2013 Fall Assembly Delegate Meeting Minutes Oct 26

Fall Assembly 2013 Minutes
October 26, 2013
Akron Mennonite Church
In attendance: 82 delegates, approximately 150 in attendance
Guests: 1 pastor and two members from NYC wanting to explore ACC and MC USA affiliation
Staff: Warren Tyson, Merv Stoltzfus, Sandra Perez, Sonni Carrion, Njoki Njoroge, Lois Ann Mast
Gathering by Jon Carlson, member of ACC Executive Committee, “We gather to celebrate and
recognize God’s power at work in ACC. We believe God’s power is at work in ACC doing
exceedingly more than we can ask or think.”
Opening Worship and Welcome by Jim Amstutz and Michelle Dula, Akron pastor and associate
pastor, with announcements, followed by songs of praise. Michele Dula read Eph. 3:14-21.
God’s Power at Work Among Us, sermon shared by Nancy Kauffmann, Mennonite Church USA
denominational minister. Nancy led the assembly with stories of God at work across the
denomination in local settings.
a. Receives energy visiting different conferences.
b. Today is second time she preached on Ephesians text this fall. The first was young
couple’s wedding, but won’t be using that sermon today.
c. Paul offers this scripture as prayer to his community of faith.
d. Emphasizes unity in the spirit, the plan God has so it is known to all, realize human
tendency of assuming nothing is happening in God’s church, seek renewal thru the
power of God’s Spirit, with Christ as a permanent resident in our lives.
e. The question might be, what is God doing among us in ACC? Not, what is happening
across MC USA. Nancy thanked ACC leaders for asking her to address both aspects
as she relates to both ACC and other parts of the broader church.
f. Not one big story, but a vignette of stories to answer the question, some examples:
i. Wedding of Adam, who after good career of communications, is now being
called to pastoral service of a church of young adults.
ii. CLC 3 rep’s of 21 conferences gather to pray, study, talk, and discern with
diverse opinions but they came together and were blessed.
God’s Power at Work c/o Akron
Two years ago, Akron started a deacon ministry, 24 members as a pastoral team to
deepen connections at church, even though some thought they didn’t need deacons.
John Nissley: faith, prayer and spirituality were his hallmark. Even in hospice, no one
was as strong as John. Leslie carried family, deep love for family, and an openness and
willingness to share. The deacon ministry was newly formed and not sure what it meant,
but when the call came, they stepped in and cared for the children and were able to be
a blessing. God prepared the right people. The friendship and spiritual journey was not
expected but treasured. John’s wife shared testimony what it meant to her to receive
the ministry of the deacons during her husband’s illness and passing.
Business Agenda
1. Leadership Slate c/o John Weber Gifts Discernment Committee, the following names and
positions were affirmed:
a. John Denlinger, conference moderator (1st term)
b. Chad Martin, assistant conference moderator (1st term, one-year, in order to start
staggered moderator and assistant moderator terms)
c. Julie Dunst, conference secretary (2nd term)
d. Ken Martin, conference treasurer (1st term)
e. Jane Hoober Peifer, Ministerial Leadership Committee chair (3rd term)
f. Bob Murr, Missions Committee chair (3rd term)
g. Lyn Carlson, Youth Committee chair (2nd term)
h. Marcy High and Antonella Mukuria, Mennonite Women co-chairs (1st term)
2. Budget Report c/o Ken Herr
i. Happy to report that the transitional time from switching fiscal year is over.
j. We have a balanced and sustainable budget
k. Line 40 is the matching fund, which we have about 2050.00
l. Line 47 =$18,000 is the reserve fund which we are not borrowing from but may dip into.
m. Line 49 shows our funds for operation currently (3628.85)
n. 2nd column shows 6 months intervals on the green sheet everything else is in 12 month
o. Gratitude for the expression of support with 80% of churches sending their support in.
