
Notes on the Lucky Despot.
Created for the FBTB .net group build here are a few notes on the model and back
story. The mini model is meant to give an idea of what she looked like in her flying
days. I have put in a few some picture references (in brackets) so you can see what I
am taking about.
The ‘Lucky Despot’, cantina, casino and base of the wannabe crime lord and small
time competition of Jabba the Hutt, Lady Valerian, has gone through a number of
Once an unexceptional light freighter, a AS50 class Corellian craft, the Lucky
Despot was making another run to Tatooine, bringing in Corellian brandy, second
hand droids, moisture vaporator parts and other in demand material to Mos Eisley.
Then the ship had an incident involving the pilot, alcohol and gravity. The first mate
was sober enough to make an almost controlled skidding landing in the sand, but the
bottom freight unloading ‘foot’ section was destroyed in the crash and much of the
cargo was damaged. The crew decided it was in their best interest to sell what they
could quickly and raise enough money to get off-world, rather than face the litigation
of their employer and imprisonment from any local law authority. Basically they
legged it.
The jawas soon moved in and striped anything they could use or sell from the
hulk. The ship lay desolate on the margins of Mos Eisley for a decade. In these years
that followed the Hutts introduced the sport of podracing to the desert world and an
enterprising local saw an opportunity to find a new use the wrecked hulk. He gutted
most of what was left, leaving only an engine as a curiosity, and turned it into a high
class hotel, casino and sports bar with big screens showing podraces live from the
near by Mos Espa arena and from across the galaxy. Much of the accommodation and
other facilities were carved out underground, underneath the spruced up hull, were
temperature control was much more effective on the twin sun baked world. One of the
many points of interest included a greenhouse built at ground level, in the centre of
the hull, and filled with exotic plants. You don’t normally see much greenery on a
desert world and the locals were most impressed. As the years fell away and the
Empire rose up, and podracing was banned, the Lucky Despot became untenable as a
business and was once again abandoned to the sand.
But once more the ship was to be resurrected. An ambitious whipid calling
herself Lady Valarian decided to make the place her base of operations of her minimal
criminal empire. The Lucky Despot was soon back in business as a not unprofitable
front for her challenge to Jabba the Hutts rule of black market Tatooine.
This is the time in which we find the Lucky Despot model, a few months
before the events of ANH. The first thing you see on approach is the plantarium
embedded in the building over two floors (AA1 And AA2) which somehow survived
intact, although the plants are now untended and overgrown. If you get the nod from
the bouncer you can choose between going right, past the weapons check-in (C5) (If
you know the bouncer, or bribe him, you can keep you sidearm with you) to the
bar(C), ably staffed by a four armed droid but currently quiet as most patrons are up
stairs listening to the live music. Or you can go left to pick up a bit to eat(B). Perhaps
inadvisable, the remaining engine from the Lucky Despots flying days has been
resurrected and is now used to heat flood over plasma injectors (B7). Taking the spiral
staircase (B8) up you next come to the live music venue (D). Today, for one night
only, Figrin D’an and the modal nodes play with Max Rebo and his band! Jizz
wailing at its finest on the stage that once housed the second level of engines. Against
the far wall are two one-armed bandits and the highly illegal ‘Fight the Empire!‘
video game (D8), currently being played by a local crazy old man. Following the
staircase up any further is likely to get you killed, unless you are in the Ladies
employ. Up there is a store room and armoury(F). So it is much safer to go through to
the games room (E), either by the corridor behind the greenhouse or across the open
balcony. The only safe bet here is that you are likely to come away with less money
than you came in with. At the far right of the room is Lady Valarian’s office, (E8) in
the area that was once the bridge. The old cargo lift shaft has been opened up and is
now serviced by a small skiff. Taking the skiff up to the roof reveals somewhere to
park your swoop. Past the vaporator and up the ladder is a fixed blaster emplacement
(H), folded away and disguised when not in use. It can be operated from Valarian’s
office or from a periscope in the loft space (F2). Added by the paranoid Valarian, it is
unlikely to prove much defence against Jabba’s superior forces if they choose to
attack. An Imperial attack would simply laugh, but it makes her feel secure. The
structure continues underground but that section is not included in the model. Down
there you would find hotel rooms for the extremely desperate (or extremely brave)
and a rather scary ‘fresher. Also there are rumoured to be cells and more storage space
for the organisations nefarious activities. And whispered about is a secret tunnel
leading to an subterranean hanger and exit.
The Model.
Yes, I know Black is the worst possible colour for a structure in the desert but it is the
only colour of which I had enough plates. I have left dusty plates dusty to give used
look. As you can see in the pictures, the internal floors all lift out for access, as does
the flat roof. The front is left open so you can see in!
Look out for Star Wars cameo’s thought-out the model.
Head over to FBTBforums .net if you want to comment on this and to see some fine
and wondrous Star Wars Lego by the talented builders there.