Quiz 2 – Term 2

Name ____________________________
Period __________
Quiz 2 – Term 2
1) Identify whether the following materials are electrical insulators or conductors:
a. Plastic straw
b. A nickel
c. Iron
d. Styrofoam
e. Newspaper ______________________________
f. Cooking pan
g. Sweater
h. Air
2) Match the following words with their definitions:
a. Wave cycles per second, measured in Hertz (Hz)
b. Material that does not allow electricity to flow
c. Anything that opposes (slows) electricity flow.
d. Height of a wave
e. Rate of charge flow per second (I)
f. Continuous signal, has a range of values
Electrical insulator
g. Signal of discrete values, 0s and 1s
Electrical circuit
h. Anything that uses electricity from a circuit
Name ____________________________
Period __________
i. The length between wave crests.
j. A closed loop that conducts electricity.
3) Show which parts of the light bulb need to be connected to wires in a circuit so that
the light bulb will light up.
4) For the schematic diagram below, label the batteries, light bulbs, and switches.
Also, label the positive side of the battery.
Of the parts of the circuit above, which part is the…
Energy source?
Name ____________________________
Period __________
Output device?
5) Identify which part of the signal communication path the following are describing
(encoding, transmitting, receiving, or decoding).
a) A person’s eardrum vibrates when sound waves from someone speaking hit their ear.
b) A telephone changes an electrical signal into a voice that the listener can understand.
c) A radio tower broadcasts radio waves to a satellite above the Earth.
d) A computer changes a typed message into binary code so that it can be sent online.
e) A satellite sends a signal to Earth.
f) A person thinks about saying something, then speaks.
6) Which part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum are the following examples of?
Choices: Radio, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible Light, Ultraviolet, X-ray, Gamma
Name ____________________________
Period __________
a) the doctor or dentist might use these ______________________________
b) emitted by cell phones
c) ROYGBIV, the only light we can see
d) night vision & thermal imaging
e) AM & FM signals
f) causes sunburn
g) the highest energy waves
7) Show the path that light will travel through the optical fiber.
Light source
8) Determine if the description is (D) digital, (A) analog, or (B) both.
A) a continuous wave
B) the key board on a computer
C) TV signals as of 2009
D) the sound you hear from me talking
E) the signal from your cell phone to the tower
Name ____________________________
Period __________
F) 011000101
G) a camera
H) the signal from one computer to another computer
Short answer:
Give three reasons why fiber optics cable is better than cable.
Name ____________________________
Period __________
What is total internal reflection and why is it important to fiber optics?