For more information about the course

‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment
Dental Biomaterial Sciences (RDS 342)
Restorative Dental Science Department
Course Specifications
Year 2013-2014 G(1434, 1435H)
Course Director: Dr. Neveen Mokhtar
Form Course Specifications 2013
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
Course Specifications
Institution: University of Dammam
Date of Report: 16/12/2013
College/Department : College of Dentistry / Restorative Dental Sciences Department
A. Course Identification and General Information
1. Course title and code: Dental Biomaterial Sciences / RDS-342
Academic year: 1434-1435 H [2013-2014 G]
2. Credit hours: 2 Hours
3. Program(s) in which the course is offered.
(If general elective available in many programs indicate this rather than list programs)
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
4. Name of faculty member responsible for the course
Dr. Neveen Mokhtar Ayad
5. Level/year at which this course is offered: Second year/ Second semester
6. Pre-requisites for this course (if any): Basic Dental Material Sciences / RDS-231
7. Co-requisites for this course (if any): ------------8. Location if not on main campus: - College of Dentistry/ old building (Female students)
- New campus (Male students)
9. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)
a. Traditional classroom
b. Blended (traditional and online)
What percentage?
What percentage?
c. e-learning
What percentage?
d. Correspondence
What percentage?
f. Other
What percentage?
80% & 20 %
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
Participating faculty members’ information:
Prof. Dr. Hala Bahgat
Room#083 Extension 136
Dr. Ahmad Rahoma
Assistant Professor
Room#038 Extension 117
Dr. Rasha Al Sheikh
Assistant Professor
Room#087 Extension 139
Dr. Neveen Mokhtar
Associate Professor
Course Director
Room#083 Extension 134
B Objectives
1. What is the main purpose for this course?
To expose the students to:
1. A comprehensive study of various groups of dental materials in terms of composition, supplied
form, mechanism of setting, microstructure, properties, manipulative techniques and implications.
2. Behavioural aspects of different dental materials based on composition-structure-properties
3. Self-learning, directed search for information as well as team work.
2. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented. (e.g.
increased use of IT or web based reference material, changes in content as a result of new research in
the field)
The course includes assignments that require the use of web-based resources to obtain recent information
and updates of dental materials as instructed by the course providers.
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
C. Course Description (Note: General description in the form to be used for the Bulletin or
handbook should be attached)
1 Topics to be Covered
Dental waxes
 Pattern waxes
 Processing waxes
 Impression waxes
Impression materials
 Elastomers Impression materials
 Hydrocolloids Impression materials
 Non-elastic Impression materials
Model & Die Materials
 Gypsum products
 Silico-phosphate cement
 Dental amalgam
 Acrylic resin & Epoxy
 Sprayed metals &Electroplated dies
Dental investments
 Sulphate-bonded
 Phosphate-bonded
 Silicate-bonded
Dental casting alloys, Part 1
 High noble alloys
 Noble alloys
 Predominantly base metal alloys
No of
Dental casting alloys, Part 2
 Nickel-chromium
 Cobalt-chromium
 Titanium & Titanium alloys
Non-metallic denture base materials
 Heat-and Self-cured acrylic resins
 Pour-type resins
 High-impact resins
 Rapid polymerization resins
 Visible light-cured resins
Direct metallic restorations
 Gold foil
 Dental amalgam
Form Course Specifications 2013
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
Dental composite resin
 Conventional
 Microfilled
 Hybrid
 Nanofilled
Dental cements
 Zinc-oxide eugenol
 Zinc phosphate
 Zinc-polycarboxylate
 Calcium hydroxide
 Varnish
 Resin cements
Dental glass-ionomer
 Types: Conventional glass-ionomer
o Water-settable glass-ionomer
o Metal-modified glass-ionomer
o Resin-modified glass-ionomer
 Compositions
 Setting reactions
 Properties
Dental ceramics
 All ceramics
 Glass ceramics
 Glass ceramics with fillers
 Glass-free ceramics
 Metal ceramics
Dental wrought alloys
 Stain-less Steel
 Cobalt-Chromium-Nickel
 Nickel-Chromium
 Nickel-Titanium
 B-Titanium
2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester):
Contact Hours
3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week.
4. Course Learning Outcomes in NQF Domains of Learning and Alignment with Assessment Methods
and Teaching Strategy
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
Course Learning Outcomes, Assessment Methods, and Teaching Strategy work together and are aligned.
They are joined together as one, coherent, unity that collectively articulate a consistent agreement
between student learning, assessment, and teaching.
