Ps - Star Tribune

Rev. Gus Booth of Warroad Community Church read some bible scripture before beginning his sermon:
There was something about that scripture that jumped off the page and into my spirit this week. You can’t just read that ,
you gotta read that with pizzazz and passion. Anyway, that’s not part of today’s sermon. Today’s sermon is going to
start with the words….
Black Regiment!!!! Specifically the Black robe Regiment. Does anyone know what that is? That’s why I’m wearing my
black suit, with a black tie, black socks, black shoes, and hot pink underwear. (just kidding) This black suit is not quite a
black robe buy my intention in wearing it is to give you a visual reminder of, the Black Robe Regiment.
The Black Robe Regiment was a group of preachers who were fierce opponents of British tyranny and a driving force in
the decision of the American colonies to seek independence from England. King George, who was the king of England,
had provoked many of these men to leave England because of the unbiblical demands that he was putting on the church.
When they got to America they were powerfully preaching politics from the pulpit. He called them the Black Regiment
because of the black robes they wore when preaching. Most people do not know of the role these colonial preachers had
in America’s fight for independence. It is not an exaggeration to say that had it not been for the activism of early
America’s pulpits, our independence would never have been won and this nation would not even exist. These men were
so vigorous in their political involvement that their enemies took notice of them. They did not operate under the
misguided philosophy that politics and religion are separate. The saw their roll as the mouth piece of God and that same
God wants to be LORD of all, every person, every family, every church, every community, every government and every
nation. To say that God does not want His people to infiltrate the political area is to say that God also wants to limit His
influence on this nation. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It is my desire, and I dare say, God’s desire, to use this pulpit to influence you and your family and friends to vote for
the most Biblical candidates this November. When you participate in the election process you allow God to participate as
well (through you). I believe there are too many pastors who have lead their congregations into political apathy. They
are scared to offend what ever side is less biblical. I used to be like that. Too many pastors think the way I used to…
“Do not take sides politically, because if you do then you may lose your platform to share the gospel with those who
disagree politically, because after all, the gospel message is more important than the political message.” Absolutely I
agree that the gospel message is more important than the political message. But using that philosophy is kind of like
saying… “Because my family is more important to me than your family I will never try to help your family, only mine.”
Before I get too far into this political stuff and your brains turn off, let me say that I understand that many people come
to church and they want to be encouraged and uplifted by a spiritual message. There is nothing wrong with that. But let
me share with you something Martin Luther said “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion
of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not
confessing Christ… where the battle rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved.” There is a political battle raging,
especially this year, and I’m not just talking about the presidential election, although that is super important. Many other
political offices will be decided. But let me explain further Martin Luther’s comments. The point he is making is this… If
you live in a culture where human sacrifice isn’t a problem they why rail against it? Have you ever heard me preach a
sermon on the sin of sacrificing a virgin to the sun god? No, nobody does that in Warroad, MN. But if I lived in a time or
a place where they did that and I didn’t preach against it then I would not be preaching what is currently applicable to
the culture. Yet in our culture we do have a form of human sacrifice and it is called abortion and who we elect into
political office has a direct affect on whether that disgusting and wicked murderous procedure remains legal in our nation.
I know that I am preaching to the choir about abortion, but are we in the church as passionate about influencing politics
as we are about stopping the practice of abortion? If you want to stop abortion, you will be politically active. You can’t
even stop legalized abortion with being politically active. Most of us are part of the choir (we already understand this),
but more of us have friends and family that are not part of the choir and they call themselves Christians yet they support
political candidates that think it is okay to sacrifice humans. We need to influence them. Do you still think God wants His
people not involved in politics? Not only does He want His people politically active He wants them voting for the most
biblically accurate candidate (He even wants His people as candidates.) He also wants us to confront the sin of any
candidate or political leader. Please turn to 2 Samuel 12:9. Verse 9 Nathan was a prophet, but he didn’t operate under
the principal that religion and politics don’t mix. In fact, God sent this religious leader to this political leader. (V.1) Just
like Nathan, the Lord sends us into the political realm too. Jeremiah was confronting the wickedness of his culture and
it’s political leaders all the time. John the Baptist! Mark 6:18 “It is not lawful for you (Herod) to have your brother’s
wife.” John even brought public attention to the sinful personal life of the governor in his region. (Herod) It wasn’t just
about ungodly policy with John, but also ungodly character. Herod had his brother’s wife (adultery) Bad policy vs. bad
character, both are bad. Not so long ago there was a certain American president that had some of his own problems with
adultery and I remember that there were people defending him with the argument that his private life has nothing to do
with his public office. Hog wash! Well, God would disagree and He needs us to be His voice of disagreement. (Speaking
the truth in love.) Jesus Himself confronted Herod and called him a fox. (Luke 13:31-32.) When you make comments
about politicians you’re being political. Jesus was political. He is our perfect example. Nathan, Jeremiah, John the
Baptist, Jesus. 4 men whose example was recorded by God for us to follow. God recorded a few other things for us to
follow as well. Proverbs 29:2 “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power
they groan.” God has given us a country by which we can choose who we want to lead us, the godly, or the wicked. If
the godly people of this country (you and I) do not work to help the most biblically accurate candidates get elected then
is it any wonder we have legalized abortion in this nation? If our fore fathers would have elected godly men and women
in the early and mid 20th century they would never have appointed Judges who were ungodly. Those Supreme Court
Judges of 1973 made murdering innocent children legal. Legalized abortion is the result of the philosophy that we
shouldn’t mix religion and politics. We are now paying for our fore fathers mistakes and roughly 50 million babies have
paid a price too. You know there’s another issue that the devil is currently attacking (remember Martin Luther’s
comments) marriage! Our political leaders are debating whether or not to legalize same sex marriage. Can I just point
out the obvious…. If all of our political leaders were godly there would be no debate. But they are not godly, because too
many godly people have absolved themselves from the political process. I do not want one of my sons or grandsons to
stand at a pulpit some day lamenting about what I let happen. The legalizing of same sex marriage, it is still illegal, but
the institution of marriage is eroding. And just so you know I’m not railing against you, this next quote is something that
I firmly believe. Charles Finney, one of the greatest revivalist preachers of American history said…”If there is a decay of
conscience; the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If
the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the
pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become
so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.” This pulpit
will not be responsible for it!
