Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan Title: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Concept/Topic to Teach: Martin Luther King Jr.
Standards Addressed:
SS 2.4 Discuss celebrations in the United States.
Specific Objectives:
Students will be able to explain why and when we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.
Required Materials:
 Large KWL Chart
 The Story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Johnny Ray Moore
 Post It notes
 Promethean Board
 Funtrivia Game –
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):
“Today we will be talking about Martin Luther King Jr. He is very important to the
United States. Can someone tell me something they know about MLK?” (Take
student resonses)
Step-By-Step Procedures for Teaching the Lesson:
1. Pull out large KWL chart and tape it to the board. Give three post it notes to
each student. Tell them to not write on them yet.
2. “We are going to fill out a KWL chart on MLK Jr. We will discuss what we
know about MLK, what we want to know, and what we learned.”
3. “I would like everyone to take one of their post it notes and write one thing
they already know about MLK. I will give you a few minutes to write.” After
a few minutes ask 3 or 4 students to share what they wrote. Once they
have shared, have all of the students place their post it notes on the KWL
chart under the K.
4. Once everyone is seated, say “Now I would like for you take your other post
it note and write one thing you would like to know about MLK. “ Give them
a few minutes to write and have 3 or 4 students give responses. Once they
are done have all students place their post it notes under the “W” on the
5. Once the students are sitting down at their desks, ask them to join you on
the carpet for a story. Read The Story of Martin Luther King Jr. As you are
reading the story, ask the students questions about what the story is about.
6. Once you are finished with the story, ask the students to go back to their
desks to play a game on the Promethean board. Once the students are
seated, pull the game up on the internet.
7. Play the trivia game with the students. Have different students come up to
the Promethean board to answer the different questions. Read the
paragraphs with the students after each question.
8. Once the game is finished, ask the children if they have any questions.
Answer any questions. “Take your last post it note and write one thing you
have learned about Martin Luther King Jr.” Have 3 or 4 students respond
with their answers and place them under the L on the KWL chart.
Guided Practice/Monitoring:
1. “Now that we have finished out KWL chart, we are going to divide up in
groups of 2 or 3 and walk down to the computer lab. While we are in the
computer lab, your group will make a power point of MLK. I will hand out a
directions sheet when we are down there.
2. Divide students up into groups before going to the computer lab.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):
Review information on MLK.
Assessment Based on Objectives:
PowerPoint Rubric made by teacher
MLK Rubric
Adaptations (For Students With Special Needs):
Dylan is a student with Cerebral Palsy. He will need to be paired with one other
student that is able to work a computer well and will be able to help Dylan with
the computer.
Extensions (For Advanced Students):
Mike is an advanced student. Once he has finished his PowerPoint, he will have
the chance to make a glogster page about MLK.
Possible Connections to Other Subjects:
A journal entry can be made on MLK, during reading or writing.
I felt that the lesson went well. My students really enjoyed working on the
computer together and making the PowerPoint. I feel that I should have shown
more pictures of MLK before we read the book.