The National Qualification Framework provides five learning domains. Course learning outcomes are
required. Normally a course has should not exceed eight learning outcomes which align with one or more
of the five learning domains. Some courses have one or more program learning outcomes integrated into
the course learning outcomes to demonstrate program learning outcome alignment. The program learning
outcome matrix map identifies which program learning outcomes are incorporated into specific courses.
On the table below are the five NQF Learning Domains, numbered in the left column.
First, insert the suitable and measurable course learning outcomes required in the appropriate learning
domains (see suggestions below the table). Second, insert supporting teaching strategies that fit and align
with the assessment methods and intended learning outcomes. Third, insert appropriate assessment
methods that accurately measure and evaluate the learning outcome. Each course learning outcomes,
assessment method, and teaching strategy ought to reasonably fit and flow together as an integrated
learning and teaching process. Fourth, if any program learning outcomes are included in the course
learning outcomes, place the @ symbol next to it.
Every course is not required to include learning outcomes from each domain.
Form Course Specifications 2013
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
NQF Learning Domains
And Course Learning Outcomes
Describe dental materials’ chemical compositions and
Discuss the setting mechanisms and properties of dental
Discuss the optimal manipulative techniques of dental
materials and their variables.
Name the protective measures against degradation of
different dental materials.
Determine the ways of interaction of the dental
restorative materials with the oral environment.
Explain the basis of selection of dental materials for their
proper applications.
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
Course Teaching
Course Assessment
1. Interactive lectures
2. Audiovisual Presentations
1. Graded assignments
2. Written examinations
(quizzes, midterm exams
and final exam)
Cognitive Skills
Relate the chemical and mechanical behavior of various
dental materials to the biological aspects of the dental
Relate the esthetic quality of various dental materials to
the patient's cosmetic demands.
Integrate the limitations of dental materials with the
appropriate designs of dental restorations for the best
Correlate the scientific considerations of handling dental
materials and restorations to their durability in service.
Correlate the composition and properties of dental
materials to the best storage condition.
Assess the repair-ability of the failed dental restorations
according to the material's nature.
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
1. Interactive lectures
2. Group discussions
1. Graded assignments
2. Written examinations
(quizzes, midterm exams
and final exam)
Recognize hazards of using various dental materials in
dental clinics and laboratories.
Identify the possible environmental hazards during
performing restorative procedures.
State the risks of different dental materials and
equipment on patient's oral and systemic conditions and
their management.
Identify the problems of dental materials' interaction and
the required precautions.
1. Interactive lectures
2. Audiovisual Presentations
1. Graded assignments
2. Written examinations
(quizzes, midterm exams
and final exam)
Communication, Information Technology, Numerical
Form Course Specifications 2013
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
Suggested Guidelines for Learning Outcome Verb, Assessment, and Teaching
NQF Learning Domains
Suggested Verbs
list, name, record, define, label, outline, state, describe, recall, memorize,
reproduce, recognize, record, tell, write
estimate, explain, summarize, write, compare, contrast, diagram,
subdivide, differentiate, criticize, calculate, analyze, compose, develop,
create, prepare, reconstruct, reorganize, summarize, explain, predict,
justify, rate, evaluate, plan, design, measure, judge, justify, interpret,
Cognitive Skills
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
demonstrate, judge, choose, illustrate, modify, show, use, appraise,
evaluate, justify, analyze, question, and write
Communication, Information
Technology, Numerical
demonstrate, calculate, illustrate, interpret, research, question, operate,
appraise, evaluate, assess, and criticize
demonstrate, show, illustrate, perform, dramatize, employ, manipulate,
operate, prepare, produce, draw, diagram, examine, construct, assemble,
experiment, and reconstruct
Suggested verbs not to use when writing measurable and assessable learning outcomes are as follows:
Some of these verbs can be used if tied to specific actions or quantification.
Suggested assessment methods and teaching strategies are:
According to research and best practices, multiple and continuous assessment methods are required to verify
student learning. Current trends incorporate a wide range of rubric assessment tools; including web-based student
performance systems that apply rubrics, benchmarks, KPIs, and analysis. Rubrics are especially helpful for
qualitative evaluation. Differentiated assessment strategies include: exams, portfolios, long and short essays, log
books, analytical reports, individual and group presentations, posters, journals, case studies, lab manuals, video
analysis, group reports, lab reports, debates, speeches, learning logs, peer evaluations, self-evaluations, videos,
graphs, dramatic performances, tables, demonstrations, graphic organizers, discussion forums, interviews,
learning contracts, antidotal notes, artwork, KWL charts, and concept mapping.
Differentiated teaching strategies should be selected to align with the curriculum taught, the needs of students,
and the intended learning outcomes. Teaching methods include: lecture, debate, small group work, whole group
and small group discussion, research activities, lab demonstrations, projects, debates, role playing, case studies,
guest speakers, memorization, humor, individual presentation, brainstorming, and a wide variety of hands-on
student learning activities.
