
Global Equity Seminar Course
Fall 2002, Wednesday, 4:10-6:00 PM
Instructors: Sudhir Anand and Lincoln Chen
1) September 11: Global Equity and the Millennium Development Goals
2) September 18: Global Equity: Ethical Foundations
3) September 25: World Poverty: Alternative Estimates and Conceptions
4) October 2: Income Inequality: Evidence and Debate
5) October 9: Health Equity and the AIDS Pandemic
6) October 16: The MDGs and Health Equity
7) October 23: Gaps in Primary Education
(One page submission of proposed topic for term paper)
8) October 30: Changing Gender Agenda
9) November 6: Human Security and Equality
10) November 13: Globalization and Fairness
11) November 20: Global Institutions and Policies
(Policy brief exercise submissions)
12) December 4: Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations
13) December 11: Private Investments and Partnerships
(Term paper submission)
1) September 11: Global Equity and the Millennium Development Goals
This introductory session will describe the course goals, its structure and content, and
class exercises and term papers. No examination is planned. Brief presentations will
be made on "what" is global inequity and "why" it is important. The search for global
equity in practical terms will be illustrated through the UN Millenium Development
Goals, a set of organizational priorities for UN agencies, the World Bank,
governments, bilateral donors, and constituent groups of global civil society.
2) September 18: Global Equity: Ethical Foundations
Why should we be concerned with global inequality and poverty? One family of
views suggests that our obligations to one another are stronger within the boundaries
of the nation state than they are across them. In this view, there is a weaker duty to
assist those who live in distant lands than to assist one's compatriots. In another view,
the very reasons that we are concerned about inequalities within countries offer
equally compelling reasons to be concerned about inequality globally. What are the
obligations that we have to one another? Do they depend on the extent to which we
live in an interdependent world? Or do our obligations emerge, rather, from the moral
idea that having been born in rich circumstances rather than poor ones is arbitrary? If
we are concerned about others, should we focus on absolute deprivation or to the
existence of inequalities in relative status, or both? As egalitarians or prioritarians,
what is the space upon which our concern should focus [e.g. capabilities, welfare,
primary goods, resources]?
3) September 25: World Poverty: Alternative Estimates and Conceptions
Policies to reduce world poverty must be guided by information and analyses
concerning how many poor people there are, how poor they are, where they live, and
in what sense they are poor. Since 1990 the World Bank has been producing estimates
of global income poverty defined in relation to an absolute poverty line of '$1 per day'
(1985 PPP$). According to this standard, the Bank estimated 1.2 billion poor people
in 1998. There are, however, reasons to be skeptical both about this concept of
poverty and about the reliability of the Bank's estimates. This session will examine
current estimates of global income poverty and their divergence, and the political
implications of different estimates of levels and trends. It will also discuss nonincome aspects of poverty: does poverty simply mean lack of resources, or should it
be measured in other dimensions?
4) October 2: Global Income Inequality: Evidence and Debate
As income distribution data for countries have become increasingly available,
several estimations of global income inequality have been made. However, they use
different data bases and different methodologies to construct a world distribution of
income, thus reaching different conclusions – especially on recent time trends. Part of
the controversy centers around different spaces of global inequality. Another
contention revolves around the appropriate exchange rates to use for converting
income in local currencies into a common numeraire – e.g., market exchange rates or
purchasing power parity adjusted dollars. Differences in the datasets, exchange rates
used, and units across which inequality is estimated (country or individual) all
contribute to the divergent findings. This session will review recent studies that
estimate the level of and trends in global income inequality and discuss the differing
positions in the global debate.
5) October 9: Health Equity and the AIDS Pandemic
HIV/AIDS is one of the gravest health crises in human history. What are the scale,
dimensions, and trajectories of this global pandemic? As the world community
attempts to grapple with the crisis, fissures in equality among people and countries are
emerging. HIV/AIDS demonstrates a variable pattern of risks and impact across and
within countries. Why? Vigorous debate has developed between prevention and
treatment, targeted versus broad strategies, and epidemiological versus human rights
approaches. Especially contentious is affordable access to life-saving anti-retroviral
drugs treatment among HIV-positive poor people, especially in heavily impacted subSaharan Africa. Controversial has been the equity implications of the WTO/TRIPS
(Trade-Related aspects of Intellectual Property rights) agreement on intellectual
property rights that regulates research, development, and pricing of new drugs. What
is the appropriate balance between equity and profit in matters of life and death?
