Short-Term Mission Application Please send completed applications

Short-Term Mission Application
Please send completed applications to Christopher Jahng at (preferred)
or 2610 Ruhland Ave #3, Redondo Beach, Ca. 90278, and (310) 877-3148. Please pray about
this process and ask God to give you (and us) direction on whether you should go on this trip!
All applications must be submitted RIGHT AWAY!!! COMPLETE ALL PAGES!!!
These questions will help us to get to know you better and formulate a great team!
TURN IN: 1. Application 2. Parent/Guardian Questionnaire 3. Support Letter 4. Supporter List
1. Your name and contact info, including mailing & email addresses and phone numbers.
2. Age, occupation and highest education level completed (or your current grade in school).
3. When did you begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? How did it begin?
Describe your relationship with Him now.
4. Where do you attend church? How have you been involved in that church?
5. Why are you interested in this short-term mission?
6. Have you ever gone on a mission before? If so, what did you do? How did it go?
7. What are your skills, talents or spiritual gifts? Please describe them.
8. Do you work better alone, in a small group, or a big group?
9. When you are really upset with someone, how do you typically handle it?
10. When someone is upset with you, how you usually react?
11. Please have the pastor or ministry leader with whom you are most familiar give his or
her thoughts on your involvement with a short-term mission team. It can be very brief.
Please have him or her email this statement to Christopher Jahng at or call at (310) 877-3148.
The following Section must be completed by your parent/legal guardian
(If you are under the age of 18)
Parents/Guardians/Authorized Personnel, please complete the following:
1. Your name and contact info, including mailing & email addresses and phone numbers.
2. Are you supportive of your son or daughter going on this mission? Why or why not?
3. What medication or medical requirements of any kind does your son/daughter have?
a. If there are medications, please provide a complete and detailed list of what they
are, how often they must be taken, and your opinion on how they could affect
your son/daughter’s mission trip.
4. Does your son/daughter have any other requirements that must be taken into
consideration to allow his/her participation? Court requirements, legal, medical…etc.
a. If so, what are they? You are responsible for providing these requirements,
including contact information to verify. Please note that all such instances will be
verified by the team leaders before your son/daughter will be allowed to join us.
5. Please include any other information/thoughts that you would like to share with us to
help make the decision on including your son/daughter.
Please turn in or email your responses to Christopher Jahng at or call
at (310) 877-3148. After receiving your application, the missions committee will contact you to
set up a brief interview. Afterwards, we will contact you to give you the result of the application
Required with your application is your letter of support and sharing.
Your support letters will be the primary source of raised donations for our mission's trip! Once
completed, we will email and mail and hand them out to everyone we know! I will also be compiling
them all for a submission to multiple corporations and media outlets for awareness and hopes of
sponsorships and more! So how do you write one?
Some quick tips:
1. Keep it simple - get to the point!
2. Be yourself - share your heart!
3. Invite everyone & anyone - Just getting the letter and reading it, makes someone a supporter!
4. Pray for it - Pray for everyone you share your letters with!
Remember this "formula" - ME, WE, GOD, YOU, WE. A 5 point formula that can help you write your
letter! Keeping the quick tips above in mind, try this:
* ME - Introduce yourself and tell them why you're writing!
* WE - Why are you writing to them and what do you want them to know!
* GOD - What this trip is all about! How that empowers you, motivates you, and makes you feel!
* YOU - So how can YOU help? How can you be part of the trip?
* WE - With all that said, what can WE do together, as spiritual partners in Christ, on this Mission Trip?
Some additional tips:
a) If you want to add a photo, it really helps remind them what you're all about. Make ir personal! If you
need a photo scanned or help adding it to your letter, let me help!
b) Share your letter before finishing it with someone else. Let them be part of your heart and give you
feedback, and even help with small things such as spelling and grammer!
c) Type it up! Don't let it be something that is difficult to read. Sign it yourself at the bottom of it in your
own hand.
d) Use my support letter as an example for you... you can also contact me for the Word Document so
you can copy and paste the cutoff template. Use that!
Questions: Call or email me ANY time. Day or night...
God Bless you!
P.S. See a copy of my support letter included in this packet. You can see what I’m talking about! Use my
letter as a template for yourself! Just edit over it and add your own photos!
(SAMPLE SUPPORT LETTER – Feel free to use as your template or just to get ideas)
Dear Friends & Family,
Thank you so much for your ongoing support for my ongoing ministry efforts! As the Youth Director of
Impacting Hearts since 2007, Emerging Light since 2008, and Journey South Bay Church since October of
2007 – I can tell you that serving with kids and teens, has been my greatest life blessing. I can’t thank
you enough for all the love and support you have given to me personally. Since that time, we’ve built 5
youth clubs for foster and under-privileged kids and teens throughout LA and now Orange County that
run weekly, and the youth from my church have become the mainstay volunteer force leading the way!