Cash from congregations is giving is up, we have a positive budget currently and 13
congregations have increased their giving, leaving us about the same as last year.
p. Gratitude for Del Seitz who spent considerable time researching the history of the
properties and we are looking to transfer titles, which should help them get better
insurance as well as other benefits.
q. Still looking for good people to join the committee
r. This is a good way to see how God is working among us
3. Maple Grove Request for Associate Membership with ACC, c/o Jon Carlson with Steve Crane
s. This is the 7th Fall assembly for Steve Crane. Jon introduced Steve Crane, Pastor at Maple
Grove. Jon noted that there would be a conversation later around tables and called
everyone to pray.
t. Steve was personally attracted to having a common confession of faith and
accountability between churches and conferences.
u. Pastoral leadership was key in guiding this process, using the congregational model.
v. Steve affirmed and deeply appreciated ACC but as a congregation, they are
uncomfortable with the direction of the conference. The congregation wants to
maintain integrity and avoid any split within the congregation. So they asked for
associate membership as they work through the issue and seek direction, mostly
because of the Frazer membership. They have chosen to neither leave nor stay as things
are. The leadership met with ACC Executive Committee members and Staff, which was
w. Maple Grove is seeking who they need to be in all this, to seek God’s way; God’s Spirit
and be open. Talking and hard work is ahead, but they are hopeful.
4. Facilitation Team introduction c/o Julie Dunst
5. Dwelling in the Word: Michele Dula, Eph. 3:14-21. Michelle is associate pastor of the Akron
Mennonite Church.
Maple Grove discussion from floor.
a. Bob Petersheim (Conestoga) expressed admiration for Steve and how he communicated but
asked if delegates really have any say in the matter.
b. Ridgeview questions the bylaws for associate members, credentialed leaders, etc.
c. Steve Crane answered they are in the process with a church consultant and process to call
pastoral staff, looking to find something positive instead of a negative.
d. Katy Heinzel (Community) is licensed to be ordained to be a chaplain, and had a question
about voting.
e. Randall Justice (Akron) asked Steve if we don’t affirm, what would happen.
f. Steve Crane responded that this is not taken lightly, has been in conversation with
Leadership team and EC, and isn’t sure how the congregation would hear that news. We
realize this means we are pulling out our voice from conference. If assembly would not
affirm, I will personally remain fully engaged, but not sure about the congregation. If
assembly would affirm, and then the tension in the congregation would lessen.
g. Emily Gingrich (Neffsville) how quickly would you need to know? Answered ASAP.
h. John Weber (Akron) regarding the Facilitation team, how do I read and understand scripture
needs to be in the framework?
i. Wes Boyer (Conestoga) comes from a broken home, came to know Mennonites and love the
church, but wonders what are we going to do about Homosexuality? Are we going to come
out and say where we are, where we see the hurt, is there light at the end of the tunnel?
j. Kenton Bontrager (North Baltimore) noted that even after Garden Spot, 6 months ago in
April, with discussions in the churches, still is vague on what we are going to do, as churches
and as the whole conference? We need a road map for 2014. We need to know what
direction we are going in. Don’t want to hit a brick wall and go another 12-18 months with
this thing. We know we have work to do, and the catalyst is going to be the Facilitation
team, it needs energy and focus to get us there.
k. Jim Amstutz (Akron) re Maple Grove as associate member, it is a congregational decision,
we talk about unity in diversity, we have difficult conversations, and we need to keep
partnering together.
l. Maple Grove has a consultant and they are discussing affiliations. What happens at Frazer
becomes less of a litmus test.
m. Ken Herr (Zion) difficult without the knowledge, we only had one week to process this. Is
there a third way? Can we welcome input and concern, hears that we are all concerned, but
we don’t want to decline. Is there any way we can process this request for six months?
n. Sam Walters (Great Joy) new delegates are confused about what we are talking about. Can
someone give brief description? Nancy Sauder gave synopsis about where we have been in
process for welcoming Frazer to ACC, seeking to serve God and welcome people regardless
of sexual orientation. The process has brought to light the practice of other ACC churches of
being open and affirming when the issue was placed on the table. Maple Grove isn’t sure
they want to be in the same conference.
o. Bob Petersheim (Conestoga) I raise the question about the nature of conference. Do we
have accountability with one another and between congregations? Does what we do here
today really affect Maple Grove?
p. Randall Justice (Akron) What it may mean for delegates is that taking 6 months of process
just to design a process to talk may be a way of avoidance.
q. Brenda Martin Hurst (Frazer) wants to be in relationship with Maple Grove and would want
Maple Grove to want to be in a relationship with Frazer, voluntarily, not forced. Frazer
process was different and difficult but persons stayed committed to one another despite the
difficulty. Out of respect for one another they are still learning and growing.
r. Ruth Weaver (Akron) If we affirm, it is with humility and regret.
s. Suggestion to break and pray over lunch and return during second half. Dismissed for Lunch.
