Election time line - English Springer Rescue America

2014 ESRA Election
Time Line & Nominating Procedures
This document details the process of the nomination of candidates and the election of
two seats on the Board of Directors of English Springer Rescue America, Inc. The
ESRA Board of Directors has five seats. The new Board subsequently elects the
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Presidents, and Parliamentarian. Not only does
voting let your voice be heard, but it automatically reconfirms your membership
which is required at least every other year to keep your membership active. Your
vote is also needed to reach a quorum to have a valid election. Your participation is
1. Nominations will be accepted from July 1, 2014 until midnight July 15, 2014 PDT.
This election will be for two positions on the Board of Directors. The current
positions up for election are held by Nancy Remmers and Phil Sproat. The three
positions not up for election are held Marv Miller, Caryn Pola, and Katie Sanders.
Procedure: Nominators contact their nominee by e-mail. The nominee
replies to the nominator with his/her acceptance of the nomination and with
a very short bio. The nominator forwards this reply to Susan Zuker, our
Inspector of the Election, to email: esravote2014@yahoo.com
Susan validates the nominee’s acceptance and membership. Note: Only
those who are members in good standing, with a signed Code of
Ethics on file, may nominate or be nominated.
Board members must be active members in good standing, with a signed
Code of Ethics form on file. Nominees must be willing to pay their share of
Director's insurance, which could amount to $300-$500 or more per year.
(To date, this payment has not been necessary.) Board members must
be able to attend on-line Board meetings about once a month (usually 1-2
hours), and must be easily available for email and phone conversations.
They should be able and willing to attend, at their own expense, the annual
meeting at the ESSFTA Nationals once a year. Realize that this is
a volunteer board and it is an unpaid office. Most Board Member’s out-ofpocket expenses are not reimbursed, including telephone costs and travel
2. Susan Zuker will report to the Board of Directors by July 27, 2014 which members
have been nominated. The Election Committee Chairperson will promptly
announce the nominations to the membership via the Yahoo Chat group. Full bios
and casual photos from all nominees will be posted to the ESRA Candidates web
page. Nominees should send those items as soon as possible, and no later than
July 29, 2014 to photos@SpringerRescue.org .
3. Voting will be from August 1, 2014 through midnight, Aug.15, 2014 PDT. Any
ballots received (or postmarked) after midnight Aug. 15, 2014 PDT will not be valid.
Procedure: No later than August 1, 2014, the links to the candidate and
ballot web pages will be forwarded to the membership via the Yahoo group
list and via the email addresses on the most current member roster. Eligible
members will vote by submitting completed ballots to Susan by e-mail or
snail mail. Votes may also be submitted by simple email with the voter’s full
name and his/her two choices for the Board or a statement that they
“abstain” from voting, but wish to reaffirm their membership and be counted
towards the quorum. Susan can be reached at the following addresses:
Susan Zuker
P.O. Box 1472
E-mail: esravote2014@yahoo.com
Palm Harbor, FL 34682
4. Susan Zuker will validate the ballots by comparing the voters to the eligibility list
provided. To be eligible to vote, members must be in good standing, i.e. listed on
the members’ roster as of July 20, 2014 with a reaffirm date no earlier than July 1,
2012. Susan will report the results to the Board by Aug. 24, 2014.
5. A formal announcement of election results will be made to the membership on
August 25, 2014.
6. New Board members will be seated on Sept. 15, 2014. Soon afterward, the Board
will elect the officers for 2014-2015.
Note: Thank you, Susan, for being ESRA’s Inspector of Elections and taking on
this important task.