6) October 16: The MDGs and Health Equity
Five of the eight major MDGs are directly health related – child hunger and
malnutrition, child mortality, maternal mortality, HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
diseases, and access to clean drinking water All of the other goals are centrally
important to health attainment – poverty reduction, education, gender equality, and
global partnerships. What is the world health situation? Why has health attained such
high priority in the MDGs? How well are recent trends moving toward MDG targets
in diverse countries? Are the goals realistic and feasible? What are underlying
assumptions about strategies and attainment?
7) October 23: Gaps in Primary Education
Primary education for all the world's children has been a long-established universal
aspiration and is now one of the Millennium Development Goals. The MDGs include
targets to achieve universal primary education by 2015, and to eliminate gender
disparities in primary and secondary schooling by 2005, and in all levels of schooling
by 2015. Schooling, especially of girls, is associated with many aspects of social and
economic development: it reduces unwanted fertility, maternal, infant and child
mortality, and increases family nutrition. Educational inequality is also a major cause
of economic inequality. Yet 120 million of today's children fail to attend primary
school. This gap is one of the major social failures of the last century. Despite all the
international declarations, universalism in primary education seems as far away as
ever. Why? What are the factors that constrain progress? What is and can be done to
correct this key global social deficiency? The situation in South Asia, which contains
about half of the world's out-of-school children, will receive special attention.
8) October 30: Changing Gender Agenda
Although discrimination against girls and women is important to all aspects of a
society's social achievement, no country in the world have attained equality in all
aspects of gender relations. Significant progress has been achieved in some countries,
but many shortfalls and setbacks are also emerging. Along with enormous variability
in intensity of gender imbalances, there are many facets of gender inequality. Some
aspects are among the most contentious global policy debates – e.g. abortion and
women's rights. What is the global pattern of gender inequality? Have old forms of
inequality receded? Are new forms emerging? Is culture an explanation and, if so, is it
acceptable? How successful has been the language of women's human rights?
9) November 6: Human Security and Equity
The concept of "human security" has steadily gained ground in the 1990s with the end
of the Cold War, the emergence of "new conflicts", and growing recognition of the
multiple insecurities faced by the world's poor. What is the conceptual basis of human
security and how does it relate to more traditional concepts like "national security"
and "international development"? Why has this concept been so eagerly grasped by
the international community, and what are some substantive intellectual and policy
criticisms? What are the institutional and policy implications of human security? The
work of the ongoing Commission on Human Security will form the basis of this
10) November 13: Globalization and Fairness
Globalization involves many different things: increased international trade, financial
flows, movements of people and the dissemination of cultures. Opinions abound
regarding the benefits and dangers of globalization -- from the 'Washington
consensus' view that deregulation and international integration are unambiguously
good, to the anti-global capitalism of the Seattle protesters. What exactly is
globalization? How should people and nations react to it, and what is its role in
national development? Can globalization be made fairer?
11) November 20: Global Institutions and Policies
The global institutions responsible for managing globalization are the IMF, World
Bank, and World Trade Organization. The first two were created after World War II,
and the last in 1995. These institutions are arguably more powerful than ever, the IMF
and World Bank playing dominant roles in the design of many countries' policies, and
membership of the WTO placing strong constraints on trade policy. There is much
debate on the appropriate role of these institutions. Has their impact on development
been positive or negative? Could they be made more effective and democratic? Does
globalization require global governance at all?
