How To: Integrate Active Directory with StreamStudio

Microsoft’s Active Directory often implemented at customer sites. Customers wish to re-use existing
Active Directory users and groups within web applications, such as StreamStudio Collector,
Reporter, Composer, and Correspondence Manager.
Active Directory is Microsoft’s directory server, with interfaces for Microsoft-proprietary APIs, as
well as LDAP v3. Acting as an LDAP server, Active Directory has a few peculiarities. The schemas
used to define Users and Groups differ slightly. Objects within Active Directory are identified with
multiple naming conventions to maintain backwards compatibility with older Windows networks,
modern Windows networks, and LDAP. The commonly-used conventions for Windows login may not
always work with pure LDAP queries.
StreamStudio (via Service Gateway) makes standard LDAP calls to authenticate users, and map
users/groups to internal StreamStudio roles. Note that StreamStudio (and Service Gateway) are
intentionally designed to NOT write anything to a customer’s LDAP servers.
Because StreamStudio uses standard LDAP calls, in order to integrate with Active Directory, objects
must be specified using LDAP naming conventions--as opposed to Windows naming conventions.
This phenomenon is not unique to StreamStudio, as most web applications require this as well.
This document outlines procedures to determine the necessary LDAP settings in Active Directory.
These instructions should work with most Active Directory configurations. This document does not
cover integration of the core StreamServer with directory servers; for more information about that,
refer to the documentation on scripting functions.
You want to fill in the Directory fields in Control Center’s Application Domain Editor.
(Screenshot taken from SP3; the dialog box is nearly identical in SP4, so it was not updated.)
The Application Domain Editor modifies the master territory.xml file, which defines connectivity
parameters for Service Gateway and StreamStudio. In the Directory tab, un-check “Disable directory
server settings,” and select the settings for an “Internal” user directory, and under “Vendor” select
“Active Directory.”
The following fields must be completed in order for StreamStudio to query AD users and groups
1. Hostname – This specifies an Active Directory domain controller
2. BaseDN – This specifies the branch of the LDAP tree from which StreamStudio will search for
users and groups.
3. Service user/password – Active Directory requires authentication prior to running any
queries or browsing the LDAP tree. The service user does not require any elevated
permissions in the Active Directory.
4. StreamStudio Administrator – This user will be mapped to the “System Manager” role in
StreamStudio. The StreamStudio Administrator can be the same as the service account, or
could be any Windows Domain User. The StreamStudio Administrator user does not require
any elevated permissions in the Active Directory.
The following fields should be verified for better performance
 Hostname – This field was specified above. If there are multiple Active Directory controllers,
ensure that the server specified here has a copy of the Global Catalog.
 BaseDN – This field was specified above. More specific RDNs will yield faster searches.
Especially with Active Directory, specifying the RootDN of the Active Directory forest will
result in extremely slow searches.
 Verify user attributes – Depending on the naming conventions used in the customer’s Active
Directory, most of the time, only one attribute is really needed here.
 Translate name attributes – Depending on the naming conventions used in the customer’s
Active Directory, most of the time, only one attribute is really needed here.
Ideally, you should be using a Windows system which is a member of the target Active Directory
domain, and logged in as a Domain User on that AD domain as well. You do not need to be a Domain
Administrator, nor should you require direct access to a Domain Controller.
If you do not have access to a Windows system on the Active Directory domain, and/or cannot log in
as a Domain User, this will be more difficult. Ask somebody in the customer’s
Windows/Network/Security group for assistance.
The following diagram illustrates that
StreamStudio connects to LDAP repositories
through an instance of Service Gateway.
If there are firewalls between Service Gateway
and the target Active Directory server, make
sure the appropriate TCP port (usually 389) is
The following tools are freely available, and do not require installation. Download them, and
extract them to your workstation. Or run directly from a USB memory stick.
 This is a command-line tool that comes with most LDAP servers, but not Active Directory
 It can be copied from most LDAP servers (e.g. Netscape/iPlanet/Sun/AOL/Fedora/Red
Hat, Apache, CA, IBM, OctetString, OpenDS, OpenLDAP, Oracle, Siemens…)
 It can be downloaded from
 For your convenience, it can also be found on Download Center
LDAP Admin
 This is a Windows GUI tool, which can bind to most LDAP servers
 It can be downloaded from
 For your convenience, it can also be found on Download Center
Basic Procedure
Initially, we just want to establish a working connection to the customer’s Active Directory. We
can—and should—look into optimizing these parameters later.
