The University of Reading

The University of Reading
Wireless Network Policy
The effective management of information technology resources is crucially important to the
success of the academic, research, and public service objectives of the University of Reading.
Because of the inherent nature of wireless communication, wireless networks require increased
cooperation and coordination to safely and securely exploit the benefits of the technology to the
staff and students of the University, to allow connection to wireless networks in different campus
buildings, and eventually, to facilitate the ability to roam from building to building without
losing network connectivity.
This document sets out the policies for using wireless technologies and assigns responsibilities
for the deployment of wireless services and the administration of the wireless radio frequency
spectrum in the University. This policy expands the Rules for the Use of University Computers
and Data Networks by including specific direction regarding wireless communications and the
resolution of issues that may arise.
This policy is subject to change as new technologies and processes emerge.
University of Reading Rules for the Use of University Computers and Data Networks.
JANET Acceptable Use Policy
Rules for the use of the University Library
1. Wireless Network means local area network technology that uses radio frequency
spectrum to connect computing devices to university, school, directorate and department
wired networks and may connect to the Campus Network Backbone and the Internet.
This technology is sometimes referred to as Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN).
2. Access Point means any electronic hardware that serves as a common connection point
for devices in a wireless network. An access point acts as a network hub that is used to
connect segments of a LAN, using transmit and receive antennas instead of physical ports
for access by multiple users of the wireless network. Access points are shared bandwidth
devices and can be connected to the wired network, allowing access to the campus
network backbone. This includes computers equipped with wireless network card and
configured to operate as a wireless access point.
3. Wireless Infrastructure means wireless access points, antennas, cabling, power, and
network hardware associated with the deployment of a wireless communications
4. Coverage means the geographical area where a baseline level of wireless connection
service quality is possible.
5. Interference means the degradation of a wireless communication signal caused by
electromagnetic radiation from another source. Interference can slow down or eliminate
a wireless transmission depending on the strength of the interfering signal.
1. This policy applies to all wireless network devices utilising the University of Reading IP
space (including private IP space within University networks) and all users of such
devices, and governs all wireless connections to the campus network backbone,
frequency allocation, network assignment, registration in the Domain Name System, and
services provided over wireless connections to the campus network backbone to schools,
directorates or departments of the University of Reading.
2. This policy does not apply to any wireless connections allowing cordless connection of
computer components or peripheral devices e.g. wireless keyboard, wireless mouse.
1. This policy falls under the authority and oversight of the Information Strategy Committee
2. Technical review of this document is under the direction of IT Services under the
guidance of the Advisory Group for IT Services (AGITS).
1. All network connection policies and acceptable use provisions of the University of
Reading Rules for the Use of University Computers and Data Networks apply to wireless
network services.
2. Eavesdropping, intrusion or disruption of other authorised communications that result
from the intentional or incidental misuse or misapplication of wireless network radio
frequency spectrum is prohibited.
3. Any Wireless Infrastructure must abide by all national and local laws, rules or regulations
pertaining to wireless networks.
4. Deployment and management of centrally provided wireless access points is the
responsibility of the University IT Services (ITS) department.
5. Heads of schools, directorates and halls must ensure that wireless networks under their
control are managed in accordance with this policy.
6. University schools, directorates , halls and other departments must register for the
location of all wireless access points, frequency of operation, approximate coverage
together with a named “Point of Contact” for each wireless network with ITS, prior to
implementation of wireless networks.
7. Students must not install or operate wireless infrastructure in the halls of residence, or
other University owned and/or operated accommodation.
8. Wireless networks shall require user authentication at the access point before granting
access to campus or Internet services. Wireless network interfaces and end-user devices
shall support authentication to access wireless networks that allow connectivity to the
Campus Network Backbone.
9. Physical security must be considered and ensured when planning the location of wireless
access point and other wireless network components.
10. Wireless networks must be designed and deployed to avoid physical and logical
interference between components of different network segments and other equipment. In
the event that a wireless device interferes with other equipment, IT Services will resolve
the interference taking into account the priority of conflicting usage. The arbiter, in case
of conflict, is the AGITS operating under the authority of the ISC.
11. IT Servicess will attempt to resolve any interference or security incidents by coordinating with the registered Point of Contact for the wireless network. If a Point of
Contact is not available, the incident will be resolved through administration of the
network connection to the backbone.
12. IT Services is authorised to take whatever reasonable steps are necessary to ensure
compliance with this, and other network related policies that are designed to protect the
integrity and security of the campus network.
13. Grievances concerning this policy or conflicts between ITS and any University school,
directorate or department should be directed to the Director of IT Services in the first
instance. If the conflict is not resolved to the satisfaction of ITS and the school,
directorate or department involved, the matter will be escalated through existing
Latest Date for Review:
IT Services / Improcom Ltd
0.4dmr Draft
2nd October 2003
24th September 2005
This policy has been compiled with reference to the following documents:
 University of Utah Wireless Network Policy
 Monash University Policy on Wireless Networks
 UC Davis Wireless Communications Policy
 McMaster University Wireless Network Access Policy