VITAE - New Jersey Psychological Association

Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
New Jersey Licensed Psychologist # 3547
Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist #154
43 Spring Street
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
UMDNJ-School of Public Health, Tobacco Dependence Program
New Brunswick, NJ
Tobacco Treatment Specialist, 2001
Rutgers University
Piscataway, New Jersey
Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, 1994
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
B.A. major in psychology, 1989
Graduated Cum Laude
 American Psychological Association
 New Jersey Psychological Association
 Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD)
Somerset Medical Center
Steeplechase Cancer Center
Somerville, New Jersey
Full time, 7/05-Current (.5FTE 3/02-6/05), On Medical and Dental Staff since 1998
Program Manager, Tobacco Quitcenter
In conjunction with the CTCP, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services,
implement and administer the grant for one of the 7 New Jersey Tobacco Quitcenters.
The Quitcenter is an outpatient clinic, which has treated over 1,600 tobacco dependent
patients, which provides state of the art tobacco dependence counseling. Responsibilities
include administering and running all aspects of the program including grant writing,
monitoring patient demographic data through a data base system, evaluating the program
Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
Page-2(including six (6) month follow-ups), completion of quarterly/yearly expenditure reports.
Conduct individual/group counseling on site, at the clinic, and in community settings
(e.g., health departments, businesses). Also, responsible for performing and coordinating
community-marketing aspects of the program. Responsible for working with hospital
billing department to ensure adequate insurance billing. Conducting clinical supervision
of all Quitcenter staff members. Represented NJ at the Statewide Tobacco Cessation
Leadership Conference at the CDC sponsored by the Pacific Center on Health and
Tobacco/Centers for Disease Control in 2/05. Review Panel Member (8/03, 6/05) for the
Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco (Minneapolis, Minnesota) for
reviewing hospital grants to become face-to-face tobacco treatment centers (QUITPLAN
Centers). Review Panel Member for the Ohio Tobacco Prevention Foundation - Tobacco
Cessation Centers Project for reviewing grants to become face-to-face treatment centers.
Chair of the Review Panel (4/08) for the Clearway Minnesota for reviewing hospital
grants to become face-to-face tobacco treatment centers. 2/08-Current participating as a
Member for the ATTUD Ad Hoc Credentialing Exploration Committee – which is
working on developing recommendations for the possibility of a national examination for
tobacco treatment specialists and exploring the feasibility of a national tobacco treatment
specialist credential. In 5/08-6/08 Tobacco Cessation Consultation – assisted
GlaxoSmithKline in focus group development and cognitive-behavioral web based
interventions to help tobacco dependence smokers quit. In 11/08, assisted Somerset
Medical Center in developing and implementing an electronic medical record Tobacco
Use Intervention Protocol for medical inpatients who are tobacco dependent.
11/97-3/02, FTE; .5FTE from 3/02-6/05
Chief of the Section of Psychology.
In conjunction with the Medical Director, admitted and discharged children, adolescents,
and adults into the Outpatient Program. Provided psychological testing, initial
evaluation, case management, crisis intervention, referral, and psychotherapy services to
children, adolescents, adults, and their families. Provided psychotherapy research
involving outcomes assessment of patient progress in treatment. Providing clinical
supervision to Specialized Treatment of Addiction Recovery (STAR) clinicians,
psychology graduate students, and other clinicians (LSW and LCSWs) at the Outpatient
Services. Provided community outreach and topical workshop presentations to
businesses, schools, churches, day care centers, and cable tv (Patriot Media) in Somerset,
Hunterdon, and Middlesex Counties on a range of health care and mental health care
topics. Lead a Stress Management Support Group for patients with cardiac disease. A
member of the Medical and Dental Staff at the Hospital since 1997.
Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
Page-3Private Practice
Somerset, New Jersey. Princeton, New Jersey
Psychotherapy Practice
1995 – Present
Providing individual, couples, family therapy. Conducted psycho diagnostic testing to
adolescents and adults until 2003.
Research Consultation
1998 – 2002; 2005-current
Providing research consultation to Rutgers University Center for Alcohol Studies staff on
four NIAAA behavioral marital treatment outcome studies for alcohol/drug dependent
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School. University Behavioral Health Care. Child and Adolescent
Inpatient Services. Piscataway, New Jersey.
1994 – 1997 – Mental Health Clinician III
Provided individual, group, family therapy, discharge planning, and psychodiagnostic
testing to children and adolescents in an inpatient and partial hospitalization setting.