1. Identify an Active Directory Controller
If you are running on a Windows system that is a member of the Active Directory
Domain, and logged in as a Domain User,
a. Open a Command Prompt
b. Run the command ‘echo %LOGONSERVER%’
c. The result of this command (minus the backslashes) is the unqualified hostname of
an Active Directory controller
 There may be other AD controllers on the network, but this is the one you
are logged into
d. To get the server’s fully qualified DNS hostname and IP address, run ‘nslookup’ or
‘ping -a’
nslookup BOS3K01
e. Enter the fully-qualified domain name (or IP address) into the “Host name” field
If you are not running on a Windows system that is a member of the Active Directory
Domain, or are not logged in as a Domain User, ask the customer’s Windows
administrators for assistance.
Or, try to guess it… Refer to the later section “Guessing the AD Controller” for hints.
2. Find the Active Directory Root DN
Quite often, the Windows Domain Administrators will not remember the LDAP
namespaces for their Active Directories. Fortunately, once an AD Controller has been
identified, the LDAP namespaces are easy enough to obtain. All you need are some
LDAP tools and a single query.
You could also try and guess the Root DN. See the corresponding section for hints.
Especially with Active Directory, the RootDN is not the optimal BaseDN for LDAP
queries. It is the base of the entire directory structure. Choosing a more specific branch
of the directory would yield faster queries. After the initial directory server
configuration, back and re-examine this field: refer to the sections on BaseDN tuning
and Browsing the Active Directory tree with LDAPadmin.
a. Run ‘ldapsearch -h [hostname] -s base -b "" (objectclass=*)’
 Substitute the hostname or IP address of the AD controller (from Step 1)
 Append “namingcontexts rootdomainnamingcontext “ to the command line
to only return those attributes
 The multi-valued namingContexts attribute lists the tops of directory trees
hosted on the AD Controller
 The single-valued rootDomainNamingContext attribute identifies the root
naming context for the domain
ldapsearch -h bos3k01 -p 389 -T -1 -s base -b "" (objectclass=*)
namingcontexts rootdomainnamingcontext
namingContexts: DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: CN=Configuration,DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=streamserve,DC=com
rootDomainNamingContext: DC=streamserve,DC=com
b. Copy and paste the value of the rootDomainNaming Context into the “DN Base”
 e.g. “DC=streamserve,DC=com”
 If there is no rootDomainNamingContext, or no defaultNamingContext,
select the most appropriate value from namingContexts
3. Specify a StreamStudio service login and password
Some LDAP servers, including Active Directory, require authentication prior to running
any queries. The StreamStudio service user does not require any special privileges in the
Active Directory; it just needs to be a Domain User, able to authenticate, enumerate,
and query the directory. You will need to know the password for this account.
If a StreamServe service account has already been created, use it. Service accounts
should have passwords that do not expire. If a service account has not already been
created, any user with a Windows Domain User login can be specified here.
With Active Directory, the StreamStudio service account user can be specified in various
LDAP Distinguished Name
o e.g. CN=StreamServe, CN=Service Accounts, CN=Users,
NTLM Domain/Username
Active Director User Principal Name (“UPN”)
o e.g.
Refer to the section about Active Directory Naming Formats for more details. With other
directory servers, the StreamStudio service user’s login must be specified as an LDAP
Distinguished Name.
a. First, pick a Windows Domain User for the StreamStudio service account
b. Determine the Domain User’s Windows UPN and/or NTLM login
 If the Windows Administrator is around, ask for the user’s
 userPrincipalName
 NTLM login: NT Domain Name\sAMAccountName
 password
You can figure this out yourself
 A userPrincipalName looks like an e-mail address (e.g.
“”), with an at symbol separating the
username from the domain name
 An NTLM name consists of a Windows Domain name and a User
Name, usually separated by a backslash (e.g. “IDSDOMAIN\dsh01”)
 If you are logged into Windows as the desired Domain User, your username
and the domain name are stored as environment variables
 Open a command prompt
 Run ‘echo %USERNAME%
 This is your username
 Run ‘echo %USERDOMAIN%’
 If the result is one word in ALL_CAPS
 e.g. “IDSDOMAIN”
 your NTLM login is
 If the result looks like a DNS domain name
 e.g. “”
 your userPrincipalName is
NTLM format
UPN format
c. Enter the service user’s NTLM login or User Principal Name into “User Name”
d. Enter the service user’s network password into its “Password” field.
e. Click on the “Check User Name” button…
4. Specify a StreamStudio Administrator user account
The StreamStudio Administrator logs into StreamStudio, and performs initial
configuration tasks, such as assigning other LDAP users and groups to StreamStudio
Roles. This user is automatically mapped to the StreamStudio “System Manager” Role,
but does not require any special privileges in Active Directory.