12) December 4: Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations
While a diverse range of civil society groups -- including religious organizations, the
media, unions and academic institutions -- have all made meaningful contributions to
combating poverty, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have attracted particular
attention. The decentralization of governments and scaling-back of social spending
have expanded space for NGOs, and made them key players in health care, education,
economic development and human rights. But NGOs are extraordinarily diverse in
function (e.g. service delivery, advocacy, community mobilization), form (formal
organization, alliances, networks) and scale (local, national, international). Which are
the most effective roles for NGOs for promoting global equity and achieving the
MDGs? How can these roles best be realized? How appropriate are NGOs as
institutions on which to base action for global equity when many are unelected
organizations, unaccountable to the people, and considerably influenced by donor
13) December 11: Private Investments and Partnerships
Private social investing is an under-studied and poorly understood part of non-profit
civil society. Although most societies have traditions of charity, modern philanthropic
organizations have grown considerably in the past few decades. As new challenges
emerge and philanthropic capacity increases, foundations have assumed key catalytic
roles in new social ventures. Many now work to solve local and national problems.
With globalization, however, philanthropy has becoming increasingly global in reach.
What is the role of international foundations – like Gates, Soros, Turner, Ford,
Rockefeller – in global equity? How relevant are indigenous and diaspora
philanthropies in poorer countries? What has been the role of private social
investment in crafting new initiatives, such as "partnerships" among governmental
and private entities? And how likely are these innovative partnerships to make
sustained and significant contributions to global equity?
The Challenge of Global Equity
1) September 11: Global Equity and the Millennium Development Goals
Required Readings
United Nations (2000), Millenium Declaration. New York: United Nations. See UN
Millenium Development Goals, available at
United Nations (2002), "Report of the Secretary-General: The Contribution of Human
Resources Development, including in the Areas of Health and Education to the
Process of Development", Economic and Social Council, Document E/2002/46, New
York, July.
Vandemoortele, Jan (2002), "Are the MDGs feasible?" working paper, Bureau for
Development Policy, United Nations Development Programme, New York, June.
Available at
Robert Wade and Martin Wolf (2002), 3-Round Letter Exchange on World Poverty
and Inequality, in Prospect Magazine, UK, available at **Note this is not in pack**
UNDP (2002), Human Development Report 2002: Deepening Democracy in a
Fragmented World, chapter 1. New York: Oxford University Press, available at **Note this is not in pack**
Recommended Readings
Galbraith, James K. (2002), "A Perfect Crime: Global Inequality", Daedalus, Winter,
Jencks, Christopher (2002), "Does inequality matter?" Daedalus, Winter, 49-65.
Birdsall, Nancy (2001), "Why Inequality Matters: Some Economic Issues", Ethics &
International Affairs 15(2), 3-28.
2) September 18: Global Equity: Ethical Foundations
Required Readings
Pogge, Thomas W. (2002), "'Assisting' the Global Poor", mimeo.
Rawls, John (1999), The Law of Peoples, especially sections 3-4, 8, 15-16.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Rawls, John (1977), "The Basic Structure as Subject," reprinted in John Rawls (1996),
Political Liberalism, Columbia University Press.
Anand, Sudhir and Amartya Sen (2000), "Human Development and Economic
Sustainability", World Development, 28(12), 2029-2049.
Sen, Amartya (1992), Inequality Reexamined, chapters 2 and 3. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Recommended Readings
Bok, Sissela (2002), Common Values, Columbia: University of Missouri Press.
Dworkin, Ronald (1981), "What is Equality? Part 1: Equality of Welfare", Philosophy
and Public Affairs, 10(3), 185–246.
Parfit, Derek (1997), "Equality or Priority?" Ratio (10), 202-221. (The Lindley
Lecture, University of Kansas, 1991.)
Anderson, Elizabeth (1999), "What is the Point of Equality?" Ethics, 109(2), 287-337.
Arneson, Richard (2000), "Luck Egalitarianism and Prioritarianism", Ethics,
(reply to Anderson 1999).
