Assignment 1 - Jon Measures

MM110 – Fall 2009 –Instructor: Jon Measures
Online resource --
OBJECTIVES: This assignment is intended to explore basic drawing skills using both
traditional and electronic tools on the computer. Emphasis will be placed on creating a
21st century style that comments on a master artist’s portrait. This assignment will
require several steps and to ensure maximum credit is earned students must complete
each step according to the instructions. We will also preview examples of this
assignment in class.
REQUIRED TOOLS: 1) Pencil; 2) Access to a computer with Adobe Photoshop
software.; 3) Internet access to conduct research; 4) Access to shared folder to transfer
your work for class presentation/critique; 5) Original (paper) compositions. Students will
be required to complete step 1, 2, 3 & 4 in class.
Step 1: Before you can begin you must first step up an 8.5x11 inch
document/canvas on the computer using Adobe Photoshop at a resolution of 150 dpi.
You can opt to use Grayscale for this part but if you do you will need to know how to
convert your file to RBG to later add color to your final masterpiece.
Step 2: On your document/canvas you will recreate the following examples using the
pencil tool. This step requires some exploration to don’t be stingy with your time. The
goal here is to get to know your tools….and…practice makes perfect.
"slinky" stroke
- - - - ----------
dark dark tones/strict crosshatch
tappering & squiggles
STEP 3: After you complete the exercises you will save them and name your file
YourNameTechniques.jpg (ie: JacalynTechniques.jpg). If you do not have a storage
device with you must save a copy on the shared folder so that you can retrieve you files
to continue working on them and/or to submit for grading.
STEP 4: For this next step you will use the computer to create from memory a selfportrait. Use the techniques you learned in Step 1 to embellish your portrait. Make sure
your canvas is 8.5x11inches at 150dpi. Do not flatten your work and save your computer
drawing on an external storage device and/or on the shared folder. Title your self-portrait
drawing YourNameSP1.jpg (ie: JacalynSP1.jpg)
STEP 5: Using a new canvas you will create a blind contour drawing of the self
portrait in Step 4. To complete this step you should NOT look at your canvas while
creating the contour drawing. If you do you should start over. The goal here is to keep
your eye on the original artwork and not stop until you have finished making your last
mark. Follow the same instructions in STEP 4 to set up and save your file. Only this time
you will title your continuous contour drawing YourNameContour.jpg. (ie:
STEP 6: This step will require integrating aspects from Step 4 & Step 5 to create your
final masterpiece. For this step anything goes. Be creative, take risks and be prepared to
discuss your ideas.
STEP 7: Upon completion everyone is required to submit your work (properly labeled)
on the shared folder. Save your file: YourNameASSG1.psd - Keep in mind that you
should also save a copy on an external storage device for your own records.
STEP 8: Be prepared to discuss your work during the critique.
VIP INSTRUCTIONS – Do NOT flatten the layers. Late assignments are penalized 1
letter grade regardless of the quality of work. This means your work must be posted on
the shared folder prior to the beginning of class on the date it is due.
If you have questions do not hesitate to ask and/or send me an email message to:
THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE: Tuesday, September 9 at the beginning of class.