Chapter 14 Guided Reading Questions

Chapter 14 : The Byzantine Empire
Section 1: Survival of the Eastern Empire (p432-5)
The New Rome
A. Who were the Byzantines? (similarities and differences compared to Rome and Romans)
B. The City’s Location: (Use geographic terms and names to describe the location)
C. Defense and Trade: (Describe the defenses of the city, and how its location helped trade)
Justinian and Theodora
D.Justinian’s Conquests: 1. Describe the locations of the old Empire that Justinian tried to restore. 2. What problems were
created by his focus on building the Empire?
E. Justinian’s Legacy: What lasting effects did Justinian’s rule have?
The Shrinking Empire
F. Foreign Invaders: 1. Name four groups of invaders that weakened the Empire. 2. What was the Byzantine Empire
eventually reduced in size to?
G. Constantinople’s Defenses: 1. What happened to invaders who attacked the city by land, and by sea? 2. What is Greek
H. The Defenses Fail: 1. What group looted the city in 1204? 2. Describe the group that eventually conquered
Constantinople in 1453.
Section 2: The Division of the Christian Church (436-9)
Religious Differences
I. The Nicene Creed: (What was decided in this document, and when was it created?)
J. The Controversy Over Icons: (1. What is an icon? 2. Why do some not approve of them? 3. What did the Western Church
and Byzantine Church say about icons?)
Church Organization
K.Bishops and Patriarchs: (1. What are the most important Christian leaders called? 2. What were the five most important
Bishops called? 3. What is ‘apostolic succession’ ?)
L. The Power of the Pope: (1. The bishop of what city eventually became the most powerful? 2. What was this position
eventually called? 3. What was the position of the Byzantine Church towards the Popes?)
The Great Schism
M.Two Christian Churches: (Who is in charge in the Eastern and Roman Churches?)
N. Different Traditions: (Describe the differences between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.)
Section 3: Byzantine Civilization (p. 440-3)
A Unique Culture
O. .Architecture and Literature: (1.What influence of Byzantine architecture can be see in Europe and the middle east?
2.The monks and librarians preserved works from what ancient cultures? 3.What ancient Greek author's works did they
P.Organizing Roman Law:(1.What 3 things did Justinian order a group of lawyers to organize? 2.What does “unified”
mean? 3.What was the new system of Roman law called? 4.Give one positive and one negative aspect of the new code.
5.What does “discriminate” mean?)
The Empire's Influence
Q.The Lure of Constantinople: (1.In what ways was Byzantine culture spread? 2.What are some groups that were attracted
to come to the city? 3.In what ways did their ceremonies impress visitors?)
R.Spreading the Faith:( 1.What is a missionary? 2.Who inhabited the area that Eastern Orthodox missionaries traveled to
in the late 800s? 3.Who were Cyril and Methodius? 4.What contribution did they make to writing? 5.On what was this
contribution based?)
Early Russia
S.Influence on Russia: (1.What large state was the first influenced by the Byzantine Empire? 2. Who were the Rus? 3.Who
did the Rus join with to cotrol the Russian river trade to the south? 4. What are 2 influences the Byzantines have on the
Russians? 5. In what ways did the Russians consider themselves a 3rd Rome?