Rawls, John (1971), A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Waldron, Jeremy (1999), 'Two Essays on Basic Equality', at
3) September 25: World Poverty: Alternative Estimates and Conceptions
Required Readings
Reddy, Sanjay and Thomas W. Pogge (2002), "Unknown: The Extent, Distribution
and Trend of Global Income Poverty", available at
Chen, Shaohua and Martin Ravallion (2001), "How Did the World's Poorest Fare in the 1990s?"
Review of Income and Wealth, 47(3), 283-300.
Deaton, Angus (2001), "Counting the World's Poor: Problems and Possible Solutions," World
Bank Research Observer 16, 125-148. Available at **Note this is not in
Anand, Sudhir and Amartya Sen (1997), "Concepts of Human Development and
Poverty: A Multidimensional Perspective", in Human Development Papers 1997:
Poverty and Human Development, United Nations Development Programme, New
York, 1-19.
Recommended Readings
Sen, Amartya (1984), "Poor, Relatively Speaking", in Resources, Values and
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chen, Shaohua, Gaurav Datt, and Martin Ravallion (1994), "Is Poverty increasing in
the Developing World?", Review of Income and Wealth, (40)4, 359-76.
Ravallion, Martin, Gaurav Datt and Dominique van de Walle (1991), "Quantifying
Absolute Poverty in the Developing World", Review of Income and Wealth 37, 345-361.
World Bank (1990), World Development Report: Poverty. New York: Oxford University Press
(for the World Bank).
Reddy, Sanjay and Thomas W. Pogge (2002), "How Not to Count the Poor",
unpublished manuscript, Columbia University. Available on
Also read response by Ravallion, and response to response, both on the website.
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier (2002), "The Disturbing 'Rise' of Global Income Inequality",
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. w8904, April.
UNDP (1997), Human Development Report. New York: Oxford University Press (for
the United Nations Development Programme).
Lipton, Michael (2001), "The 2015 Poverty Targets: What Do 1990-98 Trends Tell
Us?", mimeo, Poverty Research Unit at Sussex. Available at
4) October 2: Global Income inequality: Evidence and Debate
Required Readings
Wade, Robert (2001), "The Rising Inequality of World Income Distribution", Finance
and Development Volume 38, Number 4 **Note this is not in
Bourguignon, Francois and Christian Morrisson (2002), "The size distribution of
income among world citizens, 1820-1990", mimeo. Forthcoming in American
Economic Review. **Note this is not in pack**
Milanovic, Branko (2002), "True World Income Distribution, 1988 and 1993: First
Calcualtion Based on Household Surveys Alone", Economic Journal.
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier (2002), "The Disturbing "Rise" of Global Income Inequality",
mimeo, Columbia University, New York, March
**Note this is not in pack**
Dowrick, Steve and Muhammad Akmal (2001), "Contradictory Trends in Global
Income Inequality: a Tale of Two Biases", Australian National University Working
Paper available at
**Note this is not in pack**
Recommended Reading
Atkinson, A. B. and Brandolini, A. (1999), "Promise and Pitfalls in the Use of
'Secondary' Datasets: Income Inequality in OECD Countries", Journal of Economic
Literature Vol. 39 No. 3.
Cornia, Giovanni Andrea with Sampsa Kiiski (2001), "Trends in Income Distribution
in the Post World War II Period: Evidence and Interpretation", Paper prepared for the
WIDER Development Conference 25-26 May 2001, Helsinki. Available at
Schultz, T. Paul (1999), "Inequality in the Distribution of Personal Income in the
World: How it is Changing and Why", Journal of Population Economics 11(3), 307-
Milanovic, Branko (2001), "World Income Inequality in the Second Half of the 20th
Century", draft World Bank Working Paper available at
Australian Treasury (2001), "Global poverty and inequality in the 20th century:
turning the corner?" Economic Round Up 2001 Centenary Edition
5) October 9: Health Equity and the AIDS Pandemic
Required Readings
UNAIDS (2002) "Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic, 2002", chapters 2 and
3. UNAIDS, available at
**Note this is not in pack**
Helen Epstein and Lincoln Chen (2002), "Can AIDS Be Stopped?," New York Review
of Books, New York, February 2002.