God’s Power at Work story – Hiwet Legata Church, The story of how the church developed;
Redeat Dedebe Abebe’s ordination, first female ordained minister with Meserete Kristos Church
background. Hiwet Legeta meets at Neffsville and worship in Spirit and in Truth; the spirit is
moving. There is transformation, drumming and discipleship, cell groups, all with wonderful
worship. The leadership and guidance from ACC has been wonderful; we have been groomed
well. We are evangelical and want others to know Christ well. To accomplish this, there is a plan
to plant a home-based church (like cell groups) for transformation and salvation. Many
programs, like CD distribution, teachings, youth programs and Christmas services are happening.
Women are passionate and are trying different strategies for ministry.
Maple Grove Vote resumed
a. Revised recommendation to include the regret and desire to stay in relationship thus it
now reads “Atlantic Coast Conference delegates accept with regret Maple Grove
Mennonite Church’s request to change membership status to an Associate Member
congregation of ACC with hope of continuing dialog and relationship.”
b. Ballots were changed by the delegates to reflect the new statement.
c. Ballots were given out to delegates only, and asked for name and sending organization.
d. Final tally: two no votes and 80 yes votes.
e. The floor conversation was rich. There were questions on polity and delegate
responsibility, as well as many voices of concern for Maple Grove and what this vote
means. Much love was expressed for Maple Grove.
f. Comments from the no votes included the sentiment that this delegate would advise
Maple Grove to act only after the vote taken in fall of 2014 surrounding Frazer. It feels
to this delegate that Maple Grove wants to remain "in between".
g. Other comments include:
1. Thanks for continuing to invest in relationships.
2. It is okay to disagree with a church position, but both sides need to see what the
scriptures read, say and mean about the topic.
3. I do not understand why they would give up their "rights" while holding onto
their "duties". I hope they understand their voices are needed around the
4. Affirm, with regret, the change, with the hope of continuing dialog and
5. With regret and praying our Lord’s blessing and guidance.
6. I urge initiative by the conference leaders to foster dialogue and ongoing
7. One year later, few people will be changing their stance on sin.
8. I appreciate Executive Committee’s receptivity to feedback from delegate
discussion and the resulting revision to the ballot.
9. Thanks for your leadership. I hope Frazer is accepted and Maple Grove stays.
10. Do all that we can to stay in relationship with Maple Grove, lovingly and
11. I heartily support the action as a protest.
12. So sad that this has come to happen, Maple Grove has always meant a big part
to ACC and to me. Blessings to you as you move forward.
13. I am concerned about the apparent lack of naming of ACC values in terms of
diverse values and congregational polity in response to this request.
14. Continue to call us to live into our own convictions.
h. We also heard much in the way of verbal affirmations for Steve and his heartfelt sharing
today. Also heard was affirmation of his willingness to answer the difficult questions and
to speak truthfully about the process. Some questions of process and polity surfaced
during the floor discussion, but an overwhelming majority responded to Steve's
heartfelt request, out of a deep sense of loss and regret that it came to this.
God’s Power at work in our churches ( table discussions)
a. Powerful silent service in NYC
b. Food give-away
c. Disability awareness Sunday
d. Communion service with two crackers, one to partake, and one to take out to
e. Single parented kids program
f. Sunday School is exciting, best part of the day with fellowship
g. Sing special and meaningful songs, especially my story.