Up through Persuasion SP3 (5.0.0-5.3.0), the StreamStudio Administrator user had to be
an LDAP user on the Internal directory. It does not require any special privileges; it can
just be a regular Domain User in Active Directory. StreamStudio does not need to know
this user’s password: just its identity. The LDAP user is mapped to the StreamStudio
System Manager Role in the Runtime Repository database.
As of Persuasion SP4 (5.4.0+), the initial StreamStudio Administrator is stored in the
territory.xml file (i.e. outside of LDAP). The initial StreamStudio configuration is much
easier, since the LDAP integration is not entirely necessary. (i.e. StreamStudio can be run
with just this one user. Or the integration with LDAP can be postponed until a more
convenient time.) In SP4, the StreamStudio system manager user is specified on the
Administrator tab in the Application Domain Editor. Since it is not an LDAP user, it will
not be discussed further in this document.
The following instructions pertain to Persuasion prior to SP4.
The StreamStudio Administrator user can be the same user as the service user. It can be
any Windows Domain User. If you don’t know, or can’t decide, just use the service user
account; it can be changed at a later date.
The StreamStudio Administrator user must be specified as an LDAP DN.
The StreamStudio Administrator’s LDAP DN must be within the search BaseDN specified
in Step 2.
 e.g. if the BaseDN is “dc=localdomain,dc=com”, and the StreamStudio Administrator
is “cn=StreamServe,cn=Users,dc=localdomain,dc=com”, that’s fine
 e.g. if the BaseDN is “cn=UK,dc=mydomain,dc=com”, and the desired StreamStudio
Administrator is “cn=StreamServe,cn=US,dc=localdomain,dc=com”, then it will not
a. First, pick a Windows Domain User that will become the StreamStudio Administrator
b. Obtain the username of the desired StreamStudio Administrator
 sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName, or %USERNAME%
 e.g. “hol01”
c. Determine the LDAP Distinguished Name for the user
 Run ‘ldapsearch -h [hostname]-b "[BaseDN]" -D "[ UPN]" -w "(|(samaccountname=[username]) (userprincipalname=[username]*))" dn’
 Substitute [hostname] with the AD controller’s hostname or IP address,
from Step 1
 Substitute [BaseDN] with the naming context from Step 2
 Substitute [UPN] with the User Principal Name (or NTLM login) from Step 3
 You could log in as any user on the Windows Domain, but we might
as well test the service user’s login. Why not?
 Substitute [USERNAME] with just the user name of the desired
StreamStudio Administrator user that we are querying
 In this example, the desired StreamStudio Administrator is “hol01”
 Enter the service user’s password when prompted
 Not the password of the StreamStudio Administrator user
ldapsearch -h bos3k01 -p 389 -T -1 -b "dc=streamserve,dc=com" -D
"" -w "(|(samaccountname=hol01)(userprincipalname=hol01*))" dn
Enter bind password: ********
dn: CN=Olsson\, Hans,OU=Users,OU=IT,OU=Sth,OU=Sweden,DC=streamserve,DC=com
d. Copy and paste the StreamStudio Administator’s DN value to the “StreamStudio
Administrator” field
e. Click on the “Check StreamStudio Administrator” button
The desired net result might look something like this:
In this particular example,
 The LDAP server is
o It’s running Active Directory on TCP port 389
o This AD controller is a Global Catalog master
 The Base DN for StreamStudio queries is “dc=streamserve,dc=com”
o Unfortunately, this is the root directory object, so searches could be very
 The service user is a service account called strs_service
o Note that this field can take an NTLM, UPN, or DN
o We chose the UPN syntax because it’s easier than DN
o userPrincipalName:
 The StreamStudio Administrator is Hans Olsson
o Note that this field must be in DN syntax
o The user specified here must be within the Base DN specified above
o DN: CN=Olsson\,
 The relevant user attribute for authentication is sAMAccountName
o i.e. Hans Olsson would log in as “hol01”, instead of “Olsson\, Hans” or
Basic Procedure - Tuning
1. Hostname – This field was specified earlier, but should be re-examined
a. If there are multiple Active Directory controllers on the network, verify that the
server specified has a copy of the Global Catalog
 The Global Catalog is a master copy of the Active Directory tree
