The Different Kinds of Law

The Different Kinds of Law
Informal Laws (“casual laws”)
Family laws:
“home by 9:00pm on weekdays”
Peer Group laws: “never tell on a friend”
Sports laws:
“no cross-checking”
Formal Laws (“orderly laws”)
-rules that are prescribed or fixed by custom or by a legislative body.
-there are two kinds of Formal Laws
1. Common Law: law of a country based on custom, usage, and the previous decisions
of law courts (precedents)
2. Statute Law: law established by a legislative body
-there are two types of Statue Laws
1. Civil Law (Provincial Sec. 92): body of law having to do with the private rights of the
individual (combination of statute and common law)
2. Criminal Law (Federal Sec. 91): body of law which deals with crimes and their
punishment (all Statute Law i.e. All Criminal Law is written down)
In order for an action to be considered a “crime”
in Canada it must meet all three of the
following conditions.
1. It must be forbidden by the Criminal Code of Canada. (The
Code explains the nature of the offence, sets punishments and tells how criminal proceedings
must take place).
2. The accused must have intended to commit the offence.
3. The accused must be able to understand the nature of his action and its consequences.