the standards in the existing zoning code but
modifies some regulations.
Incorporates § 200-80 from the existing zoning code.
Incorporates § 200-57 and § 200-64 from the existing zoning code.
This is a new section that allows the Planning Commission to increase
the maximum height limit for principal and accessory structures
where the additional height is necessitated by compliance with the
Town’s Floodplain regulations.
Incorporates § 200-81 from the existing zoning code.
Incorporates § 200-81 from the existing zoning code.
Incorporates § 200-81 from the existing zoning code.
Incorporates § 200-81.1 from the existing zoning code.
Incorporates § 200-82A from the existing zoning code and adds new
provisions for what structures may encroach into required yards.
Incorporate § 200-82 from the existing zoning code.
Adds provisions for establishing an average front yard setback line
and allows the Planning Commission to require structures be located
at a build-to line.
§ 200-94.
§ 200-95.
Fences and walls.
Corner visibility zone.
§ 200-96.
§ 200-97.
Lots of record in residential districts.
Accessory structures in residential districts.
§ 200-98.
§ 200-99.
Accessory structures in nonresidential districts.
Table of Height, Area and Bulk Requirements.
Article XI. Off-Street Parking, Loading and Unloading
§ 200-101. A.
§ 200-101. B.
General Regulations.
General Regulations.
§ 200-101. C.
§ 200-101. D.
§ 200-101. E.
§ 200-102.
General Regulations.
General Regulations.
General Regulations.
§ 200-103.
§ 200-104. A thru E.
Minimum Required Parking Ratios.
Calculation of Required Parking.
§ 200-104. F
Calculation of Required Parking.
§ 200-105.
Unlisted uses and establishment of other parking
Parking exemptions and reductions.
§ 200-106. A.
Page 10
Description of Amendment
Modifies § 280-83 from the existing zoning code.
Modifies § 280-84 from the existing zoning code. Allows the Code
Enforcement Officer to modify the requirements of this section.
Modifies § 280-85 from the existing zoning code.
Changes setback requirements for assessor structures at least three
(3) feet from a side lot line and five (5) feet from a rear lot line.
Adds provisions for accessory structures in nonresidential districts.
Adds a table that sets forth minimum standards for lot area, lot area
per dwelling unit, lot width, front yard setback, side yard setback,
rear yard setback and maximum height for each zoning district.
Reduces front yard setback in the R-1 district from 30 feet to 20 feet,
and in the R-2 district from 25 feet to 15 feet.
Adds a new article that incorporates parking requirements from the
existing zoning code and adds new requirements.
See current § 280-72.A of the existing zoning code.
Modifies current § 280-72.B of the existing zoning code to reduce the
minimum length of a parking space from 20 feet to 18 feet.
See § 280-72C of the existing zoning code.
See § 280-72.D of the existing zoning code.
See § 280-72.E of the existing zoning code.
Adds provisions for how parking standards are applied to new uses
and development, enlargements and expansions, change of use and
existing parking.
New Table 103.1 summarizes minimum parking requirement by use.
Sets out the rules that apply when calculating the required number of
off-street parking spaces.
Adds flexibility - the Planning Commission may allow deviations from
the parking requirements set forth herein.
Adds provisions for determining parking requirements for unlisted
Exempts the B-1 district from parking requirements.
§ 200-106. A.
§ 200-107.
Parking exemptions and reductions.
Location of off-street parking.
§ 200-108.
Use of off-street parking areas.
§ 200-109.
§ 200-110.
Parking of recreational vehicles and equipment.
Parking area design.
§ 200-111.
§ 200-112.
Accessible parking for people with disabilities.
Drive-through and drive-in facilities.
§ 200-113.
Off-street loading.
Article XII. Landscaping, Lighting and Environmental Standards.
§ 200-116.
§ 200-117.
Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping.
§ 200-118.
Parking lot interior landscaping.
§ 200-119.
§ 200-120.
§ 200-121.
§ 200-122.
Landscape plans.
Landscape material and design.
Alternative compliance.
§ 200-123.
Street trees.
§ 200-124.
Lighting requirements.
Page 11
Description of Amendment
Adds standards for shared parking.
Adds standards for parking location including setbacks and provisions
for off-site parking.
Adds provisions that prohibit use of parking spaces for sale of vehicles
and vehicle repair.
Adds standards for parking recreational vehicles and equipment.
Adds standards for the design of parking facilities including tandem
and valet parking arrangements, stall sizes and parking lot
geometrics, striping, surfacing, wheel stops, curb and gutter,
landscaping, lighting, and access.
Adds minimum standards for handicapped parking.
Adds standards for drive-through and drive-in facilities including
stacking spaces, lane dimensions, setbacks and noise attenuation.
Adds standards for off-street loading spaces.
This article adds minimum landscape standards to the zoning code.
Outlines the public purposes for landscape standards.
Adds standards for landscaping parking lot perimeters.
Adds standards for landscaping the interior of parking lots.
Adds standards for screening refuse/recycling containers, mechanical
equipment, and outdoor storage of materials, supplies and
Adds requirements for landscape plans.
Adds standards for plant materials, installation and maintenance.
Adds provisions that allow the Planning Commission to accept
alternative landscape plans where site conditions warrant.
Adds requirements for street trees along both sides of all streets in a
residential subdivision and along both sides of new internal streets in
new commercial developments.
Adds standards for all lighting, including exterior lights, signs, building
lighting, parking lot lighting, streetlights and lighting necessary for the
safety and protection of property,
§ 200-125.
Article XIII Signs
§ 200-131. E.
§ 200-131. J.
§ 200-131. K.
§ 200-131.M.
Sensitive areas protection standards.
Description of Amendment
Adds standards for protection of sensitive environmental areas
including wetland, streams and the habitat of threatened or
endangered species or species in need of conservation; forest areas
utilized as breeding areas by future interior dwelling birds and other
wildlife species; and Natural Heritage Areas.
Signs by type permitted after issuance of sign
Signs by type permitted after issuance of sign
Signs by type permitted after issuance of sign
Signs by type permitted after issuance of sign
Increased the maximum size of monument signs from 24 to 32 square
Added the HC Highway Commercial district as a location where
electronic message centers may be permitted
Added the HC Highway Commercial district as a location where
shopping center identification signs may be permitted.
Added the HC Highway Commercial district as a location where pole
signs may be permitted. Limit height to 30 feet and requires site plan
Article VIV. Amendments.
§ 200-134.C.
Procedure before Planning Commission.
§ 200-134.D.
Action by the Mayor and Council.
§ 200-134.E.
Article XV
Developer’s rights and responsibility agreement.
Page 12
Changes the public hearing notice requirement from 15 days prior to
the hearing to 14 days. Requires publishing the time, place and
nature of the hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the
Town once each week for 2 successive weeks.
Changes the time required for the Mayor and Council public hearing
notice from 10 days 14 days. Require notice include the time and
place of the public hearing, together with a summary of the proposed
zoning regulation or boundary and requires notice appear in at least
one newspaper of general circulation in Snow Hill once each week for
2 successive weeks with the first notice of the hearing appearing at
least 14 days before the hearing.
Delete required findings from existing code and added required
findings from the Land Use Article.
Revised the reference to Section 13.01 of Article 66B of the
Annotated Code of Maryland to read Land Use Article, Title 7, Subtitle
Appendix A
Basic Information Required On Site Plan Permit
Page 13
Description of Amendment
3 (Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements) of the
Annotated Code of Maryland.
Referred to in § 200-22. Lists the minimum information requirements
for minor, preliminary and final site plans.