 An AD server without a complete copy of the GC will usually take longer to
respond to queries, because it does not have all the data
 Do an ldapsearch on the RootDSE object of the AD controller, and check the
“isGlobalCatalogReady” value
ldapsearch -h bos3k01 -p 389 -x -T -1 -s base -b "" (objectclass=*)
namingcontexts defaultnamingcontext rootdomainnamingcontext dnshostname
issynchronized isglobalcatalogready domainfunctionality
forestfunctionality domaincontrollerfunctionality
namingContexts: DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: CN=Configuration,DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=streamserve,DC=com
namingContexts: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=streamserve,DC=com
defaultNamingContext: DC=streamserve,DC=com
rootDomainNamingContext: DC=streamserve,DC=com
isSynchronized: TRUE
isGlobalCatalogReady: TRUE
domainFunctionality: 2
forestFunctionality: 0
domainControllerFunctionality: 2
 If “isGlobalCatalogReady” is not “TRUE” then try to find another AD
 If “forestFuncionality” is anything but “0”, then this Active Directory Domain
is actually part of a Forest
b. The Windows Domain Administrators can log into an existing AD Controller, and add
the Global Catalog FSMO role
2. BaseDN – This field was specified earlier, but should be re-examined
a. We specified the top of the Active Directory tree as the root for all queries
b. More specific RDNs will yield faster searches
c. Especially with Active Directory, specifying the RootDN of the Active Directory forest
can result in extremely slow searches
 Within the root naming context, Active Directory stores many other trees
 See the sample above… searches on all of “dc=streamserve,dc=com” would
also reference “CN=Configuration,dc=streamserve,dc=com”,
 With Active Directory, there are thousands of additional entries in those
d. The BaseDN specified here must include
 All User objects that will be mapped to StreamStudio Roles
 All Group objects that will be mapped to StreamStudio Roles
 (Up through SP3) The special StreamStudio Administrator user that will be
mapped to the StreamStudio System Manager Role
e. See the section (below) on browsing the directory tree with LDAP Admin
3. Verify user attributes
a. This field defines which LDAP attribute(s) can be used for the StreamStudio login
b. Most of the time, only one attribute is really needed here
c. Depending on the naming conventions used in the customer’s Active Directory, the
key attribute could be “sAMAccountName”, “cn”, or “userPrincipalName”
d. Most of the time, just use sAMAccountName="%1"
e. See the section (below) on Active Directory Naming Conventions
4. Translate name attributes
a. Most of the time, only one attribute is really needed here
b. Most of the time, just use the same value as in the “Verify user attributes” field
Assigning StreamStudio Administrator
(Up through SP3), the StreamStudio Administrator user’s role is mapped in the Runtime
Repository database
 After specifying (or modifying) the StreamStudio Administrator user, it is necessary to
update the Runtime Repository database
o In Control Center, select your Application Domain
o Right-click on it, and go to Create Database…
o Choose “Assign Administrator role to the StreamStudio Administrator account”
o Click on Start
Enter the database credentials for a user that has write access to the Runtime
Repository database for this Application Domain
 In SQL Server, this could be the “sa” user or the “StrsSecurity” user
 In Oracle, this could be the “SYSTEM” user, or the database schema
owner like “StrsRuntimeAccess”
(As of SP4), the StreamStudio Administrator is specified on the “Administrator” tab of Control
Center’s Application Domain Editor. The StreamStudio Administrator account is stored in the
territory.xml file, with its password encrypted using a reversible hash. The user does not reside
within the LDAP repository, and its role is not mapped in any of the databases.
Updating StreamServe Application Domain file
After specifying or updating information in the Application Domain Editor, it is necessary to
update the Application Domain configuration file (territory.xml).
 If prompted “Do you want to update the domain information for all applications in the
Application Domain?” just click on “Yes”
o Up through SP3, make sure to restart the StreamStudio J2EE engine (i.e.