Provided clinical supervision for psychology interns, social work interns, and psychiatric
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School. Community Mental Health Center. Adolescent Day Treatment
09/94 – 09/95 – Mental Health Clinician III
Conducted individual, group, family therapy, intake evaluations, and psychodiagnostic
testing with adolescents in a long-term (six to twelve month) day school treatment
Clinical Internship University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert
Wood Johnson Medical School. Department of Psychiatry.
Community Mental Health Center.
Piscataway, New Jersey.
Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
Page-41993 – 1994 Psychology Intern
Provided a range of psychotherapeutic and psychodiagnostic interventions with children,
adolescents, adults, families, and groups in inpatient and outpatient settings at an APA
Accredited full-time doctoral internship program.
Bonnie Brea Residential Treatment Center, Millington, New Jersey
1993 – Clinician
Provided intensive therapeutic interventions with a 16-year-old resident.
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical
School. Department of Psychiatry. Piscataway. New Jersey
1991 – 1993 - Clinician
Conducted stress management interventions (i.e., progressive muscle relaxation, thermal
biofeedback and cognitive therapy) to patients with mild hypertension as part of an NIH
funded treatment outcome study comparing pharmacological vs. nonpharmacological
interventions. Conducted group stress reduction/cognitive therapy interventions to
patients with left ventricular dysfunction.
Rutgers Eating Disorders Clinic. Center or Applied Psychology. Graduate School
of Applied and Professional Psychology. New Brunswick, New Jersey
Performed intake evaluations of clients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Conducted cognitive-behavior therapy for clients with bulimia nervosa.
Rutgers Psychological Clinic. Graduate School of Applied and Professional
Psycholgoy. Piscataway, New Jersey
1989 – 1993 – Clinician
Provided family therapy and short and long-term individual (cognitive-behavioral and
psychodynamic) psychotherapy to adult clients. Conducted diagnostic cognitive
assessments of children.
Program for Addictions Consultation and Treatment – Couples Clinic. Division of
Clinical Services, Center of Alcohol Studies. Piscataway, New Jersey
Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
Page-51991 – 1992 – Clinician
Conducted couples therapy (i.e., cognitive-behavioral, AA, and relapse prevention
focused) for alcohol dependent men and their spouses for an NIAAA funded research
Program for Addictions Consultation and Treatment. Division of Clinical Services,
Center of Alcohol Studies. St. Peter’s Medical Center. New Brunswick, New Jersey
1990 – 1991 – Clinician
Performed intake evaluations and individual psychotherapy with outpatient psychoactive
substance abusers. Conducted diagnostic, screening, and consultation services for
medical inpatients with concomitant psychoactive substance abuse/dependence.
Center for Applied Psychology, Graduate School of Applied and Professional
Psychology. New Brunswick, New Jersey
1990 – 1991 – Examiner for guardianship evaluations
Performed psychological evaluations and record reviews for the Department of the Public
Advocate, Division of Advocacy for the Developmentally Disabled clients to render
judgments regarding client’s cognitive and adaptive levels of competency and
appropriateness for guardianship services.
Foster Care Counseling Project. Center for applied Psychology, Graduate School
and Applied and Professional Psychology. New Brunswick, New Jersey
1989 – 1991 – Clinician
Performed individual short-term psychotherapy with foster children and adolescents,
family therapy parent skills training for foster and biological parents in contingency
management, school consultation, and consultation with the Division of Youth and
Family Services caseworkers.
Carrier Foundation, Belle Mead, New Jersey. School year, part-time; summers,
1987 – 1990 Nursing Assistant/Orderly
Counseled and supervised psychiatric inpatients (adolescents and adults) on open and
locked units of a private psychiatric hospital.
Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
Page-6Research Experience
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical
School. Department of Psychiatry. Piscataway, New Jersey
Doctoral Dissertation. Predicting Response to Stress Management Treatment in Patients
with Mild High Blood Pressure.
1990 – 1993 – Research Assistant
Developed Stress management treatment protocols for patients with mild hypertension
and left ventricular dysfunction. Administered structured diagnostic interviews (i.e., the
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-Revised) and quality of life assessments to
patients with left ventricular dysfunction.
Program for Addictions Consultation and Treatment Couples Clinic.
Piscataway, New Jersey
1991 – 1992
Conducted reliability and manipulation checks by coding audiotapes for treatment fidelity
in a research project on couples treatment for alcohol dependent men.
PsyCor, Inc. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1990 – Research Interviewer
Conducted Interviews with attorneys for the New Jersey State Bar Association regarding
the lawyers’ perceptions of “Quality of Life”.
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.
1988 – 1989 – Senior Department Thesis. Empirical study entitled: Electroconvulsive
Therapy: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Media Influence.
