Katy ISD Email on Personal Phones

Katy ISD Email on Personal Phones
KISD Technology Support Center
Student Version
Email Configuration for Smart Phones and other Devices
Listed below are the basic settings used by the Katy ISD email server, but
please read your mobile device’s user manual to determine how to setup
your particular device.
Email Server Type: Exchange
ActiveSync or Exchange Server: email.katyisd.org
Domain: katyisd
Email address: ex. D1234567@students.katyisd.org
Username: ex: d1234567 (username)
Password: ******* (password)
If the above settings do not work on your portable device, try to access your
web browser on your phone. Once it has connected and opened, type this in
the address bar:email.katyisd.org
Then, on most phones, you can save this as a bookmark. Then save the
bookmark as a shortcut.
If you are still not able to connect to your email you will need to print this
page and take it to your cell phone provider.
KISD Technology Department
Last Revision Date: August 1, 2011