Canterbury Tales (Tabard Inn in Southwark, pilgrimage to St

The Canterbury Tales—Summaries of Tales
Prioress: A schoolboy sings hymn about Mary in Jewish ghetto and has throat cut but is saved
by Mary, who commands him to sing until a grain is removed from his tongue
Monk: 17 8-line tragedies including Bernabo of Milan, Ugolino, Pedro of Spain, Pedro of
Cyprus, Lucifer, Adam, Samson, Heracles, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Zonobia, Nero,
Holofernes, Antiochus, Alexander, Caesar, and Croesus
Friar: A summoner and Devil swear friendship
Knight: A rivalry for a woman destroys the friendship of two knights.
Miller: A youth has an affair with his landlord’s wife. The characters associated with adultery
end up pained and humiliated. This tale prompts a retaliation tale from the Reeve.
Man of Law: Mother of Sultan of Syria puts Constance adrift; washed ashore in
Northumberland and marries King Alla
Wife of Bath: Tells a great deal about her life and marriages in the prologue to her tale. The tale
deals with a knight who, in order to save his life, must discover what women want most.
Physician: When Apius, the governor, lusts after Virginia who is the 14-year-old daughter of a
knight named Virginius. Apius hires a criminal to kidnap Virginia and tragedy is the
result of this plot.
Pardoner: The tale of how three drunk men hunt death in order to kill him.
Nun's Priest: When Chauntecleer the rooster has a nightmare, he takes the advice of his hen
wife, Pertelote and ends up in peril. He only escapes through his own cleverness.
Parson: Description of Confession, 7 Deadly Sins, and Penitence; Chaucer’s Retractions
Reeve: Two students set out to trick a local miller who is dishonest. This tale is a response to the
Miller’s tale.
Manciple: The archer Phoebus’s white crow tells him his wife had affair.
Merchant: A comic farce that tells of an old man, January, who marries a young girl, May.
When January goes blind, he becomes increasingly possessive of his young wife and May
becomes increasingly interested in other, younger men.
Second Nun: Cecilia converts her husband Valerian and his brother Tiburtius; Almachius tries to
make them sacrifice to Jupiter
Shipman: Monk John spends night with merchant’s wife; John gets loan from merchant
Squire: A mysterious knight presents a king with magical gifts.The king’s sons each use a gift
with devastating results. The king’s daughters use the gifts to understand human nature
and the motivations of men.
Canon’s Yeoman (Canon’s Servant, not one of the original pilgrims): Tells of the trickery of
an alchemist who convinces a London priest that he has the power to change common
metals into silver and gold.
Clerk: Marquis Walter marries Griselda and tests her loyalty.
Roger the Cook: Apprentice Perkin likes dice and women
Franklin: In order to impress Dorigen, the wife of a knight who is away fighting, Aurelius
removes all rocks from British coast. A conflict occurs when the knight returns from war
and Dorigen has promised herself to Aurelius.
Summoner: A corrupt friar is tricked.
Narrator (Chaucer): Sir Topas was a glorious knight who dreams of the Elf Queen. When he
awakens, Sir Topas attempts to find the Elf Queen. The Host interrupts Chaucer’s tale to
say it is boring so Chaucer begins telling another story. This tale concerns the daughter of
Melibee who is injured in a burglary and what becomes of the burglars as a result.
(Possible unfinished tale)