lab safety and procedures

Syllabus 2013-2014
ROOM: 103
School Phone: (906) 477-6313 ext.101
In Biology students will study the interactions of matter, energy and living organisms. Students will study cells,
systems, comparative anatomy, human impacts, genetics and evolution. This is a hands-on course that will
incorporate inquiry, traditional classroom activities and technology. Students will handle live and preserved
organisms and will be performing dissections.
The goal is for each student to master the High School Content Expectations (HSCEs) for Biology.
Students will use a textbook and other resources. Course materials, learning activities and
assessments will be aligned to the Michigan HSCEs for High School Biology. The Eastern Upper
Peninsula Science Curriculum Review team, of which I am a member, has outlined an aligned
science curriculum that we will be following. In addition each unit has an aligned pre- and post-test in
DataDirector that I will use to assess both my teaching and student. Student learning will also be
assessed using embedded assessments, performance tasks and unit tests. The online testing is
important and will prepare students to take standardized tests online. The MMC Biology units of
instruction are:
 Unit 1: Chemistry and Biochemistry
 Unit 2: Cells - Structure and Function
 Unit 3: Cell Energetics
 Unit 4: Comparative Structure and Function
 Unit 5: Human Systems
 Unit 6: Homeostasis and Health
 Unit 7: Matter and Energy in Ecosystems
 Unit 8: Population Ecology and Human Impact
 Unit 9: Division and Chromosome Mutations
 Unit 10: DNA/RNA and Protein Synthesis
 Unit 11: Mendelian and Molecular Genetics
 Unit 12: Evolution
The HSCEs and curriculum topics for each unit can be reviewed at
TEXTBOOK: Scott Foresman – Addison Wesley Biology: The Web of Life
The condition of the text will be determined and recorded when the books are given to the students
per school policy. If the book is damaged when returned, the student will be charged as outlined in
the Student Handbook.
Students will be asked to bring their charged netbooks to class each day. If the battery does not keep
a charge, students should also bring the power cord. Student will use their netbooks to view
assignments, conduct research, complete projects, use Web 2.0 tools and to take online
assessments. In addition, students may choose to use their cell phones to complete some technology
activities from time to time. I will notify students when using cell phones in the classroom is
The following materials should be brought to class each day:
 Textbook
 Planner
 Pencil w/eraser
 Pen (blue or black ink)
 Notebook
 Folder
 Netbook & power cord
 Headphones/ear phones
 Completed homework
Students will be given an online unit pre-test in DataDirector before instruction for each unit begins.
Student’s scores on the pre-test WILL NOT be included in the 9 week grade. Post-test scores WILL
BE calculated into the 9 week grade and may be combined with task-based assessments. Graded
assignments will include class starters, homework, quizzes, tests, labs, and projects. Points will be
assigned based on the length and type of assignment. Semester grades will be computed by counting
each 9 week period at 40% and each assessment at 10%.
All students need to turn in assignments on time. All assignments will have a due date of which no
student may receive credit past this date.* Assignments and due dates will be posted on the board
and on the school web site under “Departments,” “HS Science.” On the left side of the web page click
on the class name (i.e. Mrs. Luoto’s Biology). Daily assignments will be listed on a calendar. Please
click on the heading(s) on the calendar to view the assignment details. Class work will also be listed
on the calendar.
Students will be allowed one day to make up work for every day of excused absences. If a test was
scheduled prior to the absences, the student must take the test the day he or she returns. It is the
student’s responsibility to contact the teacher before or after an absence, regarding make-up work.
*Late assignments are only accepted at the discretion of the teacher where the student is found to
have special extenuating circumstances.
A 93.5 – 100.0
A- 89.5 - 93.4
B+ 86.5 - 89.4
B 82.5 - 86.4
B- 79.5 - 82.4
C+ 76.5 - 79.4
C 72.5 - 76.4
C- 69.5 - 72.4
D+ 66.5 - 69.4
D 62.5 - 66.4
D- 59.5 - 62.4
0- 59.4
< 70%
Students must follow all safety rules and procedures or they will be removed from the lab. Students
and parents should both read the attached “Flinn Scientific’s Student Safety Contract” and return it to
me by the end of the first week of school. Students will not be allowed to participate in lab
activities without a signed contract.
Classroom and lab procedures will be practiced to ensure student safety and learning. Students will
help decide these the first week of school.
 Tardiness
Students must be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings or they will be marked
tardy for class. Exceptions to this policy are at the teacher’s discretion (i.e. line at pencil
sharpener, asking about missed work, etc.)
 Passes
Passes will be given for restroom use only. Students will be asked to sign out and sign in when
using the restroom. Only one student may leave to use the restroom at a time.
 Be respectful of people and property.
 Be responsible; come to class with all of your materials.
 Act appropriately; follow classroom procedures and rules.
 Step 1: The student will be given a non-verbal clue to discontinue the inappropriate behavior
and/or will be redirected.
 Step 2: The student will be told to discontinue the inappropriate behavior and/or will be
 Step 3: If the behavior continues or is chronic, then one of the following steps will be taken
based on the behavior:
o Behavior Modification plan
o Silent lunch detention with teacher
o Phone call to parent
o Office referral
Parent/Guardian Notification
Comparative anatomy of organisms including the organs of the human male and female reproductive
systems and cellular sexual and asexual reproduction will be taught in this course. These are topics
required in the Michigan Merit Curriculum for Biology. Please initial below.
____Yes, I give my permission for my son/daughter/guardian to take part in the curriculum topics
mentioned above.
______ No, I prefer that my son/daughter/guardian not be included in the discussions of the topics
mentioned above and understand that the student will still be tested on this content on state and
national standardized tests.
Please discuss the syllabus and “Flinn Scientific’s Student Safety Contract” with your child. Please
contact me if you have any questions or concerns at 477-6313 ext. 101 or .
Sign below to indicate that you understand the course expectations and return this form and “Flinn
Scientific’s Student Safety Contract” to me by Friday, September 6th.
Thank you! I am excited to share my love of science with your student. – Mrs. Luoto
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________________________
Student Signature:_______________________________________________________
Date: _________________