California Chemistry Standards Test

California Chemistry Standards Test
Atomic & Molecular Structure (6)Periodic table
1. atomic number & atomic mass
2. metals-nonmetals-metalloids-halogens
3. alkali metals-alkaline earth-transition
4. trends, ionization nrg-electronegativty-size of atoms & ions
5. # of electrons for bonding
6. structure of atom
Chemical Bonding (7)
1. covalent bonds, metallic bonds and ionic bonds
2. know examples of bonds
3. crystals and structure
4. intermolecular forces
5. Lewis dot structures
Conservation of Matter & Stoichiometry-(10)
1. balanced equation
2. carbon12 as the mole standard
3. what a mole equals
4. molar mass
5. stoichiometry problems
Gases and Their Properties-(6)
1. pressure and movement of molecules
2. diffusion of gases
3. gas laws and problems
4. real vs ideal gases
5. STP
6. convert between C and K
7. absolute zero (0 K)
Acids & Bases-(5)
1. properties of acids & bases and salt solutions
2. acids-hydrogen-ion donating
3. bases-hydrogen-ion accepting
4. strong and weak acids and bases
5. pH scale
1. solute and solvent
2. dissolving process at the molecular level
3. know temperature, pressure and surface area affect dissolving
4. molarity (n/L) and percent composition
Chemical Thermodynamics-(6)
1. temperature and heat flow-molecular motion
2. exothermic and endothermic reactions
3. heat release or absorbed during phase changes
4. solve heat problems
Reaction Rates-(4)
1. rates of chemical reactions
2. rates depend on temperature, concentration, and pressure
3. role of catalyst
Chemical Equilibrium-(4)
1. LeChatelier’s principle to predict effects of concentration,
temperature, and pressure
2. equilibrium
3. write and calculate equilibrium constant expression
Organic & Biochemical Chemistry-(2)
1. proteins, nucleic acids, and starch are made up of repetitive
2. hydrocarbons and polymers
3. amino acids building blocks of matter
Nuclear Processes-(2)
1. protons and neutrons in the nucleus (forces)
2. fusion and fission
3. isotopes of elements are radioactive
4. radioactive decay (alpha, beta, and gamma)-know how nucleus
Investigation & Experimentation-(6)
1. select and use appropriate tools and technology
2. experimental error
3. identify reasons for inconsistent results
4. formulate explanations by using logic and evidence
5. solve scientific problems
6. distinguish between hypothesis and theory
7. etc
Examples of Questions
In period 4 of the table, which class of elements generally require the least energy to lose
valance electrons: a. noble b. transition c. semimetals d. alkali metal
Which equation correctly represents the alpha decay of polonium-214
a. 214 Po = 214 Po + 0 e
b. 214 Po + 2 He = 216 Th
c. 214 Po = 210 Pb + 4 He
d. 214 Po = 214 Pb + 0 He
Why are enormous amounts of energy required to separate a nucleus into its component
protons and neutrons even the protons in the nucleus repel each other
a. the force of the protons repelling each other is small compared to the attraction of
the neutrons to each other
b. the electrostatic forces acting between other atoms lowers the force of repulsion
of the protons
c. the interactions between neutrons and electrons neutralize the repulsive forces
between the proton
d. the force holding the nucleus together are much stronger than the repulsion
between the protons
Which substance will not complete a circuit by conducting a current
a. hydrochloric acid
b. sodium nitrate
c. sucrose
d. ammonium sulfate
Which of the following reactions involving gases would the forward reaction be favored
by an increase in pressure
a. A + B = AB
b. A + B = C + D
c. 2A + B = C + 2D
d. AC = A + B
The structure of protein depends on the sequence of
a. lipids
b. monosaccharides
c. amino acids
d. nucleotides
Which has a sour taste
a. base b. metal c. acid d. salt
Which of the following elements would combine w/ chlorine to form an ionic bond
a. Ar b. S c. Si d. Mg
The formula for the hydronium ion is a. H+ b. H3O+ c. OH- d. HCa5(PO4)3 is held together by a. freely moving electrons b. hydrogen bonds between
molecules c. shared electron pairs d. electrostatic attraction between ions
What is the purpose of a catalysts a. it permits reactants to start at lower nrg levels b. it
lowers the energy barriers for a reaction to occur c. it has strong attraction for anions and
cations d. it reacts independently of temperature and pressure
2CO + O2 = 2CO2 , which will cause a decrease in the rate of the reaction
a. raise the temperature
b. increase the volume inside the reaction chamber
c. removing carbon dioxide
d. adding more carbon monoxide
Which of the following is more likely to form triple bonds a. Sulfur b. nitrogen
b. chlorine d. aluminum
The solution with the highest acidity, has a pH of a. 11 b. 7 c. 5 d. 3
Which of the following is an example of exothermic process
a. evaporization of water b. melting of ice c. photosynthesis of glucose
d. combustion of gasoline
4A(g) + B(g) = 2C(l) + 2D(g) + 113 J, which will drive it to the right
a. heating b. adding water c. decrease oxygen d. increase pressure
A reaction takes place and the beaker feels cold, this is an example of
a. endothermic b. exothermic c. the solution process always requires nrg d. all
chemical reactions cool down the containers