Henry Beecher Ward was pastor of the Plymouth Church in Brooklyn from 1847 to 1887 and was an outspoken opponent
of slavery from the pulpit. In one of his sermons in March, 1863, Ward stated: It is sometimes said that ministers must
not preach politics. I would like to know how they are going to preach from that text Matthew 20:25-28 without
preaching politics. They would have to toe hop, and skip, and jump through two-thirds of the Bible if they did not, for
there is not another book on the face of God’s earth that is so full of commerce and business and government, and the
relations between the governing and the governed, as this same Bible. How could it be otherwise, when church and state
were one in the whole period of the Old Testament where the revelations were based on the coexistence of these two
interests? And yet, in these later days, we have these ineffable men who tell us that we must not preach in the pulpit
about public affairs, and who would scourge out of the sanctuary a full half of the Bible. Infidels!
My sentiments exactly! The Bible is not silent on the moral issues we face in our country today. In fact, the Bible
specifically addresses issues that are at stake in the upcoming election. For Christians, the Bible’s commands are “nonnegotiable.” To disobey God’s commands is called sin, and voting for candidates that stand in direct opposition to
Scripture’s commands is direct approval of things the Bible commands us not to approve of or participate in as Christians.
The sanctity of life and the institution of marriage, all life is precious to God and a life in the womb is no different than
one out of the womb.
Please turn with me to Luke 1:41 Verse 41 that word baby is “brephos” in the Greek. That verse is specifically talking
about John the Baptist while he was in the womb. Turn to Luke 2:6-7 and 12. These are specifically talking about Jesus
after He was out of the womb. The point is that God makes no distinction between born or pre-born babies. Neither
should we. (brephos in or brephos out)
Proverbs 6:16-17 I don’t think it could get clearer that that. God hates hands that shed innocent blood and godly
people’s lack of political involvement has made it legally possible to kill humans that are our most innocent. And let me
just talk about this…the mentality people have who say…”I am against abortion, but I’m not against someone else’s right
to an abortion.” God is! (and so should you be!) I cannot believe that we have actually swallowed the lie that someone
can have the right to murder someone else, because they are an inconvenience. Are politics important, you bet they are!
Marriage between one man and one women is the 1st institution that God created. Heterosexuality is the divine pattern
for all society. Homosexuality is a deceptive perversion for any society. Lev. 18:22 “You are not to sleep with a man as
with a woman, it is detestable.” Lev. 20:13 “If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman they have both committed an
abomination…” Abomination is the strongest biblical word for the denunciation of sin. 1 Timothy 1:10 specifically lists
homosexuality as a sin. The NIV translates it as “perverts”. The Greek work is “arsenoleoites” meaning sodomite, the
literal meaning is a homosexual.
The next president will be in a position to affect national policy on matters of homosexuality and marriage. You
shouldn’t just vote for biblical values, you should campaign for them.
Both Hillary and Barak favor the shedding of innocent blood (abortion) and the legalization of the abomination of
homosexual marriage.
We have seen what Scripture says about the sanctity of life and marriage and where the candidates stand on these
issues. The Bible is crystal clear when it talks about what God believes about abortion. The Bible says God hates hands
that shed innocent blood. The Bible is also crystal clear when it states that homosexual conduct is an abomination. There
is no middle ground of Christians on these issues. We as Christians cannot name the name of Christ, claim to follow
Christ and then support the things He hates. Let me be very clear-when you become a follower of Christ, He demands
all of your life. Not part of it – all of it. He does not somehow exempt you from His commands when you enter the voting
booth any more than He exempts you from His commands at the grocery store or any moment of the day. There is no
time when we as Christians can somehow set aside God’s commands and follow our own way. Jesus even said,
unequivocally, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments,” and “He who does not love me does not keep my
words…” (John 14:15,24).
You have heard our Lord’s commands about the sanctity of life and marriage. You have heard the positions of the
candidates. There is no middle ground in this election. If you are a Christian, you cannot support a candidate like Barak
Obama or Hillary Clinton for President because he/she stands opposite of every one of the Biblical mandates we have
addressed today. I urge you, when you enter that voting booth, to not vote for Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton or
candidates like him/her that support and encourage activities our Lord condemns in the strongest terms. Our Lord’s
commands are not optional. Nor can they be taken on and off like a coat we only wear when it is cold outside. Our lives
as Christians should be marked by complete and unswerving obedience to our Lord’s commands, knowing that He
commands us out of love, and we obey him out of love. The question facing Christians in America on the eve of the
election is this: Who is your Lord? Christ or the culture? The Prince of Peace or your Political Party? If Jesus Christ is really
Lord, then He is Lord over every area of our lives, including who we vote for and support politically.
It is obvious that no particular candidate can in any way completely embody Scripture just as we as Christians will never
become perfect ourselves while on this earth. However, just as we strive as Christians to conform our lives as closely to
Scripture as possible, so we should seek to elect leaders that align their positions with Scripture – especially on the vital
issues where Scripture leaves no ambiguity. When you vote, vote as Christ commands.
In conclusion, I thank you that may of you already believe all that was just said. But I leave you with one lasting
question. Do your friends, family, and co-workers? Influence them!