Tomcat) after updating the territory.xml file
o As of SP4, it is not necessary to restart Tomcat, though it probably wouldn’t hurt
 Alternately, the file can be updated manually through Control Center
o In Control Center, select your Application Domain
o Right-click on it, and go to Update Application Domain file
o Restart the StreamStudio J2EE engine, if necessary
 If the StreamStudio J2EE engine is not running on a node with Management Gateway,
the Application Domain file must be copied manually
o Find a copy of the territory.xml file
 e.g. from Service Gateway
o Copy it to the $STRS_DOC_PORTAL_ROOT directory
 e.g. with Tomcat running on Windows, that might be C:\Program
Files\Apache Tomcat 5.5\webapps\applications\WEBINF\spring\properties\
o Restart the StreamStudio J2EE engine, if necessary
Active Directory Naming Formats
Some of the naming conventions supported by Active Directory and Window systems include
 Old Windows standalone sAMAccountName
o This is a single-part username
o The sAMAccountName identifies a user on an NTLM host
o e.g. “DSH01”
 Old Windows domain NTLM login
o This Windows-specific format consists of the NTLM domain name, plus the
o Prepending the NTLM domain name allows identification of a user within an NTLM
workgroup or domain
o This syntax is extremely common, but is not actually stored as an attribute in AD
o e.g. “IDSDOMAIN\DSH01”
Newer Active Directory userPrincipalName
o This Windows-specific format looks like an e-mail address, but should not be
confused with an e-mail address
o The userPrincipalName uniquely identifies a user within an Active Directory forest
o user@dnsdomainname
o e.g. “”
LDAP Distinguished Name (“DN”)
o This LDAP format uniquely identifies objects within an LDAP directory tree
o An object’s full distinguished name consists of multiple relative distinguished name
components, in a comma-separated list
o e.g. “cn=Shih\, David, OU=Users,OU=Bos, OU=USA, DC=streamserve, DC=com”
LDAP Common Name (“CN”)
o This LDAP format refers to a single attribute
o e.g. “Shih\, David”
In general,
CN, sAMAccountName, and userPrincipalName are all completely independent of
one another, and do not have to resemble each other at all
CN, sAMAccountName, and the username portion of the userPrincipalName often
are identical, though
In Active Directory, the Distinguished Name (DN) is always based on the CN
Here are the results of an ldapsearch, showing examples of the different ways one user can be
identified by Active Directory.
ldapsearch -h bos3k01 -p 389 -T -1 -b "dc=streamserve,dc=com" -D
"%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%" -w - "(samaccountname=%USERNAME%)" dn cn samaccountname
Enter bind password: ********
dn: CN=Shih\, David,OU=Users,OU=Bos,OU=USA,DC=streamserve,DC=com
cn: Shih, David
sAMAccountName: dsh01
In this example
CN bears no resemblance to the sAMAccountName or userPrincipalName
sAMAccountName and the username portion of the userPrincipalName are identical
CN contains a comma-space, so when used in an RDN syntax, the comma must be
CN is probably not a good choice of attribute for StreamStudio login
sAMAccountName should be used for the StreamStudio login instead
Browsing the Active Directory tree with LDAP Admin
LDAP Admin is a free, open source graphical LDAP browser tool for Windows. More information
can be found at
LDAP Admin allows you to easily view the hierarchy of an Active Directory tree. Among other
things, it can help you decide the most appropriate Base DN for your queries.
Download and run LDAPAdmin
Define a new conection
Start | Connect | New Connection
Provide a name for the connection, e.g. “My Active Directory”
Enter the hostname of a domain controller, e.g. “”
Enter the Root DN, e.g. “dc=streamserve,dc=com”
Un-check Anonymous Connection
Enter the Username of the service account user, e.g. “”
Enter the service account user’s password (or leave it blank to be prompted every time)
Click on “Test connection”
Click on “OK” to save
Open the connection, and start browsing!
Example 1:
All the users and groups were within “CN=Users,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
The BaseDN for StreamStudio should be “CN=Users,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Example 2:
UK-based users are within “OU=Users,OU=UK,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
UK-based groups are within “OU=Groups,OU=UK,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Swedish-based users are within “OU=Users ,OU=SE,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Swedish-based groups are within “OU=Groups,OU=SE,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
If StreamStudio is only going to be used in the UK, then the BaseDN for StreamStudio
should be “OU=UK,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Example 3:
UK-based users are within “OU=Users,OU=UK,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
UK-based groups are within “OU=Groups,OU=UK,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Swedish-based users are within “OU=Users ,OU=SE,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Swedish-based groups are within “OU=Groups,OU=SE,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
If StreamStudio is going to be used in the UK and Sweden, then the BaseDN for
StreamStudio should be “DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Example 4:
UK-based users are within “OU=Users,OU=UK,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
UK-based groups are within “OU=Groups,OU=UK,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
All groups are within “OU=Groups ,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
The BaseDN for StreamStudio should be “DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Example 5:
Regular users are within “CN=Users,C=streamserve,DC=com”
Regular groups are within “OU=Groups,CN=Users,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
The StreamStudio Administrator is in “OU=Service Accounts,DC=streamserve,DC=com”
The BaseDN for StreamStudio should be “DC=streamserve,DC=com”
Guessing the AD Controller
If you are not logged into the AD Domain as a Domain User, or aren’t running on Windows, try
asking a knowledgeable Windows Admin. If they’re not available, you can try finding the AD
controller on your own.