De Cock, Kevin M, et al (2002), "Shadow on the continent: public health and
HIV/AIDS in Africa in the 21s Century" The Lancet, Vol 360, Issue 9326, pp 67-72.
OXFAM International (2002), "TRIPS and Public Health: The Next Battle", Policy
Briefing Paper, **Note
this is not in pack**
Mbeki, Thabo (2000a), Open letter to world leaders on HIV/AIDS in Africa. April 3
Available at**Note this is not in pack**
Mbeki, Thabo (2000b), Speech at the Opening Session of the 13th International AIDS
Conference. July 9, 2000. Available at**Note this is not in
Recommended Readings
World Health Organization (1999), "Globalization and Access to Drugs: Perspectives
on the WTO/TRIPS Agreement," available at
OXFAM International (2001), "Eight broken Promises: Why the WTO isn't working
for the Poor", Policy Briefing Paper # 9,available at
Medecin Sans Frontiers (2002), "From Durban to Barcelona: Overcoming the
treatment deficit", XIVth International AIDS Conference Policy Paper, 7 July, 2002
Boulet, Pascal, Jos Perriens, and Francoise Renaud-Théry (2000), "Patent Situation of
HIV/AIDS related drugs in 80 Countries". Available at
Attaran, Amir, Lee Gillespie-White (2001), "Do Patents for Antiretroviral Drugs
Constrain Access to AIDS Treatment in Africa? JAMA Vol. 286 No.15,
Attaran, A and J Sachs (2001) "Defining and Refining International Donor Support
for Combating the AIDS Pandemic," Lancet 2001; 357:57-61.
6) October 16: The MDGs and Health Equity
Required Readings
Evans, Timothy, Margaret Whitehead et al (eds)(2001), Challenging Inequities in
Health: From Ethics to Action, chapters: 1-6, 21. New York: Oxford University Press.
Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH) (2001), Macroeconomics and
Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development. Geneva: World Health
Organization (WHO). Available at
report.cfm?path=cmh,cmh_report&language=English **Note not in pack**
Chen, Lincoln and Meghnad Desai (1997): "Success stories in social development" in
Jolly, Richard and Santosh Mehrotra (eds) Development With a Human Face Oxford
University Press, New York.
Walker, N., Schwartlander, B.,Bryce, J (2002), "Meeting international goals in child
survival and HIV/AIDS", The Lancet. Vol 360, July 27. pp 284-289.
Graham, Wendy J and Marie-Louise Newell (1999), "Seizing the opportunity:
collaborative initiatives to reduce HIV and maternal mortality", The Lancet. Volume
353 March 6, pp.836-839.
Sen, Kasturi and Ruth Bonita (2000), "Global health status: two steps forward, one
step back", The Lancet, Volume 356 August 12 p.577
Recommended Readings
WHO (2000), The World Health Report 2000: Assessing Health Systems
Performance, Geneva: WHO.
Anand, Sudhir et al (2002), Report of the Scientific Peer Review Group on Health
Systems Performance Assessment, available at
Maine, Deborah and Allan Rosenfield (199?): "The Missing M in MCH" Lancet, ???
Heuveline P. Guillot M. Gwatkin DR (2002), "The uneven tides of the health
transition" Social Science & Medicine. 55(2):313-22.
Svedberg, Peter (2000), "Poverty and Undernutrition: Theory and
Measurement",Oxford Clarendon Press.
Devarajan, Shantayanan, Margaret J Miller and Eric V Swanson (2002). "Goals for
Development: History, Prospects, and Costs." Washington DC: World Bank.
7) October 23: Gaps in Primary Education
Required Readings
Colclough, C., Rose, P., Tembon, M (2000), "Gender inequalities in primary
schooling - The roles of poverty and adverse cultural practice", International Journal
of Educational Development, Volume 20, Number 1
Bloom, David E and Joel E. Cohen (2002), "Education for All: An Unfinished
Revolution" Daedalus, Summer 2002, pp 84-95.
