The Outsiders Character Project

Tall and stocky
Rusty colored side-burns
Oldest of the group
Two-Bit Mathews
Wise cracker
Gray eyes and wide grin
“For once his comical grin was gone, and his dancing
gray eyes were stormy” (Page 32).
Hinton uses this quote to describe Two
Bit’s expression when he finds Johnny in
the park. Two-bit brings a humorous,
happy-go-lucky mood with him wherever
he goes, so when Hinton describes his
eyes as “stormy,” the reader senses the
seriousness of the situation. Two-bit
further enhances the atmosphere of
the situation and his character is vital
to readers’ understanding of the story.
Shoplifts for fun
Junior in high school (18 years old)
I feel like Two-Bit when…
I am at Buffalo Bills football games. Sunday mornings in
the parking lot at Ralph Wilson Stadium bring out the best
in me. You will often catch me telling jokes with my
friends or making light of every situation. In fact, this past
weekend, my friend’s father remarked, “I don’t think I’ve
ever seen you without a huge smile on your face on Sunday
morning.” If the Bills win, my eyes sparkle with life.
However, if the Bills lose, watch out! The thunderous
clouds roll in and quickly turn sparkle into storm!
Two-Bit and Humor
“Comic Relief”
Though we have not seen much of TwoBit’s character in the novel so far,
it is clear that he is intended to
bring humor and light-hearted fun
into the novel. In a story filled
with tension and grief, it is
sometimes necessary to read a line
that will make you smile. Two-Bit
brings this opportunity with him
wherever he goes, offering his wise
remarks and quick jokes, not only to
the characters in the book, but also
to the readers. He is a young man
whose importance can easily be
overlooked, but who is essential to
The Outsiders.
The Outsiders
Character Notebook
7th Language Arts
Due: ____________________________________
In class, we have been discussing the fact that each character in The Outsiders has a specific role in the
story. No action or description is meaningless in the book and you will have the opportunity to take a
closer look at one particular character. Do some brief research on your character and complete the
diagram below.
Symbolism of the Eyes
Character Name and Description
Job / Position
Hard Facts
I felt like [Your character]
Choose an event or time in your life when you
faced the issues that your character faces. It
might be a direct similarity or an indirect one,
but you must be able to tie in the things that
your character is going through to your own
Begin with a quote describing the character’s
eyes. What do the character’s eyes tell you
about him? What does this add to the book?
Be sure that you go beyond just stating, “He
has blue eyes and this means he was good
looking.” You need to illustrate what the
description of his eyes has to do with what is
going on in the story.
“The Big Picture”
Why is your character in the story? What does
he bring to the table that no other character
does? Describe how he relates to the bigger
themes that Hinton is trying to discuss.
The Outsiders
Please demonstrate how savvy you have become of the novel:
Part I –
The study guide and character notebook will each count for 50 points. Students will lose five points per day
for each day that the character notebook is late and four points for each chapter in the study guide that is not
completed on time.
Study guide: _________ / 50
Character Notebook: __________/50
Part II – You can receive a maximum score of 100 points for this section. You may turn in up to 115 points in an effort
to reach that 100. You will be graded on creativity, effort, proper use of English grammar and mechanics, and
knowledge of the novel.
With a group of friends, create a movie trailer for a movie version of The Outsiders. Use music/quotes from the
book/creative foreshadowing to draw people in to see your movie (50 points).
Write a journal entry from Randy, Cherry, or Bob’s point of view. Give this some thought. Use the information
you’ve been given in the book to create an entry looking at two or three of the events in the book from the Soc
point of view. It should be about ¾ page to a page at least (25 points).
Use 3x5 index cards to create trading cards for three of the key characters in The Outsiders. On one side
illustrate the character using color and creativity. On the other side identify the character by name, age, group,
and his/her role and relationship to others in the story, and how this character relates to your life (15 points).
Create a soundtrack for a brand new movie version of the novel. Include at least five songs. Along with the CD,
turn in a paragraph (three sentences of quick explanation doesn’t count!!) explaining SPECIFICALLY where
this song will fit in to the story and SPECIFICALLY why (50 points).
Create a poster or power point that uses pictures, quotes, and visual images to show the relationship between
The Outsiders and your life in Victor. Focus especially on key themes and lessons learned (25 points).
Write an interview for a feature in Teen People with Cherry, Darry, Ponyboy, or Johnny. Be sure to include
what happened during the novel, what the character gained, what he or she lost, how he or she has changed, and
advice to other teens on how to better their lives as a result of this character’s story. Use specific examples from
the text (50 points).
Create an illustrated plot line or power point sequencing ten major events from The Outsiders. Label each part
(exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) (50 points).
Create a t-shirt or poster for a new film version of The Outsiders (15 points). Wear your shirt to school for five
additional points!
Select a key theme from the book. Create a movie/powerpoint highlighting that theme which resembles the
violence video I showed before we started the book. Use music and quotes from the book/real life to further
convey the theme. (10-20 slides – 25 points… 20+ slides – 50 points).