a. AD Controllers are often used as DNS, WINS, and DHCP servers
 Run ‘ipconfig /all’
 Check the DNS, WINS, and DHCP servers listed there
b. AD Controllers tend to have the Master Computer Browser role on a network segment
 Run ‘nbtstat -A [IP Address]’ and look for “MSBROWSE”
nbtstat -A
NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
<00> GROUP
c. AD Controllers tend to be extremely chatty
 Note that customers’ security administrators object violently to us running packet
sniffers on their networks
 If you happen to have a packet sniffer or traffic analyzer, like ‘netcat’, note the busiest
broadcast hosts on SMB (TCP ports 135, 139) and ARP
d. AD Controllers often have IP addresses that are relatively easy to remember
 Quite often, the last numbers of the IP address will be 254, 253, or 250
e. AD controllers often have hostnames that are easy to guess
 It all depends on the customer site and naming convention
Functional-based naming conventions often have AD controllers with the strings “DC”
“PDC” or “AD” somewhere in their hostnames
 Sequential naming conventions often reserve lower numbers like 0, 1, 00, or 01 for AD
AD Controllers almost always listen on TCP port 389
 Note that many customers’ security administrators get upset if we run port scanners like
‘nmap’ on their networks
 You can check whether a single host has TCP:389 open by using a telnet command:
‘telnet [hostname] 389’
Guessing Active Directory’s LDAP namespaces
If you are lazy, cannot remember the appropriate LDAP queries, or your LDAP tools do not seem
to be working properly, you can try guessing the LDAP namespaces of Active Directory.
Over ninety percent of the time with Active Directory, the LDAP Root namespace is based on the
DNS domain name. This is the default setting in ‘dcpromo’ and most Windows admins do not
change it.
Example 1. Running ‘ipconfig’ reports that the local DNS domain name is “”.
For the LDAP root DN, try “dc=streamserve,dc=com”.
Example 2. If the local DNS domain name is “”, try
“dc=uk,dc=mycompany,dc=com” or “dc=mycompany,dc=com”
Example 3. If the external DNS domain name is “” and the internal DNS
domain name is “”, then try “dc=megacompany,dc=net”,
“dc=uk,dc=megacompany,dc=net”, “dc=london,dc=uk,dc=megacompany,dc=net”,
The Active Directory’s LDAP Root DN does not have to be of the format “dc=x,dc=y” but could be
something like “o=MyAD” or “ou=uk,o=internaldomain”. But most of the time, with Active
Directory, the root namespace does look like “dc=whatever,dc=com”.
Active Directory Attributes, versus what Windows Admins usually see
AD stores a lot of information about objects. In LDAP, each object has multiple attributes; some
attributes are mandatory, others are optional; some attributes are multi-valued, others can only
be single-valued. Some AD attributes and values are easily visible in common Microsoft
Windows administrative tools, but others are hidden and only used internally.
Here are some screen shots, illustrating the appearance of common LDAP attributes, in the
Windows world.
