Master Fitness Assessment Results (Carianne) (256)

Master Fitness Assessment Results
Test results
Blood Pressure- Optimal blood Pressure is below 130/85. High blood pressure is considered elevated if it above
140/90. The top number is called the Systolic blood pressure and bottom number is the diastolic blood pressure.
These are measurements of the force of the blood as it travels through your blood vessels. Your blood pressure before
the fitness assessment was ___/__ mm/hg.
Body Fat Composition-The skin fold caliper measurement is a way to assess body fat composition. This instrument
has a 3.5 percent of error, pending on the equation. Obese is women over 30% and men over 25%.
Your body fat composition is ______
Fat Weight: ___
Lean Mass Weight: ____
Flexibility Testing- Flexibility is defined as the range of motion of a given joint. Inflexibility increases risk for joint
and muscle injury. The average flexibility level for ___ years of age and older is _____cm.
Your flexibility was ____cm.
Waist Circumference- Determining the size of your waist is important health measurement. Increasing fat tissue
around abdomen increases your risk for many health’s conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. A reading
above 35 inches in women or above 40 inches in men is considered too high. Your measurement was _____.
Static Postural Assessment:
Transitional Postural Assessment:
Overhead Squat
Single Leg Squat:
Pushing Test:
Pulling Test:
Cooper Run Test: This test is a maximal running test used to measure aerobic fitness, in which participants try and
cover as much distance as they can in 12 minutes. This test is used to estimate a client’s VO2max and to use heart rate
recovery as an indicator of a client’s fitness level. VO2 max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an
individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. It is measured as "milliliters of oxygen used in one minute
per kilogram of body weight." This measurement is generally considered the best indicator of an athlete's
cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. Your Vo2Max was estimated to be _____ ml/kg/min. You fall into
the _____ category!! 
Rev 1
Master Fitness Assessment Results
RockPort 1 Mile Walk Test- This test is used to estimate a client’s VO2max and to use heart rate recovery as an
indicator of a client’s fitness level. VO2 max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize
during intense or maximal exercise. It is measured as "milliliters of oxygen used in one minute per kilogram of body
weight." This measurement is generally considered the best indicator of an athlete's cardiovascular fitness and
aerobic endurance. One mile Rock Port walk = _____ minutes. Your estimated Vo2max is ____ ml/kg/min. This
is the _______ category.
3 Minute Step-Test – This test measures your aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness level based on how quickly your
heart rate returns to normal after exercise. Your heart rate recovery was ______.
Sit-Up Test-This test will measure the middle body section endurance. The purpose of this test is to evaluate
abdominal muscle endurance. Listed below are ACSM’s Standards for the Curl-Up Test for ______ between the
ages of _________.Your score was ___ sit ups. The standards below are for sit-ups.
Above Average:
Rev 1
Master Fitness Assessment Results
Push Up Test- The purpose of the push-up test is to evaluate muscular strength and endurance of the upper body,
including triceps, anterior deltoid and pectorals muscles. Listed below are ACSM’s Standards for the Push Up Test
for ______ between the ages of _____. Your score was ____ Push Ups. Excellent:
Very Good:
Rev 1