Weiner, Myron (1991): The Child and the State in India: Child Labor and Education
Policy in Comparative Perspective," introduction and conclusion. Princeton: Princeton
University Press,.
De Anuradha, Dreze, Jean, and Shiv Kumar (1999), "PROBE Report: The Public
Report on Basic Education" Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Dreze, Jean and Geeta Gandhi Kingdon (2001), "School Participation in Rural India",
"Review of Development Economics, 5(1), 1-24.
Bhatty, Kiran (1998), "Education Deprivation in India: A survey of Field
Investigations", Economic and Political Weekly, July.
Recommended Readings
Watkins, Kevin (2000) The OXFAM Education Report, chapter 3, Bath: Redwood
Books for Oxfam, United Kingdom. Available at
Delamonica, Enrique, Santosh Mehrota, and Jan Vandermoortele (2001): "Education
for All is Affordable: A Minimum Cost Global Estimate," UNICEF Staff Working
Paper, New York: UNICEF.
Case, Anne and Angus Deaton (1999), "School Inputs and Education Outcomes in
Southern Africa", Quarterly Journal of Economics 114: 1047-84.
Fuller, Bruce (1986), "Raising School quality in Developing Countries: What
investments Boost Learning" World Bank Discussion Paper 2.
UNICEF (2002), "The State of the World's Children 2002", available at
Chen, Lincoln (2001): "Summary of Conference on Equity, Security, and Education"
Kolkata, January.
Carnoy, M (1993), "The Case for Investing in Basic Education", UNICEF, New York.
8) October 30: Changing Gender Agenda
Required Readings
Sen, Amartya (2001),"Many Faces of Gender Inequity", The New Republic,
September 17.
UNDP (1995), Human Development Report 1995: Gender and Human Development,
New York: Oxford University Press. Available at
Sen, Amartya (1990), "More than 100 Million Missing Women" New York Review of
Books, December 20.
Sen, Gita, Adrienne Germain, Lincoln C. Chen (eds) (1994), Population Policies
Reconsidered: Health, Empowerment and Rights, chapters: 1, 3-4, 8, Harvard
University Press School of Public Health.
Doyal, Lesley (2000), "Gender equity in health: debates and dilemmas", Social
Science & Medicine, Volume 51, Issue 6, 15 September.
Nussbaum, Martha (2000), Women and Human Development: The Capabilities
Approach, chapter 1, Cambridge University Press.
Klugman, B (2000), "Sexual rights in southern Africa: a Beijing discourse or a
strategic necessity?" Health and Human Rights, Volume 4, Issue 2, pages 144-173
Recommended Readings
Kethusegile, Bookie M etc. (2000), Beyond Inequalities: Women in Southern Africa.
Harare: Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC).
Ostlin, Piroska, Asha George and Gita Sen (2001), "Gender health and equity: The
intersections", Challenging Inequities in Health: From Ethics to Action: Evans,
Timothy et al (eds) New York: Oxford University Press.
Tinker, Irene (1990), Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development. New
York: OUP.
Craft, N (1997), "Women's Health is a global issue", British Medical Journal 315:
Das Gupta, M (1998), ""Missing girls" in China, South Korea and India: Causes and
Policy Implications." Working Paper Series, No. 98-03, Harvard Center for
Population and Development Studies, Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge.
9) November 6: Human Security and Equality
Required Readings
Rothschild, Emma (1995), "What is Security?" Daedalus, Vol.124, No. 3, pages 5398.
Alkire, Sabina (2002), "Conceptual Framework for Human Security: Working
Definition and Executive Summary," Commission on Human Security, Research
Materials and Background Papers, February 16, 2002.
Hampson, Fen Osler and John B. Hay (2002),"Human Security: A Review of the
Scholarly Literature," Occasional Paper prepared for the Canadian Consortium on
Human Security, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ottawa,
April, 2002. Available online at **Note not in pack**
Sen, Amartya (2002), "Global Inequality and Human Security," Lecture 2, Ishizaka
Lectures, Tokyo, February 18, 2002.