Form Course Specifications 2013
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester
Assessment task (e.g. essay,
Week Due
Proportion of
test, group project,
examination, speech, oral
presentation, etc.)
12 assignments
One assignment /
12 quizzes
One quiz / week
2 midterm exams
Final exam
Continuous assessment
Final assessment
Assessment Guidelines:
In order to pass the course, the student should achieve a cumulative minimum of 60% in the didactic
component (Continuous Assessment + Final Assessment)
The students will not be awarded marks for attendance.
Students with an absence of 25% or more will not be allowed to sit for the Final Examination, and therefore
would be required to retake the course.
Written exams’ questions will include multiple choices, true or false, match sets, write the scientific term,
give reasons, and comment on schematic drawings.
Department discretion:
a) Quizzes 10%
 A quiz is performed at the beginning of each lecture.
 The quiz will be taken during the first 10 minutes of each lecture.
 Each quiz will include questions related to the previous lecture only.
 Each quiz will be evaluated out of 5 marks.
 Only ten quizzes that have the highest marks will be taken into consideration.
 In case of absence, the quiz will not be repeated.
b) Assignments 10%
 The students will be divided into groups, 8-10 students each.
 The assignment will be given at the end of each lecture.
 The assignment will include questions related to the same lecture only.
 The assignment should be submitted during the following lecture.
 The assignment will be evaluated out of 5 marks as follows:
 1 mark for the submission on the due date.
 1 mark for the cleanliness & presentation form.
 3 marks for the scientific content.
N.B.: In case of copying the assignments between the groups, the assignment will be
marked as zero for all the members of the different groups.
 Only ten assignments that have the highest marks will be taken into consideration.
Form Course Specifications 2013
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
D. Student Academic Counseling and Support
1. Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student consultations and
academic advice. (include amount of time teaching staff are expected to be available each week)
Each faculty member sharing in providing this course is available for 4 office hours / week for students’
consultation and academic advice. The departmental chair approves these office hours at the beginning of the
E. Learning Resources
1. List Required Textbooks
Powers & Sakagucchi: Craig’s restorative dental materials, 13th edition, 2012, Mosby Elsevier.
2. List Essential References Materials (Journals, Reports, etc.)
Anusavice: Phillips’ science of dental materials, 11th edition, 2003, Saunders.
3. List Recommended Textbooks and Reference Material (Journals, Reports, etc)
O’Brien W.: Dental Materials & Their Selection, 4th edition, 2009, Quintessence Publishing.
Van Noort R.: Introduction to Dental Materials, 3rd edition, 2007, Mosby.
4. List Electronic Materials (eg. Web Sites, Social Media, Blackboard, etc.)
Articles and websites suggested by participating faculty members.
5. Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards or regulations and
F. Facilities Required
Indicate requirements for the course including size of classrooms and laboratories (i.e. number of seats in
classrooms and laboratories, extent of computer access etc.)
1. Accommodation (Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration rooms/labs, etc.)
 Lecture rooms supplied with data shows
2. Computing resources (AV, data show, Smart Board, software, etc.)
Black-board access
University of Dammam e-Library
3. Other resources (specify, e.g. if specific laboratory equipment is required, list requirements or attach
------------Form Course Specifications 2013
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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جــامــعــة الــدمـام‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
University of Dammam
College of Dentistry
‫كلية طب األسنان‬
G Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes
1 Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching
Students surveys.
Teacher-student discussions.
2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Program/Department Instructor
Annual evaluation by departmental chair.
Peer evaluation.
3 Processes for Improvement of Teaching
Implementing professional faculty development workshops by experts in dental education.
Enhancing the use of the available smart boards.
Emphasizing the interactive use of the blackboard e-learning.
4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement (e.g. check marking by an independent
member teaching staff of a sample of student work, periodic exchange and remarking of tests or a sample
of assignments with staff at another institution)
To check that the standards applied for assessment of the students are valid and appropriate, a faculty
member of the same division will be responsible for re-evaluation of the students answers.
5 Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and planning for
Regular preparation of the course report annually and analysis of the students results to determine the
points of weakness and establish suitable plans to avoid such weaknesses in the future.
Faculty or Teaching Staff: Dr. Neveen Mokhtar Ayad
Prof. Dr. Hala Bahgat
Dr. Rasha AlSheikh
Dr. Ahmed rahoma
Signature: _______________________________
Date Report Completed: ____________________
Received by: _____________________________
Dean/Department Head
Signature: _______________________________
Date: _______________
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