precog vision

Nethramancers in burgundy robes stand side by side with golden golems. They form a ring around an
armored man on a dark throne. As one, they raise glowing crystals and fire shuddering beams of green
energy into the throne. The armored man fights against invisible bonds and, even with the strength given to
him by the crystals is not enough to pull him free.
Grith soldiers march into view, bearing the corpses of the other Defenders. They hurl the corpses into the
fire circle, and you watch as their blood seeps into the stones and disappears. The man on the throne
clenches his armored fists and, with a roar of triumph, rises.
The sky turns black.
You see a great tower. Upon the very top, you see an armored man seated upon a great, iron throne. On
the bottommost floor, you see a sad, wasted goblin, wrapped in dark chains. A beam of blue light rises
through the tower, connecting man and goblin. The goblin swiftly grows weaker as the goblin withers.
You find yourself in the lowest level of the tower, standing before the imprisoned goblin. There are other
Defenders with you, as well as a Nym and a person dressed like a monk, bearing a birch staff.
You and the others begin to hack through the chains that binds the goblin. When the chains fall free, the
column of blue light explodes outward, enveloping you and the other Defenders. You feel an intense,
searing pain, and then a feeling of peace and calm.
You stand now before a great desk, where a hooded figure writes in a book. "This is where your path ends,
and now you are in my keeping," he says. "But what a journey you have traveled, and what deeds you have
done. You shall be remembered forever. This I swear."
There is a goblin sitting on a chair, enveloped in a blinding, blue light. A beam of light arcs from the chair,
enveloping a tall, terrifying figure dressed in ancient armor. The Defenders face the armored man, striking
at him with weapons of black, red, and silver. But the figure mocks them, for the weapons do not hurt him.
He wades through their ranks, crushing their bodies in his mailed hands.
A man with a birch staff leads a small group of Defenders around the edge of the horrific battle. You think
that they are going to try to come at the armored man from behind, but instead they run to the imprisoned
goblin. They hurl themselves into the path of the blue beam, cry out, and vanish in curls of charnel smoke.
Yet their sacrifice disrupts the beam. The blue light fades and vanishes, and the goblin tumbles out of the
chair. The armored man roares in rage and terror as the surviving Defenders press in around him. The Five
strike at him, cutting deep, drawing ancient blood.