Cockell, John G (2001), "Human Security and Preventative Action Strategies" in
Newman, Edward and Oliver P. Richmond, (eds.) The United Nations and Human
Security, New York: Palgrave.
Narayan, Deepa, et. al (2000), Voices of the Poor: Can Anyone Hear Us? pp. 48-65.
Oxford University Press for the World Bank.
Recommended Readings
Hampson, Fen (2002), Madness in the Multitude: Human Security and World
Disorder, Don Mills: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, Carolyn (2000), Global Governance, Development, and Human Security: the
Challenge of Poverty and Equity, London: Pluto Press.
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (2001), The
Responsibility to Protect," Ottawa: International Development Research Center.
Malloch-Brown, Mark (2001), "Human Security and Human Development in the 21st
Century: A Post-September 11 Agenda," Address to the Centre for Global
Governance, London School of Economics, October 25, 2001.
Honey, Martha and Tom Barry (eds.) (2000), Global Focus: U.S. Foreign Policy at
the Turn of the Millenium, New York: St. Martin's Press.
Bach, Robert (2002), "Global Mobility, Inequality and Security: Reflections on a
Human Security Agenda," paper prepared for the Global Equity Initiative, Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University.
10) November 13: Globalization and Fairness
Required Readings
Kanbur, Ravi (2001), "Economic Policy, Distribution and Poverty: The Nature of
Disagreements" World Development 29(6), 2001.
UNDP (1999), Human Development Report 1999: Globalization With a Human Face,
New York: Oxford University Press. Available at **Note not in pack**
Soros, George (2002), George Soros on Globalization. New York: Public Affairs (a
member of the Perseus Books Group).
Giddens, Anthony (2000) Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our
Lives New York: Routledge.
Bhagwati, Jagdish (1997): "The Global Age: From a Skeptical South to a Fearful
North," World Economy 20(3): 259-283.
Easterly, Bill (2001), "The lost decades: Developing countries' stagnation in spite of
policy reforms, 1980-1998", mimeo, downloaded from **Note
this is not in pack**
Recommended Readings
Sen, Amartya (2002), "How to Judge Globalism", The American Prospect vol. 13 no.
1, January 1, 2002, available at
International Monetary Fund (2000), Globalization: Threat or Opportunity?, Issues
Brief 00/01, 12 April 2000, at
Dollar, David and Aart Kraay (1999), "Trade, growth and poverty", Policy Research
Working Paper No. 2199, World Bank, Washington.
Nye, Howard L M, Sanjay G Reddy and Kevin Watkins (2002), "Dollar and Kraay on
'Trade, Growth and Poverty': A Critique", mimeo August 2002, available at
Williamson, Jeffrey and Peter Lindert (1999), "Does globalization make the world
more unequal", National Bureau of Economic Research, Working paper 8228.
Cable, V. 1995. "The Diminished Nation-State: A Study in the Loss of Economic
Power" in Daedalus, Volume 124, Number 2.
11) November 20: Global Institutions and Policies
Required Readings
Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2002), Globalization and Its Discontents. New York: W. W.
Norton and Company.
Friedman, Benjamin M. (2002), "Globalization: Stiglitz's Case", The New York
Review of Books, August 15, 48-53. Available on **Note this is not in pack**
Wade, Robert Hunter (2001), "Making the World Development Report 2000:
Attacking Poverty" World Development Vol 29, No. 8, pp 1435-1441.
Kapur, Devesh (2001), "From Shareholders to Stakeholders: The Changing Anatomy
of Governance of the World Bank," in Pincus, J & J Winters (eds), Re-Inventing the
World Bank, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Kaul, Inge, Isabelle Grunberg, and Marc A. Stern (eds) (1999) Global Public Goods:
International Cooperation in the 21st Century, introduction. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
UNDP (2002), Human Development Report 2002: Deepening Democracy in a
Fragmented World, chapter 4. New York: UNDP. Available at **Note not in pack**
Recommended Readings
Keohane, Robert O and Joseph S. Nye, Jr (2000): "Globalization: What's New?