The attribute mappings can be helpful for defining StreamStudio Administrator/Customers
In the main Active
Directory Users and
Computers (dsa.msc)
The Name column
corresponds to the LDAP
“cn” (or commonName)
The Description column
corresponds to the LDAP
“description” attribute
In Active Directory Users and Computers (dsa.msc),
General Properties of an individual User object
(objectClass: top, person, organizationalPerson, user)
First Name = LDAP “givenname”
Initials = LDAP “initials”
Last Name = LDAP “sn”
Display Name = LDAP “displayName”, “name”
Description = LDAP “description”
Office = LDAP “physicalDeliveryOfficeName”
Telephone number = LDAP “telephoneNumber”,
E-mail = LDAP “mail”
Web page = LDAP “wWWHomePage”, “url”
In Active Directory Users and Computers (dsa.msc),
Account Properties of an individual User object
User logon name: LDAP “userPrincipalName”
 The first part of the UPN can be mapped to
 The second part of the UPN can be mapped
User logon name (pre-Windows 2000): LDAP
 The first part of the NTLM login is not stored
in Active Directory, but can be mapped to
 The second part of the NTLM login is the
sAMAccountName, and can be mapped to
Address tab:
Street = LDAP “streetAddress” or “street”
P.O. Box = LDAP ”postOfficeBox”
City = LDAP ”l”
State/province = LDAP ”st”
Zip/Postal Code = LDAP ”postalCode”
Country/region: United States = LDAP c: US, co: USA, countryCode:840
Telephones tab:
Home = LDAP ”homePhone”, “otherHomePhone”
Pager = LDAP ”pagerPhone”, “otherPager”
Mobile = LDAP ”mobile”, “otherMobile”
Fax = LDAP ”facsimileTelephoneNumber”, “otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber”
IP phone = LDAP ”ipPhone”, “otherIpPhone”
Notes = LDAP ”info”
Organization tab:
Title = LDAP ”title”
Department = LDAP ”department”
Company = LDAP ”company”
Manager = LDAP ”manager”
Member Of tab:
Member Of = LDAP ”memberOf”
Groups (main display): LDAP “cn”, “displayName”, “name”
Groups: (objectClass: top, group)
Group name (pre-Windows 2000) = LDAP ”sAMAccountName”
Description = LDAP ”description”
E-mail = LDAP ”mail”
Group scope (Domain local, Global, Universal) = LDAP ”groupType”
Group type (Security, Distribution) = LDAP ”groupType”
Notes = LDAP ”info”
Members = LDAP ”member”
Member Of = LDAP ”memberOf”
Managed By Name = LDAP ”managedBy”
StreamStudio login fails
o Is the Service Gateway instance running?
 By default, it’s only set to start Manually
o Is there a Service Gateway instance?
Is the Service Gateway configured in the Application Domain Editor
 e.g. Primary URL “http://sgw-host” on TCP Port 2718
o Has the Application Domain file been updated?
o Have you restarted Tomcat and Service Gateway?
o Did the “Check User Name” button work in the Application Domain Editor?
o Did the “Check StreamStudio Administrator” button work in the Application Domain
o Did you remember to Assign the StreamStudio Administrator user in the Runtime
Repository database?
o Check the StreamStudio framework.log file
 C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 5.5\webapps\applications\WEB-INF\
o Check the Service Gateway servicegateway.log file
 C:\ManagementGateway\1.0\root\applications\ServiceGateway\wd\
o Check the Tomcat stdout.log and stderr.log files
 C:\Program Files\Apache Tomcat 5.5\logs\
“Check User Name” button fails in the Application Domain Editor
o ldapsearch -h [hostname] -p [port] -D "[username]" -w "[password]" -b "[basedn]" -s sub
 Copy and paste the AD Controller’s hostname into the [hostname]
 Copy and paste the AD Controller’s port number (389) into the [port]
 Copy and paste the service account’s username into the [username]
 Copy and paste the service account’s password into the [password]
 Copy and paste the BaseDN into the [basedn]
o If running SP4 GA, the Get Domain Controller, Get Naming Context, and Check User
buttons do not always seem to work; if those buttons fail, take it with a grain of salt
“Check StreamStudio Administrator” button fails in the Application Domain Editor
o ldapsearch -h [hostname] -p [port] -D "[username]" -w "[password]" -b
"[administrator_rdn]" -s one (objectclass=*)
 Copy and paste the AD Controller’s hostname into the [hostname]
 Copy and paste the AD Controller’s port number (389) into the [port]
 Copy and paste the service account’s username into the [username]
 Copy and paste the service account’s password into the [password]
 Copy and paste the StreamStudio Administrator’s Distinguished Name into the
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory controller from Service Gateway
o ping [hostname]
o telnet [hostname] 389
o nslookup [hostname]
o make sure there are no firewalls blocking TCP:389
LDAP errors
o Double-check your typing
o Pay attention to the double quotes
o If an RDN is specified in a command line, look at the comma-space delimiters
o Look up the LDAP error codes online:
Anything else?
o Please don’t call me.
o Well, if it’s necessary or interesting, let me know.