1988 – Junior Independent Research Project. Electroconvulsive Therapy; Biological,
Ethical, and Psychological Factors 1987 – Junior Independent Research Project.
Anorexia Nervosa: A Multifaceted Overview.
Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
Department of Psychology
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey
1991 – Lecturer
Instructor for Psychology 201: Introduction to Personality. Lectured and lead class
discussions for fifty undergraduate students in psychoanalytic, neo-Freudian,
phenomenological, trait, behavioral, feminist, and social cognition theories of human
Jolicoeur, D., Wolff, F., Dauer, J., Houston, T., Kotsen, C., Payne, T., Southard, C.,
Stevens, S., Wassum, K. (June, 2009). Summary Report on Survey: The Value of a
Standardized Written Examination for Tobacco Treatment Specialists. Poster
presentation. National Conference on Tobacco and Health, Phoenix, Arizona.
Kotsen, C (January, 2009). Update on Treating Tobacco Dependence. Lung Cancer
Institute Meeting at the Steeplechase Cancer Center. Somerset Medical Center,
Somerville, NJ.
Kotsen, C & Foulds, J. (October, 2008). Update on Treating Tobacco Dependence.
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. Somerset Medical Center, Somerville, NJ.
Kotsen, C. (April, 2007). Update on Evidence Based Tobacco Cessation Treatment.
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. Somerset Medical Center, Somerville, NJ.
Kotsen, C. (July, 2005). Mind over Heart: Cardiac Psychology. SAIL Program, Somerset
Medical Center. Somerville, NJ.
Repetto, P. & Kotsen, C. (Winter, 2005). Medicare to Cover Tobacco Treatment
Counseling Services for Seniors. The Nicotine Challenger. Vol 12 (1), UMDNJ-School
of Public Health, Tobacco Dependence Treatment Program, New Brunswick, NJ.
Kotsen, C. (February, 2005). Tobacco Dependence Treatment. Respiratory Care Update.
Somerset Medical Center, Somerville, NJ.
Steinberg, M. & Kotsen, C. (December, 2004). You Can Quit Smoking. Department of
Medicine Grand Rounds. Somerset Medical Center, Somerville, NJ.
Chris Kotsen, PsyD, CTTS
Steinberg, M. & Kotsen, C. (June 2002). Treating Tobacco Dependence. Department of
Medicine Grand Rounds. Somerset Medical Center, Somerville, New Jersey.
Kotsen, C.S. & Rosato, M.G. (July, 1997). The Dually Diagnosed Adolescent:
Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders and Comorbid Psychopathology. Institute for
Chemical Dependency. Addiction Recovery Services. University of Medicine and
Dentistry of New Jersey – University Behavioral Healthcare.
Kotsen, C, Rosato, M (August, 1996). Dual Diagnosis: Adolescent Psychoactive
Substance Use Disorders and Co morbid Psychopathology, Institute for Chemical
Dependency. Addiction Recovery Services. University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey – University of Behavioral Healthcare.
Kotsen, C.S. (February, 1996) Gender Role Socialization Theory and Self-Psychology in
the Treatment of a Twelve Year Old Boy. Clinical in-Service Case Conference. UNDNJ
– University Behavioral HealthCare. Child and Adolescent Inpatient Services.
Piscataway, New Jersey
Andronico, M.P., Connelly, P., Kotsen, C. (Winter, 1996). An Informal Study of Male
Psychology Graduate Students. The American Psychological Association, Society for
the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity Bulletin, 1 (1), 8. Washington, DC.
Kotsen, CS., Rosen, R.C., & Kostis, J.B., (April, 1994). Adverse Side Effects of
Relaxation Training in Cardiovascular Patients. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
Proceedings of the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Fifteenth Anniversary Meeting, 16
(Supplement). Boston, Massachusetts.
Rosen, R.C., Kostis, J.B., Taylor, J.; Kotsen, C., Cosgrove, N.M., Wilson, A.C. (April
1994). Multimodal Nondrug Therapy for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).
Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Proceedings of the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s
fifteenth Anniversary Meeting, 16 (supplement) Boston, Massachusetts.
Kotsen, C. (October, 1990). Case Presentation: Psychodynamic and CognitiveBehavioral Strategies in Treating and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered Foster
Child. Current Trends in Foster Care Workshop. Center for Applied Psychology. New
Brunswick, New Jersey.
Kotsen, C. (June, 1989). Electroconvulsive Therapy. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Media
Influence. Senior Colloquium Day. Princeton University, New Jersey.