God’s Power at Work story – Frazer Mennonite Church, Brenda Martin Hurst shared that Frazer
is a geographically diverse congregation encompassing a wide radius. They strive to practice
unity in diversity and are deeply engaged in service, especially in the immigrant communities.
a. Plowshares Community Garden along the Rte.30 side of the church was started in 2008
with seed and sprouted into 8 plots for Frazer and its neighbors. There has been a
greater demand for plots. Growing into more, organizing and expanding Meredith and
Tom leading the way.
b. First year netted 500 lbs of produce, now 500 lbs of produce each Sunday.
c. Frazer is a peace church; it is intentional offering cooking classes, international garden.
d. Possibility to partner with Chester County food bank and distribution, not sure what it
all means yet. MICAH 4 is true for every person.
e. Lynn Brubaker shared about empathy, helping a young boy who moved here as a two
month old. This is only country he knows, academically excellent, 80% of congregation
signed a petition for him to continue his studies. He urged students speak of the funding
f. God’s power is on all people.
God’s Power at work in our churches (table Discussion)
a. Introduction of visitor Pastor Victor Amador and his wife from Iglesia Internacional
Comunidad Cristiana from NYC.
b. We need compassionate hearts to hear one another.
c. Great Joy is learning how to worry well, with the peace of God.
d. Congregations realize that we moved the ceiling and are now uncomfortable.
e. We keep our hearts and minds on Christ Jesus.
Newly Credentialed Minister Introductions
a. Licensed toward Ordination
1. James Wengerd, Pastor, Holly Grove Mennonite
2. Jeff McLain, Pastoral Leader, The Community Haus, Lancaster, PA
3. Ana Damaso, Co-pastor, Ebenezer Evangelical Mennonite Church
4. Julio Damaso, Co-Pastor, Ebenezer Evangelical Mennonite Church
b. Licensed for Specific Ministry
1. Joyce Martin, Chaplain, Philhaven
2. Catharine Frederick, Minister of Community Life, Hope Community
c. Ordained
1. Redeat D Abebe, Pastor, Hiwet Legeta Church (Neffsville Mennonite)
2. Katy Heinzel, Chaplain, Hospice and Community Care, Lancaster (Community
Mennonite Church of Lancaster)
3. Sandra K. Wiens, Prison and Resettlement Minister, First Congregational Church,
Guilford, CT (Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship)
d. Interim Pastors
1. Alan Miller, Neffsville Mennonite Church, Lancaster, PA
2. Miriam F. Book, Blossom Hill Mennonite Church, Lancaster, PA
3. James M Lapp, Preaching Pastor, Blossom Hill
4. Wesley Boyer, Cedar Grove Mennonite Church, Greencastle, PA
Grocery Bag collection: MCC James Wheeler, Manager of Distribution Center collected the bags,
40 heading for NYC, 200 total bags collected. Others will be distributed by MCC.
Peace Mug given to Charlotte Lapp (Ridgeview Mennonite Church) by Peace and Justice
Committee chair Barbara Beiler Mast for Charlotte’s work in giving out Food Packs; 93-123 bags
given out. Still an urgent need to oversee the food pack programs for the weekends. Many
children on food plans at school go home hungry over the weekend.
Nickels for Neighbors raised $2,484.00 so far, with some churches still to send in their
contributions. Money designated for VBS materials at Great Joy, and program seed funds for Exit
Lancaster, a summer program in Lancaster City.
Andrew Chalfoun, youth delegate from North Baltimore and member of the Youth Committee
shared about the retreat complete with kiss the pig contest, Jon Carlson speaker. Retreat had
90 people attend for weekend, a bit smaller than some years because there were some notable
churches missing. More intimate because it was smaller than usual, with great passion, coffee
house, ultimate Frisbee. ACC continues to invest in the future of the youth.
God’s power at work story – Holly Grove Mennonite, pastor James Wengerd shared he has
learned to read a congregation, learned to read when a pastor’s service is complete, reinventing
self, which forms who you are.
a. Are we called or are we qualified? To preach the gospel, not eloquently, but with the
power of God, thought it was at Hesston College, during a Spiritual Retreat in the
mountains, but that was not God’s plan for my life. He took me 3,000 miles away to
Holly Grove in Westover, Md. Opposite oceans, yet he put it together for me. A diverse
congregation. Once unable to connect with the community, stuck in traditions and dying
which led to surrender and brokenness. Now becoming a church in love with the Word
of Christ and Life, Accepting and Loving with the Power of Christ.
Closing prayer and dismissal
Julia Dunst, Conference Secretary