BISD Annual Bloodborne Pathogen Test Name Select Campus

BHS Nurse
Crockett Nurse
Gateway Nurse
Belton Nurse
BISD Annual Bloodborne Pathogen Test
Name ________________________________
Select Campus:
Which form of Hepatitis currently has no available vaccination?
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D
1. OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standard covers
a. All employees , regardless of occupation or workplace
b. All employees in jobs where occupational exposure to bloodborne
pathogens can be “reasonably anticipated”
c. Only employees who work in health care settings, such as hospitals or
d. Only employees who use needles on the job
2. Which of the following is a possible way for transmission of bloodborne
pathogens to occur?
a. A nursing assistant accidently punctures her thumb with a needle she
has just used on a patient.
b. A worker picking up broken glass from a dropped specimen jar
containing a potentially infectious material cuts his hand on a shard of
c. A laboratory worker accidentally splashes blood in her eye during a
preparation of a slide.
d. All of the above
3. Hepatitis B virus can survive in dried blood on a surface for at least one week.
a. True
b. False
4. Students can touch their own blood?
a. True
b. False
5. Which one is not a bloodborne pathogen?
a. Hepatitis B
b. HIV
c. Hepatitis C
d. Hepatitis A
6. Which of the following is a true statement concerning handwashing after
occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material?
a. The best practice is to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and
water after any potential exposure.
b. If your gloves are still intact when you remove them, there is no need
to wash your hands afterwards.
c. Strong abrasive soaps are most effective in removing contamination
from hands.
d. Using an antiseptic towelette is always an acceptable alternative to
washing your hands with soap and water.
7. In a workplace that uses “universal precautions” for infection control:
a. All employees are universally considered subject to the Bloodborne
Pathogens standard, regardless of whether they “reasonably
anticipate” facing contact with blood or other hazardous material at
their job.
b. All rooms are labeled with the universal biohazard label.
c. All blood and other potentially infectious materials are handled as if
they were known to be infectious.
d. All of the above