By combining my church efforts, with my non-profit ministries, we’ve found a model where the church
can lead the healing of real relationships that fill real needs in a Kingdom building effort.
And we’re not done… because we go way beyond LA & Orange County as you may already know!!! We
are now preparing for our 5th annual Baja Mexico Winter Mission Trip! We are taking youth and adult
volunteers to Mexico to build up to 4 homes for families in desperate need while also serving at the
local children's orphanage. And this is my personal invitation and pleading to you… to join the effort. We
need help. We need your help!
Meet some of the children in the new village where we will be building homes this winter!
The winter is the coldest time of the year, and we have met families with children staying in a temporary
shelters hand built with scraps and what you and I might consider trash. The floors are dirt or gravel to
handle rains, and children aren’t wearing shoes either. The homes we build are a testimony to the love
of God for all who enjoy the security and warmth provided inside. God has called me personally to serve
in this way, and just when I think I’ll be able to relax, God shows me ways that He wants me to serve
others, in His name. Can you help us?
Since winter of 2008, when we took our first trip, 24 foster teens have attended as part of the teams,
that have included 62 people, then 82 people, then 47 people, and then 64 again just last year! We have
been a part of the building of 15 homes during that time. I urge you to consider joining my mission’s trip
as a prayer partner and as you are led, a financial donor to the cause. The costs of the homes and
supplies are $10,500 per home!
We need to raise over $50,000.00 the entire trip including the team of up to 100+ teens and adults,
transportation by rented vans, food and especially, all the building materials for all four new homes! If
each of us can raise $400-$500, we can make this happen! We will also be teaching Vocational Bible
School to the children at a local orphanage and of the family we will be serving, while reaching out and
delivering and distributing food to the local communities. We will lift them up with music as we sing
songs of praise in their own languages! And we will not leave, until all the houses are completed.
* When? Thursday, 12/27/12 - Monday, 12/31/12
* Where? Baja Mexico
* Who? Any teens/ adults willing to serve Christ.
* What? We will bring the love of God to those in need! Our
goal is to build up to 4 homes for families in desperate need.
We'll be teaching Vocational Bible School (VBS) at a local
Children's Home/Orphanage while playing with the kids, and
serving the community with love. We will also be distributing
food to the local neighborhoods!
* Why? To help share Christ with so many who do not know
Him. We expect God to stretch us as we serve cross-culturally!
Family we will be building for this winter!
Complete details about the trip, and all documentation, including photos from the preview trip we took
down there to meet the families and get to know the area can be found at, our
Youth Journey web site. Click on the “Missions” link and you can read the blog, find the step by step
process we are taking to prepare for the trip, learn about the team and much more!
We urge you to prayerfully consider partnering with us on this tremendous journey and effort. Every
single penny donated will be allocated to the mission’s trip and the families in need, as well as the
orphanage. Not one cent will be kept by Youth Journey. All checks should be written out to Journey
Covenant Church. All donations are tax deductable. Please fill out the below form and hand it to any of
our youth or volunteers or mail it to: Christopher Jahng, 2610 Ruhland Ave #3, Redondo Beach, CA.
90278. Thank you for your time and consideration. May God bless you, so that you may continue to be a
blessing to others (Gen 12:1-3). DONATE ONLINE! You can also donate online at your convenience at
Your fellow servant,
Christopher Jahng
Youth Director of Journey South Bay,
Impacting Hearts & Emerging Light
Photo of the blessing of one of 3 new homes built last year
as we prayed and handed them the keys!
It's time to serve others, this Christmas season! THANK YOU for your support! Be a partner!
How I can pray for you while on this trip? ________________________________________________________
I would like to receive email updates about the mission’s trip! YES [ ] NO [ ]
I would like to be a prayerful supporter of the mission’s trip! YES [ ] NO [ ]
I would like to donate financially to the mission’s trip! Donation amount:________
Individual(s) you are sponsoring: _______________________________________________________________
Your Name:______________________________ Phone:________________ Email:_________________________
Address:________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________
Please make checks payable to Journey South Bay with “Baja Bound Missions Trip” in the memo section.
You can send to Chris Jahng at 2610 Ruhland Ave #3, Redondo Beach, CA. 90278
On this page, write out and list the names of your friends and family, to whom you will send your
support letter! School teachers, work associates, class mates, relatives, social workers, church members,
mentors, grandparents, neighbors, coaches…etc. Everyone is your neighbor. Share with them the
opportunity to join you, and our whole team, on this great adventure! An extra page is included for you
to keep listing and sending out via email, facebook, myspace, phone, fax, US mail… everything! Check off
the person(s) on the “Sent?” Column after you get your letter to them!