Principles of Mathematics 10

Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10
Miss S. Darragh
Mathematics 10- McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Math 9
Math is an integral part of God’s creation. The order and patterns of the creation can be
witnessed everywhere we look. The reasoning skills developed through the study of
mathematics are necessary for citizens to function properly in society. It also allows us limited
insight into the mind of God in areas such as logic, wisdom, coherence, consistency, beauty,
dependability, etc. Mathematics is also a foundational component of truth as studied in biology,
physics, accounting and chemistry. It also allows the student to grow in faithful stewardship in
any one of a multitude of occupations as well as the logical and analytical experiences of
everyday life. Math 10 prepares students for their future.
You should come to class with:
 3- Ring Binder
 Textbook
 Lined loose-leaf paper
 Several pencils, pens, red pen
 Several erasers
 A scientific or graphing calculator – TI-83
Policies and Procedures
Students are expected to...
Come to class on time with the necessary physical materials required for learning.
Use class time to do class work. Students should take care of other "business"
outside class time (washroom breaks, homework in other classes, etc.).
Work "wholeHEARTedly" - regardless of the weighting of specific activities.
Use their planners to record daily assigned work. Students will be advised to
schedule regular review of course material on top of daily problems. This is
essential for success on unit and final exams.
Inform Miss Darragh, in advance, of any planned absences. Work can be
provided to a student in advance if enough notice is given.
See Miss Darragh immediately upon return to school after unplanned absences.
Miss darragh is usually at the school prior to 8am. Missed assignments and/or
assessments can be discussed at this time.
Treat self and others with respect. The demonstration of Christ-like character is a
learning target in every unit of study in this course.
General Classroom Policies
It is expected that each student follow the behavioral guidelines set out clearly in the
student handbook. There are a few items, however, that I would like to highlight:
No food or drink will be permitted in the classroom during class time. The only
exception will be a closable container of water.
The area around one’s desk is to be left in a state better than it was found upon
entering the classroom.
Term 1 and Term 2:
Tests and Quizzes
Final Grade for the Course:
Term 1
Term 2
Provincial Exam
Approximate Timeline:
Term 1:
Unit 1:Measurement
Term 2:
Unit 2: Algebra and Number
Term 3:
Unit 3: Relations and Functions
Term 4:
Unit 4: Systems of Equations
Exam Preparation and Review
Provincial Exam
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent Email (print clearly)