What's Not (and So What?). Foreign Policy: 118, Spring.
Khor, Martin (2000), Globalization and the South: Some Critical Issues. Malaysia:
Third World Network.
World Commission on Environment and Development (1987), Our Common Future.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Christian Aid (1999), Who owes who: Climate change, debt, equity and survival.
Available at:
12) December 4: Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations
Required Readings
Anheier, Helmut, Marlies Glasius, and Mary Kaldor (eds) (2001), Global Civil
Society 2001, chapters 1 and 2. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Anderson, Ian (2000), "Northern NGO advocacy: perceptions, reality, and the
challenge". In Development in Practice, Volume 10, Numbers 3 & 4. pp. 445-452
(Also browse through the rest of the articles in this volume devoted to NGOs)
Datta, Rekha (2000), "On their own: Development strategies of the Self-Employed
Women's Association (SEWA) in India". In Development, Volume 43, Number 4. pp.
Fisher, William F (1997), "Doing Good? The Politics and Antipolitics of NGO
Practices" in Annual Review of Anthropology, Volume 26. pp. 439-464
Hearn, Julie (1998), "The NGO-isation of Kenyan Society: USAID and the
Restructuring of Health Care" in Review of African Political Economy, Volume 75,
pp. 89-100.
Stewart, Sheelagh (1997), "Happily Ever After in the Marketplace: Non-government
Organisations and Uncivil Society". In Review of African Political Economy, Volume
24, Number 71. pp. 11-34.
White, Sarah C (1999), "NGOs, Civil Society, and the State in Bangladesh: The
Politics of Representing the Poor". In Development and Change, Volume 30. pp. 307326.
Recommended Readings
Clark, John (1991), Democratizing Development: The Role of Voluntary
Organizations, chapters 9 and 10. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd.
Fisher, Julie (1998), Nongovernments: NGOs and the political development of the
Third World, chapter 4. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.
Michael, Edwards and David Hulme (eds) (1996), Beyond the magic bullet: NGO
performance and accountability in the post-cold war world, chapter 15. West
Hartford: Kumarian Press.
Meyer, Carrie A (1999), The Economics and Politics of NGOs in Latin America.
Westport, CT: Praeger.
Riddell, Roger C. and Robinson, Mark (1995), Non-governmental Organizations and
Rural Poverty Alleviation, chapter 5. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
13) December 11: Private Investments and Partnerships
Required Readings
Austin, J et al (eds), (2000), The Collaboration Challenge: How Nonprofits and
Business Succeed through Strategic Alliances, chapters 1, 2 and 8. San Francisco:
Reich, Michael R (2000), "Public-Private Partnerships for Public Health". Nature
Medicine, Vol 6, No. 6. pp 617-620.
Roberts, Marc J, A.G. Breitenstein and Clement S. Roberts, (2000), "The Ethics of
Public-Private Partnerships". Available at **Note this is not in pack**
Evans, Tim and Lincoln Chen (2001): "Public-Private Partnerships in Global Health".
Common Security Forum. Cambridge, UK. Available at
.2001.pdf **Note this is not in pack**
The Philanthropic Initiative Inc., (2001), "Global Social Investing: A Preliminary
Overview," available at: **Note this
is not in pack**
Recommended Readings
Muraskin, William, (1996), "Origins of the Children's Vaccine Initiative: The Political
Foundations," Social Science and Medicine Vol 42, No. 12, pp 1721-1734, 1996.
Muraskin, William, (2000), "The Last years of the CVI and the birth of the GAVI,"
available at:
Ruggie, John, (2002), "Trade, Sustainability and Global Governance," Columbia
Journal of Environmental Law, Vol 27, No. 2, pp297-307.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, (2002), "Developing Successful Global Health
Alliances," available at
Lucas, Adetokunbo, (2000), "Public-Private Partnerships: Illustrative Examples,"
available at
Frost, Laura, Michael R. Reich and Tomoko Fujisaki, (2000), "A partnership for
Ivermectin: Social Worlds and Boundary Objects," available at